It's a 'movement' attempting to hurt Israel economically by encouraging pensions and other funds to divest from Israeli or Israeli-connected countries, encouraging individuals to boycott Israeli companies (Soda Stream, Sabra hummus - which, frankly is terrible quality, etc.) and encourage countries to sanction Israel for actions illegal under international law (which they themselves instigate and insist everyone else follow, but they of course are exempt). In short, it is a non-violent way to affect Israel where it hurts: $$
Everyone can decide for themselves whether that is worthy or support of not, but it is not just leftists - many choose to do those things without fanfare, and in fact, it HAS been made illegal in a number of US states, which is obviously unConstitutional as hell - as Americans we have the absolute right to buy -or not- from any company or country we so choose, as we choose. Like other things, people on the right tend to do things without fanfare or making a big deal about it. Seriously…Sabra is the worst hummus in the world! kek
Side question - were you in the livestream chat today? I watched but didn't know…
My philosophy is that any time is a good time for more covfefe :)
Fungus is a manically obsessive type, which is why I wondered. He just. can't. help. himself. or. resist.