!!Y5QggE1eXQ ID: 03f5c8 July 9, 2020, 8 a.m. No.2367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368



Excerpt on Plantir and NCMEC (which we already connected to HANK ASHER. and to Hillary&Co through ICMEC)


"Palantir has also been used to unravel child abuse and abduction cases. Palantir "gives us the ability to do the kind of link-and-pattern analysis we need to build cases, identify perpetrators, and rescue children," says Ernie Allen, CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The software recently helped NCMEC analysts link an attempted abduction with previous reports of the suspect to the center's separate cyber-tip line-and plot that activity on a map. "We did it within 30 seconds," Allen says. "It is absolutely a godsend for us.""




For side connections between NCMEC (ICMEC) MAYO and CLINTONS see post >>7456632 (search qresear.ch)


Other Ptech digs http://rigorousintuition.ca/board2/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=25015


Computerworld, "Feds turn up heat on high-tech industry links to al-Qaeda", 2002/12/06


"The company's client list reads like a who's who of the high-tech industry, including companies such as IBM, Booz Allen & Hamilton Inc., Motorola Inc., Sprint Corp. and The Mitre Corp."


MITRE/Nellie Orh/Halper


Marin Halper worked with Operation Crossfire Hurricane conspirator Nellie Ohr from 2002 to 2008, as the American Thinker‘s Clarice Feldman first reported. Marin Halper, identified by Feldman as Stefan Halper’s son, is a co-director of the strategic software company MITRE, according to Linkedin. Nellie Ohr admitted in her testimony that she worked for Mitre, which contracted with federal government clients, from 2000 to 2008 before joining the CIA.




Heinz, Acxiom and 9/11


"…Then how about its original name, Systematics? Now memories come flooding back of the PROMIS software scandal and those associated with it.



When Treasury forced Inslaw into bankruptcy (by withholding payments due Inslaw) ownership of the software wound up with a CIA cutout named the Hadron Corp. Hadron peddled the software to governments and financial institutions around the world, thus giving the CIA backdoor access to the secret information of a number of governments and banks.


…Acxiom/Alltel/Systematics is Arkansas billionaire Jackson Stephens. …


At Systematics, one of the lawyers Stephens hired to represent the company was a bright young attorney named Hillary Rodham. … Hillary, Vince Foster and Webster Hubbell …


Stephens was a financial angel to both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. … "




Major background on Jackson Stephens/Acxicom/Desperate etc *huge link much to read






FusionGPS is owned by Glenn Simpson. Glenn Simpson was married to Mary Jacoby, whose father was Jon Jacoby. Jon Jacoby was introduced to Jackson Stephens of Stephens Inc. (the founder of Systematics), who is reported to have invested @$400,000 in Systematics in return for 80% equity stake in the company.







!!Y5QggE1eXQ ID: 03f5c8 July 9, 2020, 8 a.m. No.2368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2369





(Excerpt - Read whole article)


In 1993, Clinton appointed Lippo Sr.VP John Huang as Assistant Deputy Secretary of the US Commerce Department. With only a perfunctory background check, Huang was given Top Security clearance, actually approved five months before he took office. Congressional probes later revealed that while installed at Commerce, Assistant Deputy Secretary Huang spent most afternoons at Stephens’ corporate offices, and was in constant contact with the Lippo Group, as well as with Chinese government officials.


Stephens’ Systematics, meanwhile, reportedly utilized a cutting edge computer program named PROMIS, secretly equipped with “back door control” ability, in IT management contracts with banks across the country. Systematics merged with telecom giant Alltel just before Clinton’s Presidency. Stephens data mining company, Acxiom, continued rolling in “sensitive” government contracts through the Clinton and George W administrations. Acxiom was the aggregator of US citizens’ private information for the Bush Defense Department’s Total Information Awareness (TIA) program, headed by John Poindexter, convicted of conspiracy in the ‘80s Iran/Contra scheme. In a 2005 government contract, Acxiom, along with Alltel/Systematics’ major vendor Qsent, and Choicepoint (which falsely disqualified tens of thousands of Florida Democrats in the 2000 Presidential election), merged extensive private information about 100 million US citizens. They illegally gave the data to the TSA, which then transferred it to IBM. The TSA explained it all as an unfortunate series of mistakes.


*** Note – In 1997, IBM joined with a small new firm named Ptech, to create the “Unified Modeling Language” UML as the common parlance for integrated software coding.


Ptech, though known by FBI Bin Laden Unit Chief (later whistleblower) Robert Wright to be headed by a major Al Qaeda financier, and funded by Stephens’ former BCCI colleagues, was placed in charge of software management at every critical US Government agency- Defense, State, Justice, Energy, Transportation, the White House itself.


Ptech and a quasi government entity named MITRE, utilized PROMIS software to create the FAA’s National Airspace System, in control of operations on 911.


Stephens’ Acxiom Board of Directors reflected his cultivated Democratic Party dealings. The Board included former Clinton Chief of Staff “Mack” McClarty, former NATO Commander(and one time Democratic candidate) Wesley Clark and former Lippo Sr Exec Stephen Patterson.


When the Democrats gained control of Congress in 2006, both Alltel and Acxiom joined in formation to unfurl their primary team colors.


Within the same week in ‘07, each was acquired by TPG/Newbridge Capital, co-chaired by US Senator Diane Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum.


Senator Feinstein (D-Ca) is in perfect position to be of service. She is Chair of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security, and member of the Appropriations Subcommittees for Defense and Intelligence.


The awful legacy of Jackson Stephens’ spectral empire, now controlled by his son Warren, seems secure.






This video is a compilation of Unisys videos directly from their own website, as well as testimony of Ptech whistleblower Indira Singh, along with the father of Enterprise Architecture, John Zachman–who in his own words warned about Ptech's innate ability to take full control over any and all systems, stating: "You would know where the access points are, you'd know how to get in, you would know where the weaknesses are, you'd know how to destroy it."



!!Y5QggE1eXQ ID: 03f5c8 July 9, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.2369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2370







The most critical computer and communication networks used by the U.S. government and military are secured by encryption software written by an Israeli "code breaker" tied to an Israeli state-run scientific institution.



The National Security Agency (NSA), the U.S. intelligence agency with the mandate to protect government and military computer networks and provide secure communications for all branches of the U.S. government uses security software written by an Israeli code breaker whose home office is located at the Weizmann Institute in Israel.



A Bedford, Massachusetts-based company called RSA Security, Inc. issued a press release on March 28, 2006, which revealed that the NSA would be using its security software:



"U.S. Department of Defense Agency Selects RSA Security Encryption Software" was the headline of the company's press release which announced that the National Security Agency had selected its encryption software to be used in the agency's "classified communications project."



RSA stands for the names of the founders of the company: Ronald L. Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard M. Adleman. Adi Shamir, the lead theoretician, is an Israeli citizen and a professor at the Weizmann Institute, a scientific institution tied to the Israeli defense establishment.



American Free Press has previously revealed that scores of "security software" companies ­ spawned and funded by the Mossad, the Israeli military intelligence agency ­ have proliferated in the United States. The "security" software products of many of these usually short-lived Israeli-run companies have been integrated into the computer products which are provided to the U.S. government by leading suppliers such as Unisys.



Unisys integrated Israeli security software, provided by the Israel-based Check Point Software Technologies and Eurekify, into its own software, so that Israeli software, written by Mossad-linked companies, now "secures" the most sensitive computers in the U.S. government and commercial sector.



The Mossad-spawned computer security firms typically have a main office based in the U.S. while their research and development is done in Israel. The Mossad start-up firms usually have short lives before they are acquired for exaggerated sums of money by a larger company, enriching their Israeli owners in the process and integrating the Israeli directors and their Mossad-produced software into the parent company.



RSA, for example, an older security software company, acquired an Israeli-run security software company, named Cyota, at the end of 2005 for $145 million.




In June 2005, Yoran joined the board of directors of Guardium, Inc., another Mossad-spawned "provider of database security solutions" based in Waltham, Massachusetts.



Guardium is linked with Ptech, an apparent Mossad "cut out" computer security company linked with the 9/11 attacks.



Ptech, a computer software company in Quincy, Mass., was supposedly a small start-up company founded by a Lebanese Muslim and funded by a Saudi millionaire. Yet Ptech's clients included all the key federal governmental agencies, including the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Naval Air Command, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, NATO, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service and even the White House.



The marketing manager at Ptech, Inc. when the company started in the mid-1990s, however, was not a Muslim or an Arab, but an American Jewish lawyer named Michael S. Goff who had suddenly quit his law firm for no apparent reason and joined the Arab-run start-up company.



!!Y5QggE1eXQ ID: 03f5c8 July 9, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.2370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2371



"Stephens’ Systematics, meanwhile, reportedly utilized a cutting edge computer program named PROMIS, secretly equipped with “back door control” ability, in IT management contracts with banks across the country.


Systematics merged with telecom giant Alltel just before Clinton’s Presidency. Stephens data mining company, Acxiom, continued rolling in “sensitive” government contracts through the Clinton and George W administrations.


Acxiom was the aggregator of US citizens’ private information for the Bush Defense Department’s Total Information Awareness (TIA) program, headed by John Poindexter, convicted of conspiracy in the ‘80s Iran/Contra scheme.


In a 2005 government contract, Acxiom, along with Alltel/Systematics’ major vendor Qsent, and Choicepoint (which falsely disqualified tens of thousands of Florida Democrats in the 2000 Presidential election), merged extensive private information about 100 million US citizens. They illegally gave the data to the TSA, which then transferred it to IBM. The TSA explained it all as an unfortunate series of mistakes. "






Stephens’ BCCI incursion, and his other ventures were represented by Hillary Clinton and her Arkansas law firm partners Vince Foster (later White House Counsel before death by reported suicide), and Webster Hubbell (later #3 in the US Justice Department before serving 20 months on multiple fraud convictions).


While Clinton was Arkansas Governor, Stephens’ billionaire buddies, the Riadys, bonded with Bill and Hillary through their global conglomerate (and Chinese government partner), the Lippo Group. James Riady moved to Little Rock to be closer to his new friends.


In 1983, the Riadys launched their first business venture in Arkansas: The Lippo Finance & Investment Inc. The following year, Lippo ,and everyone’s friend Jackson Stephens partnered to buy control of Arkansas’ Worthen Bank Corp. In 1991, a $2.5 million Worthen loan (never repaid), would rescue Clinton’s Presidential campaign.


Hillary and her law partners naturally handled Worthen, and other China-partnered Lippo matters as well.


In 1985, Worthen Bank was indicted for extending several million dollars' worth of illegal, preferential loans to companies owned by the Riadys and Stephens.




>>6756827, >>6756928 , >>6756863, >>6757211 , >>6757444 Renegade in France Digs (pb&n)


Some moar connections from digging on the owner of the French Farm where Hussein is staying


The owner is Eric VARVEL. Somebody listed him as one of 9 wealthiest missionary mormors, including Romney, Huntsman and others


"BTW,the imbed link in the article to his forbes bio is 404d so what are they hiding.


Credit Suisse., along with China International Capital Corporation , also known as CICC. were just picked by Alibaba, who has bigger sales than Amazon, Walmart and ebay combined to lead a Hong Kong share sale.


A key player at CICC is David Bonderman. David Bonderman is an American billionaire businessman out of Texas. He started at Keystone Capital, formerly the Bass Group.. He is the founding partner of TPG Capital (formerly Texas Pacific Group), and its Asian affiliate, Newbridge Capital. Newbridge capital is Mr. Diane Feinstein, Richard Blum's group


Bonderman sits on BOD of Blum's American Himalayan charity.


Bonderman is also one of the minority owners of the NBA's Boston Celtics as well as the co-founder and co-majority owner (along with Jerry Bruckheimer) of the future National Hockey League team in Seattle.


Bonderman's wife is an interesting character, too Her name is a philanthropist who works with a number of chaities, one of which is SEARCH FOR COMMON GROUND, which is supported by Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal,




www.thereturnedmissionary.com/9-wealthiest-influential-lds-returned-missionaries-ever/ https://www.forbes.com/profile/eric-varvel/#51dc5980424b https://www.nasdaq.com/article/credit-suisse-gets-closer-to-real-alibaba-trophy-20190612-00018 https://philanthropyforum.org/people/laurie-michaels/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bonderman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_International_Capital_Corporation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alibaba_Group whttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_for_Common_Ground


anyway, this pair are into a lot of cabal stuff…connections to Alwaleed, Blum, china, Charities, Seattle, Himalayas, Hussein, Clintons. wineries, Keystone, Newbridge, children's foundations, banks, Alibaba shipping, texas, California, etc. "

!!Y5QggE1eXQ ID: 03f5c8 July 9, 2020, 8:01 a.m. No.2371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2372





NSO Grp (Israeli Spy Tech) + Cyprus/UK + DiFi/Richard Blum


New Stories + Old Stories = Seem to "Circle Back Around" to connect to familiar names.


Current story linked by Drudge:


(Feb 10, 2019)


AP Exclusive: Undercover spy exposed in NYC was 1 of many.




Key Locations in article:


  • Tel Aviv


  • Toronto


  • London


  • New York


  • Cyprus




Lawsuits by multiple plaintiffs (for rights & privacy violations) are being brought against [NSO Group Technologies] = An Israeli company that makes "Spy Tech".


Appears there are [Mysterious Operators] trying to (Set-Up Meetings) with key individuals who represent the plaintiffs suing [NSO] = so as to get information about the cases.


A suspicious plaintiff had an AP reporter "crash" his NYC meeting with one of those [Mysterious Operators]. Turns out the [Mysterious Operator] was a "Former Israeli Intelligence" operator.




(Also Mexico)


Previous Relevant Story about [NSO Group Technologies]:


(Reuters - Jun 19, 2017)


Activists and journalists in Mexico complain of government spying.




Activists and journalists in Mexico were spied on by Mexican Gov with software known as (Pegasus) sold to Mexico by [NSO Grp].




(Two Interdasting Connections)


1: [NSO] Spying Cases - Have a distinct [FVEY's] connection. Look at locations, and one lawsuit in particular - it's based in Cyprus (old UK GCHQ Spy Hub).


Plus Mexico connection.


2: And, Would you believe connections circle back around all the way to [Richard Blum] - (DiFi's Hubby)?


  • [NSO] Owned by > [Francisco Partners] (based in San Francisco and London)


  • [Francisco Partners] - Founded by: (David Stanton) & (Dipanjan Deb - current CEO)


  • (David Stanton) & (Dipanjan Deb) were both Senior Executives with [TPG] (Texas Pacific Group - in 1990's) before founding [Francisco Partners].


  • Also (1990's) - [Richard Blum] of (Blum Capital) & (Newbridge Capital) = (Newbridge and TPG Asia funds) Senior Executive / Power Player.


→ Following "The Trail" from its Origins:


[Richard Blum & DiFi][David Stanton & Dipanjan Deb] [Francisco Partners] & [NSO] Israeli Spying > [FVEY's] Spy Web & Mexico Spying.























!!Y5QggE1eXQ ID: 03f5c8 July 9, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.2372   🗄️.is 🔗kun



@elonmusk says Ghislaine photobombed him at a vanity fair party.


Vanity fair is owned by Conde Nast


Conde Nast is owned by Advance Publications/ Billionaire Donald Newhouse


Advance Publications is the majority shareholder for Reddit






Reddit is run by pedos!








Vanity fair is owned by Conde Nast


Conde Nast is owned by Advance Publications/ Billionaire Donald Newhouse


Leigh Alexander spear headed gamergate


Reddit acquired by conde nast



!!Y5QggE1eXQ ID: 03f5c8 July 9, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.2392   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Ghislaine Maxwell 'secretly operated one of the most powerful Reddit accounts of all time' and 'posted about everything from Trump to the legalization of child porn' - before the thread fell silent after 14 years when she was arrested












Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s Company ‘TerraMar’ Tied to Clintons and Rothschilds




Prince Andrew is spotted for the first time since Ghislaine Maxwell's arrest as Attorney General Bill Barr confirms Epstein prosecutors 'definitely' want to speak to him




Ghislaine Maxwell’s bedsheets, clothes taken by feds to prevent suicide






Dig on Jean Pigozzi


He is famous for pool parties with celebrates and young woman at his Villa Dorane, in Cap d’Antibes, France and "celebrity with himself" selfies.




Bottom pic says "Hawaiian Tropic models"






Jean "Johnny" Pigozzi (born 1952), heir to the CEO of the automobile brand Simca, is an art collector(mainly African and Japanese), photographer, fashion designer.


Island he owns…called Simca


Simca Island. The property is also home to the Liquid Jungle Lab, a research station established by Pigozzi and used by scientists from institutions like the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. Projects include taking unusually detailed measurements of underwater currents. “If we can anticipate these tidal movements, we can eventually use machines to make electricity, or predict weather patterns.


It is a sight—or the absence of a sight—that even the most seasoned travelers may never experience. It results from Pigozzi’s foresight, mixed with large doses of chutzpah, in buying 18 miles of Pacific coastline, plus the mountainous island on which he built his house, near Panama’s Bahía Honda region, and arranging the other buildings he needed so that none would be visible from his aerie. “Everything you see,” he says, “I own.”






The Liquid Jungle Lab was founded in 2003 by Jean Pigozzi so scientists and students from around the world could study the sea and land in this amazing area in Panama. Jean’s motto is “bringing hi-tech to conservation”.




  1. Jean Pigozzi, art collector and close associate of the Rothschild




Patrick McMullan Archives


NEW YORK CITY, NY - MARCH 13: Jean Pigozzi and Peggy Siegal attend Hamish Bowles, Ghislaine Maxwell and Lillian von Stauffenberg dinner for ALLEGRA HICKS at Home of Ghislaine Maxwell on March 13, 2007 in New York City. (Photo by Patrick McMullan/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images)


In 2006, he also started the JaPigozzi Collection of contemporary Japanese art (japigozzi.com) by young Japanese artists


Pic of bondage here..That artist is into bondage if you click on pic..




Jean Pigozzi Lord Rothschild and Nat Rothschild


Pic of them here(can't upload it)




‘Abusive’ Jean Pigozzi fired me for confronting him about tax fraud: ex-manager May 2, 2019


By March 2018, a fed-up Sung, who for the past year had started to see patterns of possible tax evasion by Pigozzi, confronted him in an email and was fired the next day, the court papers allege.


Sung, who was being paid $225,000 a year at the time, alleges that Pigozzi set up “shell businesses,” to cheat his taxes on New York companies, according to the court papers.

