This essentially implies that Biden will get in, despite all the lies. We voted Trump because we saw through the lies, and liked what he stood for. I find it hard to trust anything anymore, and maybe that is good, but it's still a massive blackpill. The brainwashed masses will continue to fight for evil regardless, it seems, as they are glued to big tech and eat up the MSM's narratives. As for our side, many are fed up. Many itch to take matters into their own hands, but that is unlawful. Unfortunately, the government has proven itself to not follow laws, and congress and senate seem to be a puppet show more than anything else, so who are they to enforce laws on the masses when they don't follow them themselves? To make matters worse, the opposition takes advantage of this via false flags.
As much as I'd like to think that people are more awake than ever, it appears as though we are still heading in a very dangerous direction of tyranny, censorship, and technology is accelerating the power of tyranny (as China shows).
Seriously, I get that all of this was to wake people up, but those in power are evil and do not care, and those beneath them lack the power to do anything about it due to being on a tight leash.
I feel as though we are just stuck in a hall of mirrors nightmare due to corporate monopolization of tech and glow in the dark media. These glowing entities are the real shadow government.