'Cause it's comfy. Watching your grammar/punctuation is pretty easy. Takes all of maybe an extra ten seconds.
Cool, have fun. I'm gonna masturbate to some good ol' loli smut and laugh at you for wasting your time.
>Cancel culture
The only cancel culture is shutting down /pol/fags, and 3DPD.
History of 8/a/ since apparently /animu/ can't even remember things properly.
>Some tranny janny
>Gets cucked by Claud
>Claud says fuck it
>Passes hands a couple times
>Ends up with Tenicu
>Been run by Tenicu since
/a/ has not had trannies since like 2015. It falls under 3DPD of the worst variety.
/a/ is going strong though. We're just not on 8chan. We're still regularly getting 1000+ post threads in the form of the cafe (you'd have to search it in the catalog, the +50 feature is your friend) and r/a/dio just had a successful Christmas and New Years stream. There's even a writefag contest taking place and there's been a couple drawfags. Each new season things pick up and each end of season things look a little dead. Honestly dealing with the cuckchan trash that recently got linked to us by some shitposter has been a far larger problem, though most of them fucked off and the few that stayed followed the old adage of LURK MORE.