So you want to host a stream
>I have great internet
get a webserver, make anime episodes publicly accessible ie.
copy url to cytube (host a cytube clone yourself if you want full control)
alternatively, set up and copy the rtmp url (rtmp:// to cytube then set up obs as below
+full control over episode distribution
+can't be censored
+don't have to worry about files being deleted
+don't have to use google
+clients don't need to setup anything
-need good internet (per client its around 300 kB/s)
-will stutter if you get too many clients
-will probably lag for people not geographically near you
>I have good internet
find streaming host (I've used for a while, it's okay most of the time)
set up OBS (classic) to point at mpc with window capture
set mpc to remember size and position so you can drag it around and when the aspect ratio changes it won't break
press "start streaming"
+if anything goes wrong you can just press "stop streaming" and fix it
+full control over episode distribution
+don't have to worry about files being deleted
+clients don't need to setup anything
-can be shut down (most streaming services won't allow you to stream anime)
-can be censored (can't say nigger on vaughn for example)
-may attract unwanted attention (normalfags popping in from the site)
-may stutter depending on server availability
-your internet might suck some days
-can't do anything else with your pc
>I don't have good internet
make cytube channel
convert video to h264 (yuv420p)/aac if necessary + hardsubs (softsubs will work too but not idiotproof)
<hardsubs (burn in subtitles), use hw encoding / for sw encoding
ffmpeg -i video -vf subtitles=video -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slow -cq 26 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -ac 2 video_out.mp4
<softsubs (create separate subtitle file and let the player overlay it, loses style info, might not always work specifically with heavily stylized subs (op/ed karaoke))
(also using hardware encoding to convert to h264/aac)
ffmpeg -i video -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:v h264_nvenc -preset slow -cq 26 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -ac 2 video_out.mp4ffmpeg -i video subs.vtt
upload to google drive
(softsub specific) after uploading right click on file then click "add captions" then pick the .vtt file ffmpeg spits out
wait for google to finish processing the video
right click on file, go to "get shareable link", pick "anybody with link can view" (might be in a submenu)
(I use this for the google drive stuff, a lot more convenient.)
copy link to cytube
+stream can run indepently of you, if you get a BSOD or internet/power cuts out it'll still run for everyone else
+can still use computer
-google might eventually crack down on you
-have to convert and upload episodes beforehand
-if you don't have a good gpu conversion takes a long time (50 min/episode)
-cytube interface is kind of clunky
-have to use cytube's google userscript and disable privacy badger / ghostery / other browser plugins
-softsubs as mentioned will not always work. ffmpeg sometimes gives out of bounds subtitles or just a bunch of numbers or \h's