>feel empty inside
>wonder if religion can help fill that void
>zero faith in the modern christian, catholicuck religions of today
>not nordic so looking up Norse Paganism feels kinda weird
>since I'm Scottish I look up Celtic Paganism
>wade through the LARPy Wiccan faggotry
>read about how bro-tier the Gods were and how their outlook was basically:
>"treat someone well, but if they fuck with you or your countrymen then make your revenge on them threefold"
>actually feels great studying this stuff even though I've always hated studying
>decide to look up and see if I wasn't the only one interested in this stuff
>turns out "Celtic Pagan Reconstructionism" is a thing
>over the fucking moon
>"finally, the place for m- oh fuck no"
>it's tumblr buzzword bullshit LARP faggotry
>no doubt they saw an image of a Triquetra and decided to research it
>saw that Wiccanry was "too mainstream"
>thought they'd call themselves Pagan to be "fresher, cooler and even more special"
>only following parts they want to and ignoring the parts that go against there identity politics
>"Maybe I'm being to cynical, perhaps they just don't know any better?"
>decide to message these folk and correct their hypocracy and blatant lies
>"Fuck off racist I don't care! You're blocked!"
Now I plan on starting my own site soon with proper information free of political bullshit.
So if there are any Celts on this board, or in general curious and helpful folk, I would appreciate any help in gathering info and recontructing this religion to it's former glory.
Hell if one of you have started something I would love to help with it