In related thread >5040 we decided that, to truly establish our faith in a way that it can compete with the Semitic ones, we should compose a book made up from all of the most spiritually important parts of Germanic history. It should weave together history, worldview, myth and conduct into one book. What we are proposing is not a mere intro guide to Asatru but a massive tome, taking up every little piece of lore we can find.
We are not proposing that this become our sacred text to be forced into every temple nor do we claim it to be a Heathen Bible. It will simply be the recorded myths and history of the Germanic tribes, something that can easily be made into a standardized book that can be widely distributed. We have also proposed that art be included in the pages, if any drawfags would be willing to help
Texts that are proposed to be added
Prose Edda (needs editing)
Poetic Edda
Song of the Sun (needs editing)
Jomviking Saga
Parts of the Nibelungenleid
Select quotes from Tactitus Germania
Niflung Saga
Select stories from the Brothers Grimm, can be edited to have more Heathen tone
Collection of folk songs and war chants
The Berg Dwellers Song
The Dream of the Rood (should be edited to have heathen imagery)
Pow-Wow medicine [not Indjun pow-wow, I mean the stuff used by amish] (needs to be edited for heathen use)
The Rune Poems (Anglo saxon, Icelandic and Nordic)
Pages to illustrate the runes and explain some of their deeper meanings
Collections of prayers, songs and chants
Rules regarding shrines
Volsung Saga
Song of Roland
History of the Goths (and as many other tribes as we can include, of course it will have to be edited down)
If anyone can think of more books or sources to use, please post suggestions. Debate about what books should be included. Edit the more Christian ones without detracting from their original tone.
This is a big project I'm proposing but something I think could really do a lot of good for the Asatru community in terms of spreading the old ways and educating the faithful
Any other suggestions on what to do will be appreciated
>tl;dr dump your lore here, anything you find no matter how obscure