Let's talk with Jim-san

1 : この英語も相当ひどいので気にしないでくれ! : 2004/05/02 (土) 02:52:00
Let's talk with Jim-san , who is the manager of bbspink.com.
If you can write your questions or some other things in English,
please write them in English.

Since Jim-san is very kind,
so that in case you get spelling error,
or write in incorrect grammar,
he will be able to understand what you want to say.

Those who cannot understand English may write them in Japanese.
Accommodating persons will translate for you.



2 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/02 (土) 03:31:00
3 : 1 : 2004/05/02 (土) 04:27:00
you got 2
Do you have any questions?

*Pronunciation of 'death' is the same as 'desu '.in Japanese.
4 : 1 [sage] : 2004/05/02 (土) 04:31:00
sorry, I bumped up this thread.
5 : 2 : 2004/05/02 (土) 05:14:00
I guess... I had some question, but they have been forgotten. m--

It may be OK. :-)
At this BBS, "sage" is not the way of sage. ^-^b⌒☆
6 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/02 (土) 08:01:00
7 : ◆OOPn6vCY [sage] : 2004/05/02 (土) 15:35:00
8 : Jim : 2004/05/03 (日) 06:24:00
Death and Desu are not same sound.
TH and S definately different
9 : Jim [Boston] : 2004/05/03 (日) 06:29:00
We will have a grand contest soon, to find the prettiest and most fantastic
ladies on the boards. These girls will have an opportunity to become extremely famous.
10 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/03 (日) 06:30:00
No.6 said that:
Jim-san need to know how to make his ' trip '

No.7 is me.
I said ' then I am going to tell him '
11 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/04 (月) 08:00:00
Forgot your trip?

I always thank you for holding bbspink.
Would you or someone gentle tell me what Cucumber Dance is?
Describing by AA could be understandable.
13 : pinkななしさん : 2004/05/06 (水) 01:55:00
Thank you! I very much like this cucumber-in-the-nose dance.
      (;´π`)ノ )) サバがアクセク
   ((/(鯖へ) ))
    (( く

      ヽ(´π`;)ノ )) ルータがアタフタ、
    (( (へ鯖)
         > ))

       (;´π`)>  きゅうり踊りダヨ〜。
    ((<( 鯖 )へ ))
      (( く

Jim-san doing this...(*´Д`*)ハァハァ
Well, what do you say ハアハア in English?
14 : ◆7QkQf8Ys [//www.2ch2.net/bbs/trim.cgi?n=7QkQf8Ys] : 2004/05/06 (水) 06:04:00
super cute cucumber clown!
15 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/06 (水) 06:55:00
13 名前: pinkななしさん 投稿日: 04/05/06 10:55
Thank you! I very much like this cucumber-in-the-nose dance.
      (;´π`)ノ )) サバがアクセク
   ((/(鯖へ) )) The server is flustered.
    (( く

      ヽ(´π`;)ノ )) ルータがアタフタ、
    (( (へ鯖) The router is flurried.
         > ))

       (;´π`)>  きゅうり踊りダヨ〜。
    ((<( 鯖 )へ )) I can only dance the cucumber dance.
      (( く

Jim-san doing this...(*´Д`*)ハァハァ
Well, what do you say ハアハア in English?
16 : ◆cZL1R1R. [//www.2ch2.net/bbs/trim.cgi?n=cZL1R1R.] : 2004/05/06 (水) 19:15:00
Jim-san needs to study Japanese. :-)
17 : ◆7QkQf8Ys [//www.2ch2.net/bbs/trim.cgi?n=7QkQf8Ys] : 2004/05/07 (木) 05:46:00
yes I did cucumber dance 15 hours today...;)
18 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/07 (木) 06:35:00
19 : ◆MUMUMU4w [sage] : 2004/05/07 (木) 20:26:00
Your cucumber dance is so much effective.
All 2ch users, including me, thank for your great work.

BTW, 2ch users are called 'Ni-channeler' in Japan.
So, I am also one of Ni-channers.
20 : ◆MUMUMU4w [sage] : 2004/05/07 (木) 20:31:00
Oh, just I did mistake typing.

'Ni-channers' is wrong, 'Ni-channelers' is correct. Sumimasen.
21 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/10 (日) 07:02:00
Thank you for your good transalation.
Thank you for your hard cucumber dance.

79-san, are you here?
I would like "Let's do the cucumber dance with Jim-san" movie
as one of the contents of the bbspink-book DVD!
22 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/10 (日) 07:09:00
↑ I mean if only Jim-san says yes....
23 : ◆OOPn6vCY [sage] : 2004/05/10 (日) 12:55:00
I cannot imagine how it is , the real 'cucumber dance ' (^ ^ ;
but I am going to ask Jim-san.

what kind of music can you imagine? (^ ^ ;
24 : ◆7QkQf8Ys [//www.2ch2.net/bbs/trim.cgi?n=7QkQf8Ys] : 2004/05/10 (日) 14:16:00
Linkin Park has a song I like that would be good.
One Step Closer

"I can't take this anymore.
Saying everything I said before.
All these words they make no sense.
I've found bliss in ignorance.
The less I hear the less you say.
You'll find that out anyway.
Everything you say to me takes me takes me one step closer the edge,
and I'm about to break."
It is rough hard rock and roll, and the words are somewhat appropriate.
25 : ◆OOPn6vCY [sage] : 2004/05/11 (月) 09:23:00
Linkin Park is also famous as their geeky but cool melody.
26 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/13 (水) 06:46:00
Sounds wonderful!
Now, who will be a dancer or a coleographer?

...KABA.-chan, for instance?
27 : ◆7QkQf8Ys [//www.2ch2.net/bbs/trim.cgi?n=7QkQf8Ys] : 2004/05/16 (土) 00:14:00
Soon there will be reboot girls, they will be the dancers and coreographers.
28 : 翻訳してあげます [sage] : 2004/05/18 (月) 04:42:00
リブートガール(reboot girls)という人たちが

To Jim-san:
↑This is just a translation of Jim-san's posting.

29 : pinkななしさん : 2004/05/23 (土) 09:10:00
I can't see any reboot girls...
ヽ(`Д´)ノ ウワァァァン

Are they like Spice Girls or something?
30 : ◆7QkQf8Ys [//www.2ch2.net/bbs/trim.cgi?n=7QkQf8Ys] : 2004/05/24 (日) 04:27:00
Better than spice girls. We started interviewing today.
We will find the right technically savvy and super cute girls for
the job.
31 : Esmeralda [sage] : 2004/05/24 (日) 15:50:00
I can not see WEBCAM at PIE.
I hope to exchange to QT or WMP WEBCAM, Please.
32 : pinkななしさん : 2004/05/24 (日) 17:45:00
cobra2246 is down!
please reboot for cobra2246.
33 : pinkななしさん [sage] : 2004/05/24 (日) 18:23:00
34 : ◆7QkQf8Ys [//www.2ch2.net/bbs/trim.cgi?n=7QkQf8Ys] : 2004/05/25 (月) 01:47:00
Cobra2246 was rebooted. Webcam will change in June.
Looking forward to new webcam system in place.
35 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/10 (水) 12:44:00 ID: V/yWKPmR
35 名前:79 ◆OOPn6vCY[sage] 投稿日:04/05/27 18:20
To everyone;
This bbbs will be soon replaced to bbspink contents.
Thank you Jim san and Satoru.

36 名前:pinkななしさん[sage] 投稿日:04/05/28 17:11
I will wait for your notice.

Jim-san, you are always our hero. Thank you very much!

37 名前:79 ◆OOPn6vCY[sage] 投稿日:04/05/28 21:15
Sorry, I have to apologize to you,
butI really have no time to do now,
I am crazily busy now, cannot go home, cannot sleep.

Next deadline is June 2th, so after that, I will be able to do
something, we will be able to go to the next step.
So would you please wait for a while?
36 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/10 (水) 12:45:00 ID: V/yWKPmR
38 名前:pinkななしさん[sage] 投稿日:04/06/01 15:23
Mou man tai!
Please take good care of yourself.

39 名前:pinkななしさん[sage] 投稿日:04/06/02 21:34
The image of Jim in my brain.
sunglass, sigar, and bighearted
The truth has appeared in 2ch+ volume7.

         (?∀?-) HAHAHAHA
       ~~-m i  J
      .   し' `J

  ヽ(;´Д`)ノ ttp://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1084429098/577    ∧ ∧
    (    )                Let's attempt to look forward to Jim.  (´∀` )
    く   >                                       .と ひ つ
                                                し' `J
            (-?∀?) hehehehe
          ~~-m i  J  no problem. I am black hat today.
         .   し' `J

40 名前:pinkななしさん[sage] 投稿日:04/06/02 21:46
BBS_UNICODE=change   _| ̄|○
s/?/& #9600;/g

37 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/11 (木) 01:37:00 ID: c1NnEiIM
Will Jim-san come to bbspink?
I long for him.
38 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/11 (木) 06:40:00 ID: +BgikniW
He will be back soon.(・∀・)
39 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/11 (木) 07:04:00 ID: Nwzr6xb5
These are things from the old board, that I really liked, and want to save.
It makes me very happy to see them.
40 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/11 (木) 07:05:00 ID: Nwzr6xb5
39 名前:pinkななしさん 投稿日:04/06/02 21:34
The image of Jim in my brain.
sunglass, sigar, and bighearted
The truth has appeared in 2ch+ volume7.

         (?∀?-) HAHAHAHA
       ~~-m i  J
      .   し' `J

  ヽ(;´Д`)ノ ttp://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1084429098/577    ∧ ∧
    (    )                Let's attempt to look forward to Jim.  (´∀` )
    く   >                                       .と ひ つ
                                                し' `J
            (-?∀?) hehehehe
          ~~-m i  J  no problem. I am black hat today.
         .   し' `J

40 名前:pinkななしさん 投稿日:04/06/02 21:46
BBS_UNICODE=change   _| ̄|○
s/?/& #9600;/g
41 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/11 (木) 07:09:00 ID: c1NnEiIM
Thank you for your quick response, 79-san!
I am so happy to hear that.
42 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/11 (木) 07:15:00 ID: c1NnEiIM
Wow, Jim-san is here! Hello, Jim-san!
Do you think the AA(saying hehehe) is very much like you?
43 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/11 (木) 07:23:00 ID: Nwzr6xb5
hehehehehe, it is so funny, I am always laughing like that.
It is better to laugh than cry. Did you see your Handle translated at
babelfish? It is so funny translated to english. Please tell me
the real meaning.
44 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/12 (金) 15:01:00 ID: d8keoEWh
There is no name @ the stomach fullest capacity.

Yes, it is so funny!
But it is not my own handle. I think Hiroyuki got the idea when he ate enough.
The handle "名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。(nanashi-san @ onaka ippai)"
is automatically shown at 2-Channel.
2-Channel, also bbspink, is an anonymous bbs, and we usually do not use
handle names, so there are many no-namers.

Now some are talking about the name of no name(nanashi) at this board.
Do you have any ideas?
45 : no name and the stomach fullness [sage] : 2004/06/13 (土) 05:29:00 ID: FT/7RxYO
It attempts to make English temporarily.
46 : To California with love [sage] : 2004/06/14 (日) 09:21:00 ID: odABpSK4
I hope Jim-san is enjoying his weekend....
47 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/14 (日) 16:46:00 ID: vsxMGNor
I hope, too
48 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/14 (日) 21:46:00 ID: EHxiISKD
I hade a great week-end. I went to a Chinese dragon boat party. Very interesting.
49 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/15 (月) 04:37:00 ID: VSH2PqUc
What a cool party! Jim-san rowing a dragon boat..GREAT!

I am afraid 79-san is working 24/7.
I hope you also had a nice and refreshing weekend.
50 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/15 (月) 06:06:00 ID: EHxiISKD
Not rowing the boat, just drinking eating and dancing with all the pretty
Chinese girls.
51 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/15 (月) 07:31:00 ID: mxQQ0rN6
It is said that english menu of Chinese restaurant is hard to read,
because name of the dishes sounds all similarly.
e.g char siu, chow mein, chop suey, etc.
Do you agree?
52 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/15 (月) 09:03:00 ID: VSH2PqUc
That is what we call "Dolce Vita" or "Liquer pond, meat forest".
53 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/15 (月) 16:46:00 ID: eqVcHbFo
Meat forest. What kind of meat is that? Bear meat?
54 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/16 (火) 12:18:00 ID: 4/x49mMF
to Jim-san

I think that it means that 'Sumptuous feast'
Many beautiful women, lots of dishes, lots of alcoholic beverage.
55 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/17 (水) 00:51:00 ID: /3zkou+m
It is said that the Chinese eat everthing four-legged but a desk.
Any kind of meat they eat.

Now Jim-san's leg is very famous for being hooked on a cable.(-_-;
56 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/17 (水) 02:30:00 ID: MnR3K7lT
57 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/17 (水) 04:42:00 ID: Q0fhwXuE
Yes that is the problem, I am easily tripped, but not easy to fall.
59 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/18 (木) 01:23:00 ID: popMqus0
We can not live without 2-channel.
That is to say we can not live without Jim-san.
60 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/18 (木) 05:52:00 ID: c1h2cDz2
Not closed just Management card failure on the core router. We were right back
up after replacing it. The last six months we are still over 99% uptime. It was just
short downtime replacing the bad card. Soon the second core router will
go live and make us even more redundant, so we can be even more than 99% up...:)
Sorry to hear about her crying. Pretty girls should laugh, smile and dance, not cry...:)
61 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/19 (金) 09:04:00 ID: hf+r90xy
Thank you Jim-san!
Pretty girls and ugly boys are now enjoying 2ch.
62 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/19 (金) 17:03:00 ID: MXwO2rxZ
my boss was a theater audience this weekend.
he knows a lot about Japanese ERO and counter-cultural things.
63 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/20 (土) 02:05:00 ID: 8qSsxjtU
That sounds interesting, is there some innuendo in that? I am interested in
knowing the play your boss saw.
64 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/21 (日) 09:07:00 ID: +Aigeruc
Yes, 79-san's boss must be an intersting person.

I feel that the Japanese traditional play like Kabuki has
some kind of eroticism, and even a Chinese dragon boat
party, which sounds like an ancient Roman festival,
seems so erotic to me.
That is a bbs-pinkish point of view, maybe.
65 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/21 (日) 12:49:00 ID: LgGIsHs6
Did you ever see the movie Caligula? That is a very erotic Roman movie.
How about the greeks? They must have been so erotic. This board
gets its name from Eros the greek god. His Roman name was Cupid.
Cupid is usually used in cute situations, but Eros is almost always erotic.
in fact the word erotic roots are Eros. Are there any Japanese counterparts
to Eros?
67 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/21 (日) 14:23:00 ID: E+m5JmpR
I can't speak English.
68 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/21 (日) 14:27:00 ID: +PBQIm9P
Maybe someone will translate for you.>>67
69 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/21 (日) 22:58:00 ID: CWosSCpF


70 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/22 (月) 02:54:00 ID: wdYTYYzx
You read my mind! I was actually thinking about Caligula.
Many men and women, a lot of feast, so much wine.....
It was too erotic for a high sch*$''?%dent to forget after years.

Cute Cupid and erotic Eros are interesting.
I think the Japanese word Iro means eros.
They are similar in meaning and pronunciation.
71 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/22 (月) 16:43:00 ID: +DgOGy3/
Anyway, I must explain about Jim-san for whom doesn't know him.
Jim-san is a manager of BBSPINK.COM.
He is at the same position as Hiroyuki-san in 2ch.


I'm wondering if my explanations make sence because of my limited English,
If you have some questions, let's ask Jim-san or 79, me.

72 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/23 (火) 19:33:00 ID: Cc75lEmh
Cupid is not as cute as he was evil. He made people fall in love
and many times these matches were wrong and painful for the souls involved.
Eros is much more fun and erotic, he was portrayed as clumsy and actually shot
himself in his own foot with his arrow and that forced him to fall in love
with himself.
74 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/24 (水) 16:53:00 ID: pVP2qELn
The information about the movie about 'Caligula'
is here.
http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_c.php?num_c=4803 ← Japanese site I am afraid > Jim-san

When you google the word 'Caligula' on Japanese sites only,
there comes a SM club in Sendai-city, where is the Japanese biggest city in northeast.
My mother's home town.
75 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/24 (水) 18:02:00 ID: DifFuIcO
I have heard that Sendai-city is a really nice place to visit.
Maybe next time I am in Japan it would be fun to see Sendai-city.
76 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/25 (木) 06:01:00 ID: EN5tWmyO
this thread has been stopped. ; ) NIYARI
77 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/25 (木) 10:20:00 ID: E3KRvz6z
Thank you for noticing.
For me, this is the first time to see Thread Stopper.

When you go to Sendai, never forget to try Gyu-tan.
78 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/25 (木) 15:09:00 ID: OmiULhah
Gyu-tan stands for ox tongue.
79 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/25 (木) 15:41:00 ID: 7ecL/6uo
Ox tongue sounds great, fried, or raw?
80 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/25 (木) 15:48:00 ID: OmiULhah
81 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/25 (木) 16:01:00 ID: lz8trjiU
What is the biggest ants in the world?
82 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 : 2004/06/25 (木) 22:46:00 ID: MU12o0Lm
net ants...;)
83 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 : 2004/06/26 (金) 01:26:00 ID: i3Iv2M47
Forgive me if I'm on wrong board or thread.
I have some questions about new board installation in bbspink.

Is it possible for you to make new board in bbspink?
And if it possible, How can we ask you that?

On GAY board in 2ch, some people wants new board in bbspink.

Thak you.
84 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/26 (金) 04:06:00 ID: 7ecL/6uo
I would like that too, there is definately a need for it.
at this moment we are looking for ways to put new servers on.
I think it is important to get bbspink げんき I am open for ideas
on how to buy another server for a new exciting board for Gays.
85 : 83 [sage] : 2004/06/26 (金) 06:25:00 ID: IhQyh2W3
I'm very glad to hear that!
May you get new servers and get bbspink げんき!
86 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/26 (金) 11:33:00 ID: l5UmLnSA
This is gay pride week here in the USA and there will be a big gay street
party in my neighborhood tomorrow night.
Any it will be fun I am not gay but I will go too, don't want to miss the fun.
Please think of some nice things that could be advertised on a the gay board
so that we can pay for it.
87 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/26 (金) 15:15:00 ID: CDTdeHbV

What does the word the 'net ant' mean?
You can write that in Japanese. Someone will translate for you.


88 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/26 (金) 15:32:00 ID: Y+314Pf0 🧦
I think that can not understand in Japanese.

Because an answer is 'elephants.'

89 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/26 (金) 15:36:00 ID: CDTdeHbV
you made me happy. thank you.
90 : 88 ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/06/26 (金) 16:22:00 ID: Y+314Pf0
Soy feliz también. muchas gracias.(^-^)
91 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 : 2004/06/26 (金) 19:38:00 ID: WnmJWt0h
net ants are not real, are ants "ero" in Japan? crawling and biting fetish maybe?
92 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/28 (日) 06:11:00 ID: GN2IZWSb
Ants are all female. Male ants exist just for reproduction.
Sometimes I feel it is tragedically erotic.
I think ants have no symbolic images of "ero" in Japan.
93 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/28 (日) 06:32:00 ID: kknykeXj
I just got it, I must be an idiot!
eleph-ants! what a funny joke....:)
94 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/28 (日) 06:35:00 ID: dHS3ynOo
Eigo de hanaseru omaira ga urayamasii...(:-<)
96 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/28 (日) 21:30:00 ID: U5duTy5c
Where there is a will, there is a way.
97 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/29 (月) 00:36:00 ID: +wcP9alg
never quit never give up. Please excuse the mess, soon it will be very very
good. Somehow I will find the way.
98 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/06/29 (月) 15:14:00 ID: +/sZGVgq
[interviewer] Your speciality is ... PC?
[student] Yes! I can PC very well.
[interviewer] What is PC?
[student] It is Personal Computer.
[interviewer] What? Personal Computer?
100 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2004/06/29 (月) 17:59:00 ID: 8cyQXWQu
Ha ha ha !
I laughed and laughed and laughed.

In 2ch, after seeing such a kind of things, we usually wrote "ハゲシク ワラタ"
It reads saying "Hageshiku Warata".

"Warata" is a slung of "Waratta", it is typical 2ch-style.
It is a past form of "Warau", laugh in Japanese.
101 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2004/06/29 (月) 18:02:00 ID: 8cyQXWQu
Oh, I missed.

slung => slang

102 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/06/30 (火) 01:02:00 ID: h7ULdobC
you slung some slang
103 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/06/30 (火) 01:45:00 ID: PY0yu5au
I catch up any catsup.
104 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/06/30 (火) 06:46:00 ID: 6qNC5iIO
I like catsup and mayonnaise.
And that remind me the category ' wet and messy '
106 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/07/01 (水) 07:30:00 ID: 2fgn6LAR
Let's play movie at reverse mode...(sweat;;;)
107 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/01 (水) 08:02:00 ID: EUHaTnSY
better than a burp I bet her fart is exposive!
108 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/05 (日) 06:59:00 ID: K6B0a1Fm
Guten Tag.
109 : Liv the tyrant [sage] : 2004/07/05 (日) 15:38:00 ID: Occw1k27
Never knew there was such a thread...
Hi, Jim. You don't mind having girls here, do you?
110 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/05 (日) 17:48:00 ID: oMsN2Lmc
I love having girls here.
111 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/06 (月) 12:29:00 ID: HSFZkOIN
 AERA 04.7.12号 さらば2ちゃんねる 




112 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/06 (月) 14:17:00 ID: qJDWl6By
Unexpected piece of good luck
113 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/06 (月) 17:50:00 ID: OuOVGSWg
I am very proud to be a part of this. Aera article is good for us
or bad for us? I have not seen it yet.
115 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 : 2004/07/07 (火) 00:44:00 ID: j18nc6Lk
The publication origin of AERA is very hostile to 2ch.
116 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/07 (火) 03:22:00 ID: lpBtHKRj
$20,000...huge money.
That part of AERA tells us that Jim-san is such a great guy to administer bbspink.
I hope the bbspink-book will pay him.
Let's make a good one.
117 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/07 (火) 03:29:00 ID: OuOVGSWg
I just hope that people will like the bbspink book and enjoy all the
good things about it. Bbspink will get big with it I hope.
119 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/09 (木) 04:31:00 ID: m3lzry6b
yes I know. I originally wanted to use pinkbbs, but that was taken so I selected
bbspink.com for the domain name,
120 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [age] : 2004/07/09 (木) 11:43:00 ID: RL73ml/2
When did you get "bbspink.com" domain name?
121 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 : 2004/07/10 (金) 14:16:00 ID: 8jgGJ6/Q
It is said that there is a DDNS attack this evening.
122 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/10 (金) 17:41:00 ID: QQJD7GKD
It is morning now. I guess we survived the storm
123 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/10 (金) 18:17:00 ID: QQJD7GKD
some updating today sumi-masen
124 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/10 (金) 21:29:00 ID: /SuCpD1L
Jim-san, you are so Otokomae!!
Thank you for your good job.
125 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/10 (金) 21:58:00 ID: QQJD7GKD
126 : 名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう [sage] : 2004/07/11 (土) 01:04:00 ID: D5zJ/f7J
127 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/11 (土) 07:49:00 ID: QQJD7GKD
I wish I could do that.
128 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/11 (土) 16:21:00 ID: OHFz7r/5
Wow, Jim-san's Japanese is getting very very fluent.
129 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/12 (日) 04:04:00 ID: 8HCGxH/A
One moment please rebooting some things. It will be better soon.
131 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/12 (日) 23:03:00 ID: y976lYAb
interesting reading in English. I hate to be blunt, but our way of life
in US and Japan will be directly affected by another 4 years of George
Bush. Now he has to remain slightly towards the center, in order to be re-elected.
After he is re-elected where will he go? Freedom is important, and our civil liberties
are at stake with another 4 years of George Bush.
132 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/12 (日) 23:18:00 ID: EB4wBduK
Though regrettable, I cannot understand politics in detail.
133 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/13 (月) 00:55:00 ID: UoAmgIur
Mr. Bush's way of talking sounds like being still addicted to alcohol.
I hope another person should be elected.

Hey, I can tell elected from erected. I am not drunk. Heh heh heh
134 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/13 (月) 01:13:00 ID: y976lYAb
heheheheheheh elected erected...;) hehehehehehe
This is the problem I see. Mr. Bush desires to promote his religious
belief which is hypocritical hiding of feelings. Language should be
censored and only good things should be spoken. If you are talking bad
or saying something that is not approved by the church then, we should not let
that be posted online anymore. The radio and TV in the US has already been
put under this type of pressure. Internet is next on the agenda.
Anyway I will stay "erect" and continue to be here. If you have friends in the US
Please let them know that the actions of Mr. Bush will hurt Japanese as well that
use our BBS system for freedom of expression.
135 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/13 (月) 22:16:00 ID: phIZFwbh
Ask not what bbspink can do for you.
Ask what you can do for bbspink.

That is what this board is for.
136 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/14 (火) 02:53:00 ID: gCDz4gM0
Sounds like JFK great president...:)
umm dead though
137 : 名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。 [sage] : 2004/07/14 (火) 22:46:00 ID: Aoyr4h7V
How about Mr. Micheal Moore?
138 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/14 (火) 23:49:00 ID: Ve/Vkqb9
Michael Moore should make AV movies, I am more interested in that.
The subjects of his current movies are to sad for me to watch.
139 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/15 (水) 22:25:00 ID: sWvDH5XC
AV movies directed by Moore...
Maybe he is going to Canne again!

By the way, Nanashi-name on this board has been changed.
We are all editers of the bbspink book from now on.
140 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/16 (木) 02:04:00 ID: xExyFTlz
I will go see that if he makes it...;)
141 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/07/19 (日) 09:01:00 ID: j/eeQCR8
142 : みか : 2004/07/19 (日) 10:32:00 ID: cDywUdj4
ネット系のアルバイト探しなら☆web job☆
143 : U・ェ・U ◆2ch/OKv/.. [sage] : 2004/07/19 (日) 14:36:00 ID: r+2SIdyc
U・ェ・U<Hello !! Jim-san.
144 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/19 (日) 15:25:00 ID: 0dL9uWXG
おはようございます U・ェ・U
145 : U・ェ・U ◆2ch/OKv/.. [sage] : 2004/07/20 (月) 14:16:00 ID: tgZMCgTl
U・ェ・U< Good morning, Jim-san. Tokyo was so hot today, over 102F !!

I'm melting....

146 : U・ェ・U ◆2ch/OKv/.. [sage] : 2004/07/20 (月) 14:21:00 ID: tgZMCgTl
U・ェ・U<Nihongo umai jan!! >>144
147 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/21 (火) 02:11:00 ID: x+SlbOSz
You should be here. It is always 69F at PIE
148 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/21 (火) 04:22:00 ID: l8i4eYSA
69F=20.5C(I just googled) is very comfortable, maybe a little bit cool for a human.
My iMac is working in my room of 86F. Good boy.
149 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/21 (火) 22:48:00 ID: WHqGuO51
Does anyone know which vitamins are best for sexual stamina and vigor?
I am sure that the proper vitamins can increase sexual performance, and perhaps
help women be more lubricated. It is an interesting topic to me
I take lots of vitamins and have noticed when I don't take vitamins I am very lazy.
69F is good for humans. No sweating and oppai are elect....;)
150 : U・ェ・U ◆2ch/OKv/.. [sage] : 2004/07/22 (水) 14:43:00 ID: 4oyogn3d
U・ェ・U< >>149
I checked website that vitamin C and vitamin B group will improve these.
But I'm not sure so let me translate japanese and ask anybody for more details.


どなたか、詳しい方よろしくです。mU ̄ェ ̄Um
151 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/07/22 (水) 14:57:00 ID: GdKSMBHp
I hope fundamentally, necessary Vitamin A, E, B's and Zinc for gentlemen.:)
ビタミンA、E、B群 でもってやっぱり亜鉛かな?(照)
152 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/23 (木) 00:25:00 ID: LaYVTVBR
>oppai are elect
I do not get it. Means 'tits'?

I hear Vitamin Q is effective for women.
How about asking Ms. Kano Kyoko?
153 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/23 (木) 03:19:00 ID: JS/C2xyx
hmmmmm maybe I don't know my anatomy in Japanese. What do you call nipples
on tits when they are standing up from the chill? We call them
erect nipples in English. Ms. Kano definately has healthy looking breasts.
We should ask her what vitamins she takes.
154 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/23 (木) 04:03:00 ID: k3jdJ6s2

It's too hot to elect my nipples.
155 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/07/23 (木) 04:23:00 ID: 0iYQsfim
She have a rumor that is silicon-coated cyborg...
156 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/23 (木) 09:51:00 ID: LaYVTVBR
She might be an ex-man, I think.
Sorry Jim-san, now I got it.
Breasts are oppai, nipples are chikubi, right?
So, do girls work without bras in PIE, or are your nipples erect?
157 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/23 (木) 16:33:00 ID: Mzixqsb9
I elect not to answer that...;)
158 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/07/23 (木) 17:13:00 ID: QV7fqpeI
it is a little cold inside PIE, I guess.
so girls' nipples become erect I am sure.( ̄ー ̄)
159 : ◆075LVGC2R2 : 2004/07/24 (金) 04:05:00 ID: PbDGA0WV

160 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/24 (金) 18:08:00 ID: TxVfjXX+
Erect nipples....:)
161 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/26 (日) 18:39:00 ID: SGxAGSYt

      Good night, Jim-san...
        _∧∧_ __
       ノ (-д-,,) O   < ZZZzzz...
      /~ ̄⌒⌒⌒ ̄ ̄)/
     / 回回回回回 /  
   / 回回回回回 /
162 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/27 (月) 04:24:00 ID: 1IymXzHu
that is so cute...:)
163 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/07/28 (火) 14:57:00 ID: dNMhICtl
I love your smile.
164 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/07/29 (水) 13:43:00 ID: FVs8wO0N
Since the typhoon is approaching, at such times hot at a foehn every day, Japan needs to drink beer and needs to do cooling-down of the body....:-)
165 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/29 (水) 13:47:00 ID: FVs8wO0N
Web translation is convenient...:-)
166 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/29 (水) 18:32:00 ID: LJEI4wle
Maybe that is the result of web translation......:-)

I want vacance.
167 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/29 (水) 22:41:00 ID: 4OGIb65r
How about this? I want a vacation.
168 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/30 (木) 04:29:00 ID: X5gcBTxV
I want a dog.

        /      \
       /●  ●     \
      /        Y  Y|
     | ▼        |   | |
     |_人_       \/" \.
      \_       ”    \
         |"    ””       \
         |               \
         |                 |
         \  |               |
           |\ |     /         |
          | \|    / /         |
          | |/|   |  |          |
          | |||  |  |          |_/ ̄ ̄/
         /   | \|  |   \        |\___/
        (((__|  (((___|-(( ̄ ̄     _/
169 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/30 (木) 08:20:00 ID: 6oP/jc+m
Awww...how cute! I love Labradors.

where's your favourite holiday destination,Jim-san?
170 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/07/30 (木) 14:12:00 ID: QqAlnKPc
Is it good as for me to sunbathe looking at the girl of a swimming suit in the sea...:-)
171 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/30 (木) 16:12:00 ID: FajTOHFT
Lets try it like this. I will help make your english readable.
I enjoy sunbathing and looking at the girls in their swim suits by the sea.
172 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/07/30 (木) 16:44:00 ID: FajTOHFT
I don't really have a favorite holiday destination. There are some places
I would like to go though. What is more important to me is what I do, or don't do
on a holiday.
173 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/08/03 (月) 08:15:00 ID: wUqlQ9Nv
That's a good point.
174 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/03 (月) 16:15:00 ID: 2y+2ZoHt
I prefer doing as little as possible on my holiday.
175 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/06 (木) 01:21:00 ID: V/rAkY61
Please keep it a secret just among our thread, but on Saturday we will
try to have our first reboot girl photoshoot at pie. It will be fun. If to
many people try to watch though, then the camera will crash. New camera system
will not arrive for another week.
176 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/08/06 (木) 01:28:00 ID: dgsKuTDm




177 : U・ェ・U ◆2ch/OKv/.. [sage] : 2004/08/07 (金) 12:24:00 ID: 5yRvFpwf
>>175 Wow !! That's great. I've been waiting, Jim-san.
______________  ___________
            ♪  ♪U・ェ・U Let's Check it out ♪
           /δ⊆・⊇ 。/†::† /δ ⊆・⊇。 /|
        | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | ̄ ̄ ̄ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | .|
        |           | :::  |           |
178 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/08/07 (金) 15:48:00 ID: MibTWr+i
Jim y Bonita??? at 08/08 00:47 JST (08/07 08:47 PST+8PDT)
> Web-Cam.
179 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/08/07 (金) 15:56:00 ID: MibTWr+i
Now,What's,What's,What's!?!?!? Jim.
Portrate a Reboot-girl!?!?!?
180 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/08/07 (金) 16:04:00 ID: boYQ9BvE
calm yourself. ヽ(´ー`)
181 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/08/07 (金) 16:51:00 ID: MibTWr+i
banana229 has been down...
Reboot-girl is coming soon!?
182 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/08/07 (金) 16:52:00 ID: MibTWr+i
And, Your ID is including 'boY' :)
183 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/08/07 (金) 17:07:00 ID: boYQ9BvE
Hold your horses, boy. (・∀‐)
184 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/08/07 (金) 18:34:00 ID: 6wlbrxWP 🧦
I just picked up the lights. Next we will pick up our new reboot girl
and go to pie. If we are lucky she will wear a bikini for us after the banana
185 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/07 (金) 18:38:00 ID: 6wlbrxWP
Will we get high raw reboot girl?
186 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/08/07 (金) 20:00:00 ID: A4TDwV1K
photoshoot will be about one hour late. model gave us wrong directions. driving in my car now -Jim
187 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/08 (土) 00:28:00 ID: XSd+0Z2P
Did you enjoy it? bikini is next Model is changing clothes now.
188 : U・ェ・U ◆2ch/OKv/.. [sage] : 2004/08/12 (水) 12:13:00 ID: 69kVx2Rs

     U ・ェ・ Uつ
     ( つ /
     | (⌒)タッタッタッ・・・
.       し' 三

    ⊂U ・ェ・ U
.     ヽ ⊂ )
     (⌒) |タッタッタッタッタッ・・・・・
        三 `J

  |  ● エ ●  |   >>187 I missed it !! Jim-san
189 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/12 (水) 15:11:00 ID: qot1JHpv
you dont have some other questions?
190 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/15 (土) 03:18:00 ID: 9W1c4JEU
191 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/15 (土) 10:15:00 ID: Myt0DE0z
Japanese girls of course....;P)
192 : だみあ~ん^^ ◆l9iVp2RSzY : 2004/08/15 (土) 17:04:00 ID: CuW/MdsR
193 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/15 (土) 19:57:00 ID: qVh+PcjQ
What does BAB stand for? Beautiful Asian Babes? Bad Asian Babes?
Boys Are Bad?
194 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/15 (土) 22:07:00 ID: 6ymf8/SY
   | ノ      ヽ
  /  ●   ● | SatoTakuma──!!
  |    ( _●_)  ミ
 彡、   |∪|  、`\
/ __  ヽノ /´>  )
(___)   / (_/
 |       /
 |  /\ \
 | /    )  )
 ∪    (  \
195 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/16 (日) 02:01:00 ID: qVh+PcjQ
Sato Takuma looks like Sato Higuma
196 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/16 (日) 03:59:00 ID: uIfnEDOV
Jim-san's Japanese is getting incredible!!
The194 bear should have been driving an F-1 car.
But I do not know Sato's machine....
197 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/16 (日) 04:30:00 ID: G4/IweKN
195 is only having stepped on the rhyme, isn't it?
198 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/16 (日) 20:29:00 ID: BkvFbFs0
yes it is a rhyme, and maybe a little stupid but I laughed to myself.
Sometimes I have a very simple sense of humor.
199 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/16 (日) 21:18:00 ID: BkvFbFs0
I especially like knock knock jokes.
Does anyone know some good Japanese knock knock jokes that are sexy
and will translate well?
200 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/16 (日) 21:36:00 ID: BkvFbFs0
This is an example:
"knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Banana who?"
"Banana cream pie"
202 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/17 (月) 08:46:00 ID: R7zEB3py
( ;´∀`)
人 Y /
( ヽ し
203 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/18 (火) 15:28:00 ID: balr0Iqw
sorry,I don't know knock knock jokes....(:-<)

204 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/18 (火) 15:30:00 ID: balr0Iqw
Present for Jim-san!!....(:D)| ̄|_
   \  /
   / ∩\
  / ( ⊂)    ∩___∩
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     \  \..彡、   |∪|   )     KUMA-!!
      \  ヽ    ヽノ //
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       /__」      ユ   >,
      「__,h_」     <_-,ィ_/
205 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/18 (火) 15:42:00 ID: JkjQgEaf
Oh, I so much loved Saturday Night Live.....
Good old days.
206 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/18 (火) 16:24:00 ID: QaQccynF
looks like ジョンタヴォタ
207 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/18 (火) 16:52:00 ID: 4X6br2n2
Hi Jim-san :D
It is John Travolta?
He is written with ジョントラボルタ In Japan.
208 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/18 (火) 16:57:00 ID: balr0Iqw

His name writes it as "ジョン・トラボルタ" in Japanese.
209 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/18 (火) 17:40:00 ID: QaQccynF
I am practicing my katakana almost looks the same except for ・
210 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/18 (火) 22:02:00 ID: ViUUhOJW
211 : reference materials [sage] : 2004/08/18 (火) 23:50:00 ID: g/7rGaqq

John Travolta
212 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/19 (水) 18:42:00 ID: wfe8ZGwW
We are testing an uploader for bbspink today. If you have a chance please visit it
213 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/19 (水) 18:47:00 ID: saK9AuRQ
Sir! Yes,Sir!
214 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/08/20 (木) 16:54:00 ID: FDC2JaqD
 i'´ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄!      ,.r‐-、 /⌒ヽ.  i´  ヽ.
 ゙''--------!       !、  ''   /  ゙、   ゙、
i'´ ̄ ̄ ̄``ヽ      丶    ス、   ゙、   冫 ,ィ1
l、        ノ i'´ ̄ ̄l  ゙メ      ゙i   ヽィ゙ ,r''´ .!
   ̄ 7    /  ゝ__,! /    r、 !   _,r''´    !
   /    /       /    / \| ,r''´    ,.r''´
  ./    /       /    /     l.   ,.r''´
  ゙ー─‐'           ゙ー─‐'      `ー‐'´

 i ̄ ̄ ̄)━━━━━|━|||||
 |  i/ ̄ ̄ ̄)━━━|||━||
 |   '/ ̄ ̄)    ||||||||
 \ ''  /T''     |||||||   /\___/ヽ   +
   ヽ    )     ||||||| /''''''   '''''':::::::\    +
    )   /      ||||| .|(●),   、(●)、.:|          Hello Jim!!
   /|   |       ||||| |   ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::|    +
   / i    ノ       |||| .|   ´トェェェイ` .:::::::| +   
  / \/ |       ||| -\  `ニニ´  .:::::/
  /      | _____/'''"" |||    ヾ;;;;;;;;;  / ̄"''''ヽ
 |      )''''      ‖    ヽ\  ノ       ヽ
 |         v    ||      |/|        ヾ
 |     ノノ   i   ‖     ソ ̄       /  i
 ヾ     ノ       ‖             /   ヾ
  \  ソ   _三------||----=ゞ二\     /    i
   ゝ__ ("-''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''")  /     |
        ヾ\ ゑ ゑ ゑ ゑ ゑ ゑ  / \ '''''""""ヾ
           \           /    ) """""")
215 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/20 (木) 16:59:00 ID: ImPPm+y5
214 is あぼーん(means "erased") and it is not visible.
Is it "Daddy Cool"?...(:D)
216 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/20 (木) 20:16:00 ID: vIiuuQOQ
Looks like Nishin oishi desu
217 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/20 (木) 23:05:00 ID: vIiuuQOQ
Did I forget any?
The new test uploader. Lets go crazy...:)
218 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/08/21 (金) 16:38:00 ID: 7oMjVzIL
What a fuckin' thred this is !
219 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/21 (金) 16:46:00 ID: bkNr36kx
you mean fucken' good thread , I belieave.

If you have any questions or have something to ask to him,
you can ask to him.

He answered every questions, and he will do.
220 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/21 (金) 21:38:00 ID: yNTghbd8
I think it is a fuckin' great board too.
221 : U・ェ・U ◆2ch/OKv/.. [sage] : 2004/08/22 (土) 05:13:00 ID: BnJt2fCL
222 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/23 (日) 14:05:00 ID: aAd7E2cb
It never rains in California..
223 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/24 (月) 01:13:00 ID: lbX5GXa7
224 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/25 (火) 09:39:00 ID: LP7ZgOHO
Of course.
You should also know "Rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain"
and "It is raining in Nagasaki again today".
225 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/27 (木) 04:24:00 ID: uAu2iUNy
It rains in China and the Philippines too. I am "singing in the rain."
226 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/28 (金) 12:59:00 ID: MO8BpEk1
lets buy "2channel plus"
interview to Jim-san in dvd
227 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/28 (金) 12:59:00 ID: /PkjxfKq
Is it on sale now?
228 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/28 (金) 14:15:00 ID: MO8BpEk1
229 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/29 (土) 16:06:00 ID: IBw91mlT
This is very useful "INTERNET" for learning English !
Jim-san, Good luck !!
230 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/30 (日) 06:29:00 ID: GseLS70/
I love Japan! Saturday night in Tokyo good friends, good fun, and lots of beer!
231 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/30 (日) 07:56:00 ID: frx+EczV
Are you coming to Japan this Saturday?
I hope that I can see Jim-san(& reboot girls, if possible)
on bbspink book DVD.
232 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/30 (日) 09:17:00 ID: GseLS70/
I came to Japan on Saturday. Already past. I didn't want to leave.
at that time I was hoping the Typhoon would come early so I could stay
longer. There will be reboot girls in magazine, and video system has arrived
for reboot girls, only the mounting brackets for the cameras are not there yet.
Please stay tuned we have found some beautiful tech girls to be the reboot girls.
233 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/30 (日) 09:46:00 ID: 0jj0PPgh
It is windy but no rain in Kinki area.
234 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/08/30 (日) 22:36:00 ID: bxxn5Q49
But I do not know where I can see your pictures or movies....
235 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/31 (月) 08:24:00 ID: o7hswYj6
I will post the location when it is time, ちょっとまってくだだい
236 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/08/31 (月) 23:04:00 ID: E/3imzd6
The toolbar is cool, some people have had problems with the fonts
but it is a safe download and I like the related sites
237 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/01 (火) 02:18:00 ID: J3Ea/4I6
日本の掲示板なんだから日本語で書けよ クソ野郎
238 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/01 (火) 03:44:00 ID: HbsW2b1h
239 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/01 (火) 04:39:00 ID: RABrmRdM
240 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/01 (火) 05:32:00 ID: QwLcJHV4
hang >>237!
241 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/01 (火) 07:30:00 ID: KGDRvmHm
242 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/01 (火) 07:54:00 ID: 7BoRH9xo
I will be waiting!!
243 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/01 (火) 12:43:00 ID: kDK7xF+9
PINK channel is not the boards in Japan.
it is managed by the law in the US.

So in fact it is natural to write in English, but Jim-san is a very nice guy,
so we can write all of them in Japanese.
244 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/01 (火) 14:13:00 ID: 3Tv3zFfP
Please do not click >239 and >241 by any means.
245 : 名無し編集部員 [sage ヽ(`Д´)ノfuck] : 2004/09/01 (火) 14:28:00 ID: DMK6zCaW
246 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/01 (火) 14:50:00 ID: kDK7xF+9
please go to the hospital.
247 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/01 (火) 16:24:00 ID: PjyuC/LO
Read >1!!
248 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 00:47:00 ID: yI0N6nUM
Funny. You should write 'fuck' in Japanese.
249 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 08:28:00 ID: 1rLXBnFX
250 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/02 (水) 09:01:00 ID: KPfMCNmx
Please teach me how to say fuck in Japanese.
251 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 09:27:00 ID: PjyuC/LO
"fuck" calls it "えっち(ecchi)" or "セックス(sex)" in Japanese.
"えっち" is a soft expression (metaphor) of "sex."
252 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/02 (水) 09:55:00 ID: KPfMCNmx
but what is the romanj for セックス?
253 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 10:19:00 ID: S/sfQRJ5
“fuck!” is nearly means to japanese “死ね(sine)” “ボケ(boke)”

“死ね” means “Die !”
“ボケ” means “How fool u r !”
254 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 10:53:00 ID: irpIzqip
えっち(H) is initial of "hentai".
255 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 11:19:00 ID: PjyuC/LO
256 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 12:29:00 ID: zOdAYE6H
I feel,
cinematic-subtitles:Fuck!!!(en) -> 畜生!!!(ja)
257 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 12:33:00 ID: zOdAYE6H
Shit! -> ちぇっ!
Son of a bitch -> クソ野郎
Oh, Jesus (crysis) -> なんてこったい
Mad fucker -> キチガイ
258 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 13:53:00 ID: 8ohQ/Wmo
259 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 13:56:00 ID: PjyuC/LO

Fuck!!!(en) -> 畜生!!!(ja) -> Chikusyou !!!
Shit! -> ちぇっ! ->Che!!
Son of a bitch -> クソ野郎 ->Kusoyarou (or Kusoyalou)
Oh, Jesus (crysis) -> なんてこったい -> Nante-kottai
Mad fucker -> キチガイ ->Kichi-gai !! (alike "Kitty Guy !!"(:->)
260 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 14:23:00 ID: 3SRgNDRQ
というか、もうちょっといい言葉教えてあげようよ( ´Д⊂ヽ
・・・俺?英語できね_| ̄|○
261 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 14:35:00 ID: PjyuC/LO
そんな>260にExcite エキサイト 翻訳 : 英語翻訳
262 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 14:45:00 ID: DFGx8YU4
translation of >>260

'' Why don't we tell him more better , beautiful Japanese?
Me? I can not speak English at all.....'' and he's crying
263 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 15:09:00 ID: vXNxiGMU
  (  ) release...
  (  )
  | |

  (  ) ヽ('∀`)ノ MYSELF!!
  (  )  (  )
   | |   ノω|

  (  ) ('A`) oh,no...
  (  )Vノ )
   | |  | |
264 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/02 (水) 15:57:00 ID: 8KwGsJWE

    ∧ ∧___  Hello, Jim-san♪
   /(*゚ー゚) /\
 /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
   |        |/
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
267 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/03 (木) 02:22:00 ID: RcudZa1k
それはしぃのうたじゃなくて、Jennifer Stigile のWind's Nocturneですからーーーーーーーー!!!!!!!!

268 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/03 (木) 06:25:00 ID: gzkRnSOS
Has anyone read "The Cat who walks through walls"? This kitty is always
looking for the door into summer. Thank you for teaching me
Japanese. I want to learn everything, even the dirty words. When someone
says them to me, then I will know they are being rude. Plus sometimes
It I may need to use them myself.
269 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/03 (木) 06:30:00 ID: gzkRnSOS
I love Wind's nocturne
270 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/03 (木) 09:48:00 ID: xapeSxbk
Jim-san is so challenging.

By the way, in 268-269, ID looks like crying "Help".
271 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/03 (木) 10:42:00 ID: TEaLZDlS
S.O.S! S.O.S!
D.V.D! D.V.D!
272 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/03 (木) 19:14:00 ID: BS01jg3H
DVD to the rescue!
273 : 79 ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2004/09/04 (金) 18:20:00 ID: 2akiyWpr
Pink chanel magazine DVD has done, and it will be so nice!

Thank you, the director, Mr.K, and Mr.O in DNP.

I really love the story door into the summer!
274 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/04 (金) 19:59:00 ID: 6mvPekHU
Hello, 79-san!! It has been a long time.
"Door into the Summer"? Sounds like a famous SF story.
Or Tsuji Kunio, maybe Matsuda Seiko...?
Sorry, I am confused.
276 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/05 (土) 06:39:00 ID: v3JfSCRA
Jim-san on that DVD? If so , I will buy it!
I love door into the summer too.
277 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/06 (日) 01:10:00 ID: SXuZnmVs
"The Door into Summer". A masterpiece.
Thank you Jim-san, I did not know the thread. Wonderful.
Did you read that all in Japanese?
278 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/06 (日) 03:21:00 ID: TbCl/Boa
Robert Heinlein is a fantastic author. I think this is one of the few
books he has written that has been translated to Japanese. to be touched
by his words is worth learning english.
279 : U・ェ・U ◆2ch/OKv/.. [sage] : 2004/09/06 (日) 13:23:00 ID: LlIEwoHw

  ゚  o   .  。   .  .   ,  . , o 。゚. ,゚ 。 + 。 。,゚.。
 ゚ ,   , 。 .   +  ゚   。  。゚ . ゚。, ☆ * 。゚. o.゚  。 . 。
。 .  .。    o   .. 。 ゚  ゚ , 。. o 。* 。 . o. 。 . . 
        。   .   。  . .゚o 。 *. 。 .. ☆ . +. .  . 
 。 .  . .   .   .  。 ゚。, ☆ ゚. + 。 ゚ ,。 . 。  , .。
    ゚  。   ゚  .  +。 ゚ * 。. , 。゚ +. 。*。 ゚.   . . .  .
 。  .   . 。 。゚. 。* 。, ´。.  ☆。。. ゚。+ 。 .。  .  。   .
  .   。  ゚ ゚。 。, .。o ☆ + ,゚。 *。. 。 。 .    。    .  
 ゚ .゚ ゚  。゚ + 。. +。 * 。゚。゚., ,+ 。゚. 。 . .   ,    ,   .  
゚。゚+゚`, o。。.゚*。゚ 。.゚ 。 ☆+。。゚. ° 。 .   ,      ゚    ゚   
 。, .゚。 + ☆。,゚. o。 。+ 。゚.,  . ゚   ,   。     。   .   .
 ゚. o * 。゚。゚.。゚。+゚ 。 。 ゚。 ゚ 。  ゚
゚` .゚ .゚. ゚. . ゚  .  ゚  .   ,  .     .  .   。      ゚ .
 .  .     . ,     。       .           .  ,    .
      。                 ゚   .           。   
 , .        .           ,       .     .   

     。               Jim-san, I wanna see ダン&ピート again........         
               U :;;;;;:::U  
.   .            /:;;;;;: |   
280 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/07 (月) 03:39:00 ID: +bL9TXpQ
Cute and beautifful.
Are you one of the AA meisters?
281 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/09 (水) 16:15:00 ID: +g5BZa84
More art please
282 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/09 (水) 16:32:00 ID: gof42fFu
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

       H   ( ゚д゚)  ERO
       \/| y |\/

        ( ゚д゚)  HERO
283 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/09 (水) 18:46:00 ID: XkvGTjka
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

In "H" and "ERO", it is a mere lascivious guy. BUT...
       H   ( ゚д゚)  ERO
       \/| y |\/

    It will become a "HERO" if two are put together.
        ( ゚д゚)  HERO
284 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/09 (水) 21:36:00 ID: +g5BZa84
That is Sexellent
285 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/09 (水) 21:37:00 ID: +g5BZa84
News pages for the 6 new boards today are updated. I guess they will
be very busy starting tomorrow night....;)
286 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/09 (水) 22:36:00 ID: ZwK4B7HZ
            ,,--―'''""`ヽ'         ̄`ヽ、
           /        ヾ  /       ~`ヽ
         /           ヽ;:  /"""ヾ   ヽ
        /        ;:;;:::''''   l /;:;;:::'''  \   i
      /        /;:;;:::'''           ヽ  ヽ
      |         |               ヽ  |
      /        ;/                ヽ ヽ
     /        ;:;:ヽ            ,,,,;;::'''''ヽ  |
     i          /  ,,,,;;:::::::::::::::       __ ヽ ヽ
     |          |  "   __ ::::  '"ゞ'-' |  |
     |          |.    - '"-ゞ'-' ::::::..      |. |
     |         ;:|           :::::::       | :|
      |         ヽ.         ( ,-、 ,:‐、   | |
      |       /ヾ..                  | |
      |          |         __,-'ニニニヽ .  |  |
        |        `、ヽ        ヾニ二ン"  /  |
        |         ヽ\             /  |
        |          l  `ー-::、_       ,,..'|ヽ./
        ヽ.        :人      `ー――'''''  / ヽ
        /;:;:;:;;:;:;: _/  `ー-、          ,.-'"   \ー-、
           ,.-'"  \:      \      .,.-''"     |
         /.     \        ~>、,.-''"      |
    ,,..-‐'''""        ヾ    ,.-''"|    /――――、/  

2ch webmaster Hiroyuki
287 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/10 (木) 00:13:00 ID: acH6d2Hu

     _  _       _      _  _  _
 ( ̄ |_ |_)  ̄| ̄ |_ |\/| |_) |_ |_)
 _) |_ |      .|   |_ |    | |_) |_ | \
288 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/10 (木) 10:22:17 ID: fHWKYDBA
いいか、みんな (Listen,everyone!)
        (゚д゚ )
        (| y |)

(When you look up 'オナニー' in Google Image Search,
you'll find tons of erotic images...)
    オナニー ( ゚д゚) … →エロ
       \/| y |)
onanie(masterbation)   ero

「オナニー やり方」で検索すると
(...then if you look up 'オナニー やり方'...)
    オナニー ( ゚д゚) やり方
       \/| y |\/
   onanie      technique

        ( ゚д゚)  (...Can't believe my eyes!)
        (| y |)

        (∩д∩)ゴシゴシ  (rub...)
         | y |

        (;゚д゚)  (NO WAY!)
        (| y |)

        (∩д∩)ゴシゴシ (rub...rub...)
         | y |

          _, ._
        (;゚ Д゚) …?!
        (| y |)
289 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/11 (金) 02:25:40 ID: yWxB7Ily
thank you for teaching me a new word. I will study this subject in depth later.
おなにえ オナニエ
but when I type it in hiragana or katakana it does not come out the same
is this the correct romanj? onanie?
290 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/11 (金) 02:37:38 ID: g4ULvFge
「ニー」 is ni-

「ニー」 Pronunciation nii

nie is a mistake.
291 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/11 (金) 04:04:10 ID: O3uUDjtU
[o] = お         / オ
[na]= な         / ナ
[nie]= にー       / ニー
onanie=おなにー    /オナニー
292 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/11 (金) 05:59:10 ID: thjDTMH8
Romaji is different from phonetic signs
293 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/11 (金) 10:27:24 ID: eMqwCzyM
I wish there is .orz domain
294 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/11 (金) 23:54:25 ID: UwV1abij
hmmm, I was thinking about a .jim domain....;)
295 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/12 (土) 00:47:57 ID: KK/HRVMb
296 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/12 (土) 03:32:50 ID: aZqS2SPl
298 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/12 (土) 12:51:13 ID: QiqaqSBH
299 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/12 (土) 15:52:33 ID: YAjgSyLD
Someone already has jim3.com
300 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/12 (土) 16:30:10 ID: bnI+xo9J
(|i|゚д゚) OH,NO!!
301 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/12 (土) 16:32:12 ID: YAjgSyLD
its ok there are so many people named Jim. I have my favorite domain still
but have to rebuild my homepage still. jimisbad.com
303 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/12 (土) 16:36:40 ID: bnI+xo9J
(*゚д゚)ノgood night,Jim-san...:)
305 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/12 (土) 18:14:09 ID: YAjgSyLD
306 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/12 (土) 18:33:08 ID: YAjgSyLD
Jim In Bed? Heheheh will that be a comedy site?
307 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/12 (土) 18:35:20 ID: YAjgSyLD
Maybe I should recruit many models for pictures in my bed, then make
308 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/12 (土) 18:40:53 ID: YAjgSyLD
or maybe many clowns
309 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/12 (土) 19:18:50 ID: YAjgSyLD
or maybe models and clowns. My bed could be the circus
310 : 79 [sage] : 2004/09/12 (土) 20:13:46 ID: syH8pObZ
that sounds fun.
311 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/13 (日) 03:27:10 ID: O7HC/dFN
I love you, Jim-san. I look forward to see your wonderful bed.

And for 79-san and other editors in action,
Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!!
313 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/16 (水) 07:55:01 ID: 27gT8vtM
We have started to put together a dating site for Pink Channel.
It should be a lot of fun.
I would like to get some input about things that Pink Channelers
would like to have in it. These are the categories I have thought of so far.

Encounter - short romantic meeting. Example: "Hey Junko, lets meet at Jim's love hotel."
Long term - serious relationship leading to something more than love hotel. Example: "Alice I love you, please have my babies."
casual - non sexual meeting. Example: "Yuki, lets meet at the coffee shop and have ice cream and discuss Music."
pen pal - just meeting through email and chat. Example: Madoka, lets just talk online until we know more about each other. Then we can go to encounter mode...;)"
Any more ideas?
314 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/16 (水) 09:48:28 ID: 9iL7cYwD

Japanese People call that sites "Deaikei site".
 In Japan, we have to apply to a public organization.
Therefore, it may be unwilling to do management.
315 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/16 (水) 11:02:33 ID: RULDeSwK
I guess that's good enough. Will it be mainly for Japanese?
316 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/16 (水) 15:31:05 ID: /JRltZB0
314, I will appoint an American management for it. Pink Channel is
a US owned and operated website. Government application is not
317 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/16 (水) 15:40:46 ID: 8/3JNBBN
right, Jim-san's approval is so interesting,

I'm going to translate.




出会い■ロマンチックな出会いのこと。たとえば、「ハイ、ジュンコ! セックルしましょ!」

318 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/16 (水) 15:47:46 ID: /JRltZB0
Of course it will be for Japanese, it is for BBSPINK.
319 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/16 (水) 19:47:30 ID: QRS0xCrW

320 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/16 (水) 22:31:34 ID: 9VdH/czm
You are a wise guy.... BBSPINK has nothing to do with 2ch.
and it is better to read >>316 before you say something about it.
321 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/16 (水) 23:23:05 ID: 8LgtMj6D
319 doesn't even translate to something I can read.
322 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 01:21:02 ID: ywfu/8G9
319 in english "You is a big fool man hahaha"
323 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 02:42:42 ID: 4n3n4J5V
マジレスすると(To say honestly, )、
319 says

"That sounds impossible.
If you really want to do that, it must be completely away from 2ch.

That is to say, the guy named Jim-san is stupid."
324 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 03:38:07 ID: m7xsrB0W
If that dating site is one of the bbspink contents,
bbspink will be thought as a dangerous place,
though it may not be illegal.
I think.

And Jim-san really knows many Japanese girls' names!
325 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 04:16:33 ID: ywfu/8G9
an adjunct to what 324 spoke about...

In Japan, everyone sees as dating sites as the nest of under age prostitution.
Police are always watching out them and are always ready to arrest the webmaster
if a slightest trouble happens on there.
326 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/17 (木) 05:43:59 ID: /JRltZB0
now we are talking....:) hmmm, 319, maybe I am not the smartest guy in the world, but I try to
have smart people around me to make up for it. Either way it does not
stop the fact that we will make a dating site.
324, Interesting thought, the whole internet is a dangerous place, and already there are some boards
where people are trying to "connect". The dating site we are building will at least have a few safeguards
in it. People will have to be members to post and send email to others, these are things they can already do
Please teach me more Japanese girl names. I find them quite beautiful.
325 We will only open this site for people 18 years or older. If some idiot answers an ad that looks like it is from
a under age person, don't be surprized if the police take you away. They do that in the USA and probably the Japanese police
will figure it out too. It is not the webmasters responsibility and the majority of the population should not be punished and lose their
freedom of speech in order to police Japan. The police should just stop being so lazy and go after the criminals instead of the public at large.
Of course if we see something that does not look right it will be deleted. I want this to be a safe friendly way for 2d people to meet 3d.
Now, since I am going to do this. How about you all help me make it good.
Back to my original question.
Are there any other categories, that you would like to see? Since this is the Pink Channel it is ok if they are pinkish.
However I want the other categories so that there is some kind of self control. Not everyone will want to hook up with everyone.
Especially if they have a disgusting personality like 319
327 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 07:00:52 ID: Wk0MP2lA
Translation is serious...;)
328 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/17 (木) 07:13:49 ID: /JRltZB0
326 すみーません
I am sorry I made it so long. Just nonsense anyway don't worry about translation.
329 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 08:05:57 ID: Wk0MP2lA
今、私たちは話しています....:)フーム。>319 恐らく、私は世界で最も賢いguyではありません、しかし、私は、私のまわりの賢い人々にをそれを補わせようとします。
どちらにしても、私たちが出会い系サイト(a dating site)を作るだろうという事実を止めはしない。
>325 私たちは18才以上人達のために、このサイト開設してるにすぎません。もしある愚か者が、それが未成年の人からであるように見える広告だと答えるとしても、警察があなたを追い出そうとしても驚かないでください。
他のカテゴリーがあって、あなたはそれを見たいですか?これがPink Channelであるので、それらがPINK的なら、それはokです。
330 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 08:09:35 ID: Wk0MP2lA
so tired...;)

I'm sorry for the poor translation...・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
331 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 08:29:22 ID: 4n3n4J5V
2d,3dってのは2-dimensional, 3-dimensional(2次元、3次元)のことで、
guy ってのは奴、男のことな。
332 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 08:32:49 ID: Wk0MP2lA
333 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 09:01:27 ID: 4n3n4J5V
I'm really sorry.
334 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/17 (木) 16:34:11 ID: fFWr1FlL

would you please post in grammatically correct
Japanese, because Jim-san is using a translation software or site.
336 : ジム ◆NHz97Ju8vs : 2004/09/18 (金) 02:16:44 ID: o6beLnkC
私はそれらをすべて好む。 私は毎日に見ている。 Ero AAは大きい板である。
337 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 03:33:15 ID: 994yopVS
338 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 11:09:07 ID: DRVE4+wU
>>336 is fake Jim-san
his "trip" is 6P7QkQf8Ys, not NHz97Ju8vs
339 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 11:17:02 ID: reyHY75s
He may betrancelate into trip key with the text.
340 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 11:18:06 ID: reyHY75s
>>339 miss

He may trancelate into trip key with the text.
341 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 12:03:19 ID: CBQcIWP8
He may be another "Jim-san"...:)

AAE or Edit_MDI


Seemingly, AA maker has many people who are using AAE...:)
342 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/18 (金) 14:46:45 ID: o6beLnkC
Ooops my trip was translated too. Sorry for that. I really do look at eroAA
every day.
343 : ◆DESKYpi1Ew [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 15:09:52 ID: J0cPZkGu
We have planned the ASCII art championship.
We have not decided the theme of the ASCII art championship yet.
We will make Mr. Jim's favorite the theme of the ASCII art championship.
What ASCII art does Mr. Jim like?
344 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/18 (金) 15:15:15 ID: I03bQP1O
I will look through the names of the posters that I like then I will
list them. Please let me know when the contest is.
Today I will do reboot girl training for rebootgirl.com
cam will be visible here after about 2 PM my time.
345 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 15:18:50 ID: 7LqQMJdA
Jim's 'trip' has translatable words?;)
Your 'trip' will be hacked by somebody.
Jim should change your 'trip'.
346 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 15:23:33 ID: 7LqQMJdA
exchange 'trip' to 'trip-code'.
347 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 15:27:45 ID: mR3YeSti
(゚ε゚)Don't care!!
348 : ◆DESKYpi1Ew [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 15:58:05 ID: 9zPPH5rz
Thank you Mr. Jim.

349 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/18 (金) 18:01:56 ID: 0z0nag2C

What kind of the female costume (or
the female nude); What do you(Jim-san) like ?

351 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/18 (金) 19:38:41 ID: I03bQP1O
Ok, I am going to pick up the girls now. They will be trained today.
So maybe boring we will be here.
See you all soon
352 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/18 (金) 21:31:07 ID: 3O1J4eL8
353 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/18 (金) 22:43:51 ID: 9mZyEaPO
2 reboot girls (or a reboot girl and a reboot boy?) and Jim-san are on the livecam!
Nice costume (ww
Jim-san please wear it too (wwww
354 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/18 (金) 22:46:17 ID: 9mZyEaPO
it is a kind of 2ch word, means grin
355 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/19 (土) 00:47:09 ID: D5+w4ytH
I think "(w" is a not 2ch word.
356 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/19 (土) 01:26:03 ID: KxpxfEli
>>355 typical Janglish :P
"I don't think "(w" is a 2ch word." is much better. Remember it if you like.
Anyway (w is a word frequently used in 2ch, there is no doubt. huh.
357 : ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/09/19 (土) 02:00:17 ID: 7LqQMJdA
I am Macintosh user...orz
358 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/19 (土) 02:30:13 ID: I03bQP1O
There are not banana uniforms big enough for me.
Java version will be ready next week for the Windows impaired (orz)
Reboot girl schedule will be posted by Monday.
359 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/19 (土) 09:53:57 ID: unB/gCDC
Jesus Christ's banana!
360 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/19 (土) 18:40:24 ID: 6uj0KY8G
Christian's say Jesus Christ was perfect. I wonder what size his banana
361 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/19 (土) 19:50:40 ID: Fwl9zvAw
me two...orz

>Windows impaired
well,never mind... ;-D
362 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/19 (土) 19:51:51 ID: Fwl9zvAw

_| ̄|○
363 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/19 (土) 20:38:33 ID: 6uj0KY8G
Mac is good too, I just need the extra mouse button.
364 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/20 (日) 00:01:46 ID: fw1lSS4t
I want Mr. Jim to propose the theme of the ASCII art championship.
The ambiguous theme is better.

for example, - summer - sport - figure to fight

        / /
      ./ / i
      | ( ゚Д゚)<banana!
      |(ノi  |)
      |  i  i
        U" U
365 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/20 (日) 03:51:59 ID: 6uj0KY8G
I like the autumn it is the time for collecting the food from the fields
and the time that wind picks up a bit so we can see what is under those skirts.
How about an ambiguous subject like Autumn Wind?
366 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/20 (日) 04:56:50 ID: 8dAYsU6h
Thank you Mr.Jim.
Instantly, we discuss Autumn Wind.
367 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/20 (日) 06:17:05 ID: 6uj0KY8G
I hope you get it, I was being very ambiguous.
369 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/20 (日) 14:22:45 ID: Ob+gpKqm
not the thread for expressing their ERO AAs,
but they are now discussing about the contesnt.
371 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/21 (月) 15:22:16 ID: cXGjWEFn

372 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/21 (月) 15:50:16 ID: ZtoO42TE
It is a fantastic book! I am looking at it now. The DVD alone is worth more
than the book. I am so happy to see this book. Thank you for all the support
making it. You will really enjoy it. It has all of our hearts in it.
373 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/21 (月) 20:03:08 ID: ZtoO42TE
it is so exciting! the dvd makes me very happy....:)
374 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/22 (火) 09:40:39 ID: 14ZyHiL8
Let's (*´д`*)ハァハァ together!! m9( ゚д゚) WOW!!
375 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/22 (火) 16:51:02 ID: G7pOj0bi
yes lets enjoy together
376 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/22 (火) 20:10:04 ID: G7pOj0bi
We we opened at 122 on the Amazon list! That is so exciting I hope we can
get to the top 10!
377 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/23 (水) 04:42:31 ID: G7pOj0bi
Maybe I am reading it wrong, but I think we have moved to #60 on amazon!
this is exciting, can we make it to top 10?
378 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/23 (水) 08:58:39 ID: JjEXNDmF
Amazon.co.jp 売上ランキング: 104
379 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/25 (金) 05:52:14 ID: 7KRm2iGc
bananagirls will be at rebootgirl.com tomorrow morning.
Your night time….:)
6 AM GMT - 8
380 : エロ : 2004/09/25 (金) 07:13:44 ID: ZmK4bLzX
ハゲが気になる人はこちら http://sky.kakiko.com/ryuukei/sinpi.htm
381 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/09/25 (金) 14:46:34 ID: 7KRm2iGc
Sorry the reboot girls won't wake up. they are still sleeping.
next time I won't drink with them all night.
382 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/09/29 (火) 06:53:02 ID: 2ZZWMqiU
thank you!!!
384 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/30 (水) 13:36:01 ID: 8YxVp7BE
Heck yeah !!!
385 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/30 (水) 16:43:49 ID: HYaOrL4D 🧦
read reed, red read. Same sounds different meanings. It must be hard
to learn english. Please read teh Pink Channel magazine. It will
make you hard and your english will improve....;)
386 : YAZAWA ◆YUKITMcGp2 [sage] : 2004/10/01 (木) 08:11:20 ID: l8DsPu4s
Congratulations on the PINK BBS this sale.
Are not you in the setting of price of the book high?
I think that the possibility of selling more rises if it makes it to cheapness a little more.
387 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/01 (木) 08:35:34 ID: HYaOrL4D
It is set at a good price. The price it is set at gives you free shipping
from Amazon so if it was a little cheaper you would have to pay for
the shipping. Also the DVD is worth more than that price with all
the content on it. Please enjoy. It is the first of many.
388 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/10/02 (金) 05:48:51 ID: xYI3Bk58
Congratulations Ichiro!!
he's very great and cool, isn't he?
389 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/02 (金) 22:31:26 ID: Dp4rlp2H
Yes, he is so cooool!

And here is copy & paste:

140 名前:名無し編集部員 投稿日:04/09/30 22:03:16 ID:Hfk3tcx6
Oh, hello Jim-san!
On Eroparo board, there is a thread named "裏もえたん",
gathering erotic English words & phrases.
Please visit it if you would like.

And there are a lot of fanfic threads on the board.
Those threads could be enjoyable for anime-manga lovers in the US
if only they try to read Japanese...

141 名前:名無し編集部員 メェル:sage 投稿日:04/10/01 14:09:25 ID:yNbTM+K5


141 says, "There are also many threads related to games, dramas, and so on."
390 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/03 (土) 03:18:31 ID: w9pAj02m
Ok, I will visit soon! so busy now.
391 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/04 (日) 07:04:12 ID: oZJwF0Ee
This is the new personal site! It is BETA. I am very sorry it is only
in English. I will translate it to Japanese when we have taken the bugs out
of it. It is free. Please help me test it for bugs.
You can find a date here I think...:)
392 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/04 (日) 08:13:38 ID: qQ3SIas0
Sounds fun. おつかれさま
That is why you are so busy, Jim-san.
393 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/04 (日) 08:17:46 ID: qQ3SIas0
Oh, I have to sign up.......
394 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/05 (月) 05:00:58 ID: sNKibkei
We will work to make it in Japanese. It is to fun!
395 : YAZAWA ◆YUKITMcGp2 [sage] : 2004/10/05 (月) 20:08:59 ID: lutSEGMq
Do your best.
396 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/08 (木) 08:04:34 ID: e+xrKiVV
I think he is always doing his best.
397 : 桃太郎 ◆MOMOwomoIk [sage] : 2004/10/09 (金) 04:37:27 ID: BiaOhxCO
398 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/09 (金) 06:47:56 ID: HHEXl9Xr
I don't know when a U.S. holiday is.
400 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/09 (金) 11:53:36 ID: 7VEExbqJ
loooking good on your GIKO tshirt! and your id is nice too.

        / /
      ./ / i
      | ( ゚Д゚) <そんなバナナ
      |(ノi  |)
      |  i  i
        U" U

Giko in banana, says "UR nuts!"
401 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/10 (土) 17:17:52 ID: mbmpqzA/
☆-(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ yeah!!!!!!!!!!
I love beer♥
402 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/10 (土) 18:13:53 ID: HxIrXLHK
 −=≡     _ _ ∩
 −=≡    ( ゚∀゚)彡 Jim-san!! Jim-san!!
−=≡    ⊂  ⊂彡
 −=≡    ( ⌒)
  −=≡   c し
403 : magic kinoko : 2004/10/11 (日) 15:38:55 ID: dVixMpwY
where do you live in JP? did you learn Japanese in School?
404 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/11 (日) 23:41:27 ID: J+HunWGd
I learned Japanese on ICQ! Japan? I live in San Francisco Japan town....;)
405 : magic kinoko : 2004/10/12 (月) 04:12:36 ID: dVixMpwY
oh sorry, I thought you are living in Japan....
how do you like Japan?
how old are you?
406 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/12 (月) 15:08:03 ID: jgNcc8Qe
I am 40 years old. I would like to live in Japan but at this time
I need to be in San Francisco to take care of the servers for 2ch and bbspink.
407 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/15 (木) 01:32:14 ID: dYWf9GUd
busy busy busy.
408 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/15 (木) 13:02:52 ID: TWmoHvg1

/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| Jim-san, thank you for doing everythig for us!
   ̄ ̄ ̄|/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ∧∧∩    ∧__∧.∩    ∧_∧∩
   __(,,゚Д゚)ノ   __(´∀` )ノ   _( ・∀・)ノ
  ||\∪ ̄ ̄\ ||\∪ ̄ ̄\ ||\∪ ̄ ̄\
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄|| ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄|| ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .|| ̄ ̄ ̄||    .|| ̄ ̄ ̄||    .|| ̄ ̄ ̄|
409 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/15 (木) 15:09:12 ID: LudsYLXs
No sweat. I wish I could do more.
410 : Nameless editor [sage] : 2004/10/16 (金) 10:46:39 ID: 4LBcmxlO
Jim-san,are you tired?
May you be healthy.

My English isn't well, please allow.(--;
411 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/16 (金) 13:19:39 ID: LudsYLXs
genki desu-ka I just woke up.
412 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/16 (金) 13:47:13 ID: SfjQgzUe
413 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/20 (火) 18:45:35 ID: W+3YvoVd
Jim-san, how are you these days.......?
414 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/20 (火) 21:48:18 ID: +uwNx0EH
I have been to busy to do anything. This month I have been to Japan, hawaii
and now moving to another apartment. Busy busy busy...:)
Waiting for the winds of autumn to cheer me up. This should be a lot of fun.
415 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/10/21 (水) 01:20:18 ID: YecGKuEC
This time is the first championship which we sponsor.
The theme of a championship became "Free" in order to assemble many participants.
Since the following championship is not held unless this championship is successful.
Although we want to advertize this championship more widely, the rule of 2ch interferes.
417 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/22 (木) 14:16:53 ID: c4hZG2tZ
hagewara (mean lololol....)
Does the election rise?(sorry poor english)
419 : 名無し編集部員 [Jim] : 2004/10/24 (土) 17:34:21 ID: cB9tHXIV
I have been watching, but maybe this was not such a good week-end for a contest.
The earthquake has had most of my attention.
420 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/27 (火) 18:11:28 ID: YChlxnSS
>>419 how did the contest go?
421 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/28 (水) 03:10:01 ID: gkzxgx2x
Jim-san gave us the banner space for wiki.
Thank you very much.
422 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/28 (水) 05:43:07 ID: mZ7SpVox
* 2004 autumn (Number 001)
* The Erotic Ascii Art Championship Competition
* http://sakura02.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/eroaa/1098543545/

This first time competition theme is "Eros".

 We leave you about "Eros" and this competition theme's define or explanation.
 Please participate from beginner to veteran, we don't ask your age and sex.
 Besides, exhibition and voting is divided into each section.
 Also, you had making this competition for the first time works only.

 Exhibition; October 24, 00:00 - November 7, 21:00
 voting;   November 7, 21:00 - November 22, 24:00
 # Each periods don't extension.
  Could you please understand the situation beforehand.
  We can consider your lost time's factor. However, you don't expect.

If you have any other questions, please come in this thread here.
423 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/31 (土) 09:33:22 ID: kZmDrn7h
Jim-san, do you know "sage"?
2ch and bbspink are "thead-froat-type-BBS",
however, we have a method of not floating a thread,
which is only written to mail form as "sage". Let's take it!!
424 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/10/31 (土) 12:17:11 ID: NaXKVlse

425 : [ ( ´д`) <sage] : 2004/10/31 (土) 15:00:12 ID: 8V0xi76r
____      ________              _________
|書き込む| 名前: |Jim#*******    | E-mail(省略可): | sage          |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄         ,__  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\   iii■∧   。
     書き込むとき、E-mail欄に " sage "    > (,, ゚Д゚) /
     と記入すると、スレッドが上がりません  | ▽(|   つ
    _________________/ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|

          【 sage の利点 】
    ,__     ・書き込みの後もスレッドの順位は変更されない。
    iii■∧  。  ・従ってスレッドを荒らす人に見つかる可能性が低い
    (,, ゚Д゚) /  ・ゆっくりと進行するスレッドに効果的
  ▽(|   つ
  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
426 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/31 (土) 15:52:12 ID: 9mVWOP+6
Don't care.>sage
427 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/11/01 (日) 21:27:18 ID: Iq6D23BW
429 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/02 (月) 05:40:06 ID: Cnilu4bT
What is? sage? I show the detail folllowing(translation of >>425)
___      ________              _________
|書き込む| 名前: |Jim#*******    | E-mail(省略可): | sage          |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄         ,__  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\   iii■∧   。
 If the E-mail column is filled in as "sage"       > (,, ゚Д゚) /
when contributing, the posted thread will not go up. | ▽(|   つ
      _________________/ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|

          【 MERIT of "sage" 】
    ,__     ・As for the ranking of the posted thread, after writing is not changed.
    iii■∧  。  ・Therefore, a possibility of being found by those who damage the thread is low.
    (,, ゚Д゚) /  ・It is effective for the thread which advances slowly.
  ▽(|   つ
  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
430 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/11/02 (月) 13:54:06 ID: 2DyDqRaD
431 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/02 (月) 14:14:04 ID: vKyn7IDA
432 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/02 (月) 14:14:35 ID: fEGHavUJ
433 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/11/02 (月) 14:43:07 ID: 2DyDqRaD

I don't Know.
434 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/03 (火) 02:11:19 ID: zNvJnfgN
435 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/03 (火) 18:50:48 ID: azI3VL7g
Bush win.
436 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/11/04 (水) 15:35:15 ID: Bhf/vQ9R
437 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/05 (木) 20:21:34 ID: s+tXPuzM
Are you dai-joubu? Mr.Jim.
something wrong about a mackerel.
anyway,I'll show appreciation for Mr.Jim.
438 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/11/06 (金) 08:58:28 ID: YvPo2ScJ
Sa-ba is working well now. I am sorry I have just been to busy to even
read. I wish I had more time but things have to get done.
439 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/06 (金) 11:26:03 ID: aqugCVNH

 (;`・ω・)  。・゚・⌒) I m gonna cook fried rice for Jim-san! otudesu!
 /   o━ヽニニフ))
440 : ゴークス ◆GHOX/eULDg [sage( ゚ Д゚)終了?] : 2004/11/06 (金) 15:18:46 ID: DSFY+4wC
What do you think about result of President Election, Jim-San?
441 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/08 (日) 15:11:09 ID: gv9lSjuf
           rニニ、     It happened 10 years before...
        _〕ゝ弌{_      Looks like rarely chance, "Conbat Echizen" It's me !!
     r‐‐-r';:;(  );:;`ー-、     I'm driven by an impulse, I gonna get >>2 !!
    ノ、o」‖;:;:: ̄;:;:;:ノ!;:;:;」
    l=-、l |:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:| l={|      >>1 also dies again tonight !!
    ├--| |====l Y⌒!
     |! l / l:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:| l  |     >>3 Danny, Greg, are you alive !?
    | | |:;:\√;:;:l ヽ ',     >>4 Coming above !! take care !!
    _「Tj! |:;:;:;:;:仆;:;:;:ヽ ヽ.ll     >>5 What's this stairs !?
    |lllll| |:;:;:;:;:;:!ヽ;:;:;:;:;l  ヽj     >>6 Shit !!
   |llllllj  |ー--┤ ト---l!       >>7 You suck !!
    |__「  |ー-‐イ llー-‐{l       >>8 DAMN !!
       |   |  ヽ   l       >>9 OH NO !!
        |   |   |   |       >>10 One up !!
       |、_j!   l、_jト
       |  ̄l|    |  }        In this way, "Conbat Echizen" got the Crimson....
      (___j   └─'
442 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/11/09 (月) 05:38:04 ID: EpdzQJs2
Looking bad for the home team. I that things are going to get even more crazy
443 : pe-sama : 2004/11/10 (火) 07:55:14 ID: a0cljcKZ
445 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/11/25 (水) 23:02:57 ID: 9RVbJpqd
That just takes you back to the same place. Try this one...:)
The reason for this is to give a little protection to the people that have been meeting
through the threads, at least you can send a private email to someone before you hook up at
the love hotel.
I recommend like this.
Step 1 get account at off.bbspink.com
Step 2 write profile
Step 3 look through the profiles
Step 4 find your match
Step 5 send email to your match
Step 6 Talk on telephone
Step 7 select time
Step 8 meet up.
Please let me know the cool places you meet. I hope this turns into a success.
It should give you just a little more protection so you don't end up meeting ichi the killer
at the love hotel.
446 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/26 (木) 00:16:41 ID: 3gibbxQA
Will my emailaddress be open to the public if I get account?
447 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/11/26 (木) 12:11:18 ID: +lOYttHD
probably, yes.
you can use the free address.
448 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/12/05 (土) 06:29:14 ID: U2+i2VWN
1)初期費用(新しく調達するときに1回だけかかる)  2)維持費(毎月かかる)
があります。 昔、夜勤さんの会社で提供していたサーバ(非oyster、と呼んでいました)がありました。
していました。 で、ふくれあがる需要を支えきれなくなり(「みんな はさーん」)、
2001年8月にいわゆる「8月危機」が起こりました。 で、8月危機の後、
2)維持費はひろゆきが自分の財布から、NTTecに毎月払う ことになりました。
つまり、 3)オイスター作戦開始後のサーバの初期費用は、●から拠出する ことになったのです。
サーバを2ちゃんねるに貸しているNT Technologyが
Pacific Internet Exchange(PIE)を立ち上げることとなりました。
oyster901 = live8サーバを皮切りにいくつかのサーバが導入され、
ひとつもなくなったわけです。 +b●の内、ひ(りゃに行く分(鯖代に充てられる分)については、
449 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/12/05 (土) 08:48:26 ID: U2+i2VWN
503 名前:黒猫 ◆KtLl6mczbM [] 投稿日:04/12/05 15:46:01 ID:4/XI5BVn
504 名前:▲:/usr/local/bin/ch2 -o i686 ◆P8fXJj6wwo [sage] 投稿日:04/12/05 15:51:08 ID:PQAJwlft
Jim-san, Please consider the flotation of NTTec Tokyo Office!!
451 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/12/08 (火) 11:44:24 ID: /80z0TCl

lolz no way
452 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/12/12 (土) 05:52:29 ID: MqL1BGn1
your email is not public you can send private email to the members you wish to send to.
nice though, but why? I love Tokyo but I think that Tokyo government probably doesn't love me.
454 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/12/24 (木) 11:01:54 ID: LvfBvKZa
Jim-san, Thank you for sakura03!
Such a big Christmas present for us!!!
455 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/12/24 (木) 13:48:09 ID: 5aEQAgRF
please enjoy!
456 : Borracho ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2004/12/24 (木) 15:12:54 ID: hTps4/S1
Please reboot me.

Best Regards,
457 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/12/28 (月) 09:34:27 ID: 2hOgVQfP
If so, Hiroyuki is in the prison now!! hahahaha...
458 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/12/31 (木) 18:32:49 ID: KHGTb9E6
A Happy New Year!! Jim-san:)
459 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/01/01 (金) 00:37:22 ID: 59imSQx5
year 2005 has come to the uk just over half hour ago!
firework display in london was absolutely spectacular.
it was amazing!

i wish jim-san (and all of you here) the very best in 2005!
have a nice one!!!!!
461 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2005/02/21 (日) 08:37:26 ID: Y8rjasGj
Thank you so much! Sometimes little things like that are enough to make me
so happy. I wish I could eat it!
462 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/03/02 (火) 14:04:18 ID: lKQpE4mg
How's your diet going? hehe
463 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/03/02 (火) 16:24:01 ID: L+xcV6jL
高橋友城 は 自殺した
464 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/04/19 (月) 15:14:35 ID: M0IX7G8Z
The length of the penis?
465 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/05/20 (木) 17:40:21 ID: H42OvlmF
    (0゚・∀・) We are waiting for Jim-san.
  ∪(0゚∪ ∪
466 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2005/05/22 (土) 08:03:05 ID: cG3tBqgD
Only a select few know the length of my penis.
Could be big, could be small, but there have never been any complaints.
Anyway I have been working on a live stream from my office so that everyone could
see the dancing girls there.
My desk is to the left and not online.
467 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/07/06 (火) 23:37:20 ID: U+0JAN7p
470 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/07/18 (日) 08:17:02 ID: R/cDmraJ
471 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/09/27 (月) 04:27:37 ID: 4+XEqZOQ
472 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/11/11 (木) 07:02:30 ID: OJs6ofmJ
476 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/11/20 (土) 18:29:08 ID: EZnwowhv
lets make a calendar
477 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2005/12/02 (木) 06:57:03 ID: 7uOF51Ye
The calendars for 1996, umm I mean 2006 are finally complete. Oh they are so
pretty. I have just put them both up in my apartment.
You can get your official Pink Channel calendar here.
Oh and I am the camera man....:)
478 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/02 (木) 09:45:40 ID: dlExu3xL
Goto Hell
479 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/02 (木) 10:14:38 ID: MUgffPNd
fuck me
480 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/02 (木) 10:38:45 ID: s817qzKy
481 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/02 (木) 10:51:08 ID: xYvVHY4g
I can't hah-hah with realistic girls.
482 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/02 (木) 11:21:24 ID: snhluKJC
It is quite humorous Sre.
483 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/02 (木) 14:33:20 ID: MUgffPNd
Sre means thread
484 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/03 (金) 02:22:46 ID: ZWj5/YYD

485 : Borracho ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2005/12/03 (金) 03:18:14 ID: eb95DmAB
lick me.
486 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/05 (日) 04:24:24 ID: vbXDsgwD
Hello, my name is Nanasi.
Nice to meet you.
I'm fine thank you.
Good suck!!
487 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/05 (日) 04:30:11 ID: FaB4YGKD
Hello Jim-san:)
It is snowing in the book because of the cold wave today.
It is very cold. :(
How about that?
488 : ( ´ー`)y-~~~ ◆1/lnr.PUKA [sage] : 2005/12/05 (日) 12:37:45 ID: rbibtNJN
Hello, my name is PUKA
Do you mind if I smoke?
489 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/07 (火) 14:52:03 ID: tN8tjTdx
Do you like Silim-Jim beef jerky?
If you eat too much, you will be fat-Jim.
Huh Huh Huh
490 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/08 (水) 02:41:55 ID: p/P1Z9+F


491 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/08 (水) 07:44:15 ID: xNZCkkPQ

It has slightly gotten ROUGH in this thread.
Whom is it because of?(laughter)
492 : ( ´ー`)y-~~~ ◆1/lnr.PUKA [sage] : 2005/12/08 (水) 12:37:03 ID: Dz/V36m6
Full moon sways                
Gently in the of one fine day         

On my way       
Looking for a moment with my dear     

Full moon waves                
Slowly on the surface of the lake     

You were there               
Smiling in my arms for all those years  

What a fool                
I don't know'bout tomorrow         
What it's like to be            

I was fool                 
Couldn't let myself to go 
Even though I feel         
The End                 

Old love affair                
Floating like a bird resting her wings    

YOU were there                
Smiling in my arms for all those years
493 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/08 (水) 13:52:10 ID: HTehPbfk
It informed.
494 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/08 (水) 16:29:37 ID: Kcj9WEpQ
495 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/08 (水) 23:10:13 ID: vIpOF+jw
is it your lyric?
496 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/09 (木) 01:23:12 ID: jTsyCOet
497 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/09 (木) 06:08:55 ID: ghSe9Ff5

498 : Borracho ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2005/12/09 (木) 13:09:08 ID: 6oyornmj
499 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/11 (土) 02:07:29 ID: KFzkqu7x
on the earth.
on the earth?
on the earth!
500 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/11 (土) 22:03:11 ID: 8cul2wL4
Hey who are you? im japanese but never seen english speakers use 2ch.
i just ran into this page but are you japasen or something?
how do you think of japansen, if you are not one of them. one of my ex boyfriend was japansen and
i really dont know why those brainf--ked people love jappie girls.
anyway i gotta go, peace
501 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/12 (日) 01:34:24 ID: hV0js3QD
502 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/13 (月) 02:23:39 ID: AWzfjsa8
who is that bitchy old woman, i mean >>500. i wonder why she cannot even read >>1
503 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/14 (火) 01:16:42 ID: hLQGePdY
bbspink is NOT 2ch.
504 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/14 (火) 12:30:47 ID: fw9yvR6B
Japasese penis is so small and skin-covered.
505 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/14 (火) 12:34:57 ID: fw9yvR6B
Japanene SDF is ready to defeat North-Korea.
506 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/14 (火) 12:41:16 ID: fw9yvR6B
Jesus is the lord within Christmas.
507 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/15 (水) 00:36:39 ID: NoQLlQ9R
Spirit of Yasukuni shrine will revenge to USA.
508 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/15 (水) 12:22:28 ID: +rpktTJl
We love Jim-san!!!!
509 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/15 (水) 16:40:00 ID: iW/QIw6b
Jim should tutor himself in the gym.
510 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/18 (土) 04:05:52 ID: E0FZvdeP
511 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/18 (土) 04:19:32 ID: Ha/Mi8Dh
To Jim.

Is Jim a manager of opereration of BBSPINK?
Or a manager of a server?

>510 こういう事でいいのかな?
512 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/18 (土) 18:15:30 ID: zkCOtk0s
hey im sorry seriously i didnt read >>1. im >>500.
and hahaha you are right im a bichy old woman. i had a long day when i wrote it.
anyways...whoever you are, have a happy christmas and new year!
i cant go back to japan this year, it sucks...........
513 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/19 (日) 02:53:10 ID: vkgwKFWM
514 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/20 (月) 14:58:23 ID: 137bByUO
Do you like TSUNDERE girls????????
515 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/20 (月) 17:23:38 ID: Km0Yb8pX
Japanese Otaku is virtually sexual pervert.
516 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/21 (火) 23:10:42 ID: tiAtaIq6
517 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/23 (木) 15:29:41 ID: h33DgJ/A
Terrorists will be back to NY
518 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/23 (木) 15:52:01 ID: 65eZwLQA
Merry χmas, Mr.Jim-san!!
519 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/23 (木) 23:12:59 ID: h33DgJ/A
Remember Destroyerd New Orleans
520 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2005/12/24 (金) 02:12:03 ID: h33DgJ/A
They feel social intercourse etiquette as useless
in the anonymous BBS.
521 : 名無し編集部員 : 2005/12/24 (金) 06:38:00 ID: oIUeaEyr
Who's THEY?
522 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/01/05 (水) 08:15:18 ID: cBgyatPg
hehehehehehehehe, I am a womensen.
Japanese girls are ok, and very cute.
523 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/06 (木) 17:48:12 ID: KUc0AzID
womensen. well said, hehehehehehe
Japanese girls wana be cute coz Japanese guys want a cute little girl.
I guess Japanese girls look much younger, more childish than another Asians.
whant do you think?????????
524 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:11:28 ID: fv9cScd5
I am informed that you requested
the CEO of Zero.Inc to obtain the control of bbspink.cgi,
which caused a bustle in 2ch, because users were
obsessed by the apprehension that the solders
between you and 2ch were going to be threatened.
As a user of 2ch, I would know further information
about this matter, if you please(@wLoL
525 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:22:09 ID: fv9cScd5
According to the thread covering this news told us
that Nakao, the CEO of Zero refused to alienate
the helm of bbspink.cgi to you Jim, on the ground
that the script is not his but the kernel property
of 2ch. Jim, can you tell us why you need to get
the helm of bbspink.cgi, including its manipulation?
For your business use? Somebody suspect the confiscation
of SEAN's notebook PC at the airport might be closely
related to this matter, namely CIA or FBI tackles with
2ch and bbspink through NSA echelon, whose system
caught in the postings of 2ch the keywords for
information retrieval such as "daitoryo"(president)
"ansatstu"(assassination) or something(@wLoL
I know that once FBI took a search warrant on the
case about the posting of bbspink, so this thesis
leaves a considerably tenable ground, maybe(@wLoL
526 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:28:56 ID: L0MjUAoF
Halo Jim

It is a mental job famous for the 2channel.
Through is recommended.
527 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:31:49 ID: UuRWr5YN
You are a real card.
528 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:37:49 ID: fv9cScd5
Reposted with a slight castigation of phraseology.

I am informed that you requested
the CEO of Zero.Inc to obtain the control of bbspink.cgi,
which caused a bustle in 2ch, because users were
obsessed by the apprehension that the solders
between you and 2ch were going to be threatened.
As a user of 2ch, I would know further information
about this matter, if you please(@wLoL
529 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:40:48 ID: fv9cScd5
The thread covering this news told us
that Nakao, the CEO of Zero refused to alienate
the helm of bbspink.cgi to you Jim, on the ground
that the script is not his but the kernel property
of 2ch. Jim, can you tell us why you need to get
the helm of bbspink.cgi, including its manipulation?
For your business use? Someone suspects the confiscation
of SEAN's notebook PC at the airport might be closely
related to this matter, namely CIA or FBI tackles with
2ch and bbspink through NSA echelon, whose system
caught in the posting of 2ch the keywords for
information retrieval such as "daitoryo"(president)
"ansatstu"(assassination) or something(@wLoL
I know that once FBI took a search warrant on the
case about the posting to the bbspink, so this
hypothesis leaves considerably a tenable ground,
530 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:45:24 ID: L0MjUAoF
Nakao,Zero are trusted because of the 2channel User.
but 東京kitty is disliked by 2channel User.
It is a disturbed guy who enjoys making confusion promoted.
531 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:46:56 ID: 5Nr0rTjx
Go home.
532 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:50:11 ID: fv9cScd5
536 : ◆SSu.zv/rvs :2006/01/09(月) 00:11:07


しなくても root 直轄サーバにすればいいのかもですが、

In this thread, Nakao and other staffs of 2ch argumented
about your request, especially
he intended and consulted other staffs to move all
bbspink threads to "snowman operation servers" from yours.
We were very surprised at the whirl of events,
and "insidious approach of something to 2ch"(@wLoL
533 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:00:58 ID: L0MjUAoF
Dear Mr.Jim

2channel is everyone's one.Community that makes it from everyone.
However, it is not whose either.

Hirpyyuki hates it confusing.
That much.

Thank you.
534 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:03:07 ID: L0MjUAoF



Thank you.
535 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:06:03 ID: fv9cScd5

562 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2006/01/09(月) 00:56:16 ?
それを良く覚えておけ」 っていうかんじですかね。

In response to the Nakao's 557 posting, MUMUMUhnYI(Root, Toru?)
advised him to write to you "Shut up, the question is the trust
between you(PIE) and us. We will never entrust the untrustworthy
server housing company(you) with the largest bbs in the world,
536 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:09:47 ID: L0MjUAoF
You are Liar.
537 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:13:39 ID: fv9cScd5
571 : ◆SSu.zv/rvs :2006/01/09(月) 01:02:56



Nakao's posting showed his dismay, saying "Ooops, what can I do?
Everybody goes mad. Everything goes screwed."
538 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:13:42 ID: H2689P5I
what is the big idea?
Stop whining pathetic man
Oily pig fuck you asshole!
539 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:15:23 ID: L0MjUAoF
It is impolite to the Oily pig fuck you asshole.
540 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:18:20 ID: 5Nr0rTjx
541 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:20:51 ID: fv9cScd5

590 : ◆Reffiz2Zh. :2006/01/09(月) 01:11:43

A 2ch staff "Reffi" supposed the response of Hiroyuki,
the supervisor of 2ch that he would cancel all servers
of NT Technology in case where the situation goes
542 :  ̄ ̄ ̄\| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:21:59 ID: uPrErcHd
            / ,,-―‐、、、ヽヽヽヽ
            〔/     、))))ヾヽヽ
            / .,,,,、、 , ヽξ\Ξ/
           /  ==/  .,==-    レi!
          〔 、 ,(_,、ノ( "",,ノ:::::: 6)  
          λ:"::: ‐=‐^ン ...::::::::: |/  
          λ:::::. .:::::.. ::...::::::::::::::::/λ             
           λ::::::::::::::::::::::::...:::::::/  λ       
            \:::::::::::::::::::::::::// .  λ、
543 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:23:35 ID: L0MjUAoF
 ∧ ∧
(*‘ω‘ *)  chinpopo
 (   )
  v v
 ( (  ) )
544 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:30:06 ID: fv9cScd5
As shown above, at your request of alienating bbspink.cgi,
2ch staffs apparently exposed the feasibility to get rid
of NT Technology from 2ch business.
As an user wishing for a stable use of 2ch, I would like
to know the background of this showtime, and
your true intention about this matter(@wLoL
545 : (‐_‐)san : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:33:01 ID: Es8Fsy6a
546 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:33:48 ID: L0MjUAoF
You are Liar.
547 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:34:28 ID: 2m5sJr8O
fuck you oily pig
548 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:37:53 ID: ZJ37Ws22
Chinpopo is so charming!
549 : サラたん ◆SALA/cCkcU : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:39:07 ID: L0MjUAoF
Thank you.
550 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:41:32 ID: 5Nr0rTjx
Stand back! You stink. Take a shower.
551 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:49:23 ID: 5Nr0rTjx
To Jim

東京kitty was so beside himself that he could scarcely tell fact from fiction.

Sorry to cut in on your conversation.

Please ignore him.
552 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:56:19 ID: woEeDO/5
>> 535
Why would you like to mislead them with incorrect translation?
He just said that he believed only trustworthy partners,
and hoped Jim to be such a partner.
Are you really a professional translator?
553 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:59:12 ID: fv9cScd5

Beholding other postings of Nakao,
I found
100 : ◆SSu.zv/rvs :2006/01/09(月) 06:09:29
まぁ そういうことだ、

Translated as
"well, things are like that, I gag myself, this case is sealed
and I am impressed by the huge power of Korean Men(shown verbatim
as "noodles" in Chinese character, but its pronunciation is "men")

Who are those "Korean Men"?(@wLoL
554 : : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:01:27 ID: QN0Jg6Vj
an Oily pig
555 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:04:15 ID: woEeDO/5
Hi, Tokyo Someone, please answer to me!
Why do you translate these sentences so SELECTIVELY?
556 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:07:53 ID: fv9cScd5
You do not know the restriction of sending posts?(@wLoL

557 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:11:35 ID: HlSgJ4CL
You fuck idiot
558 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:12:17 ID: woEeDO/5
Thank you for your reply!
I couldn't understand why you, not an administrator of this BBS I think, posted these sentences against the restriction !
559 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:14:31 ID: fv9cScd5
The "restriction" is for the quantity of each posting,
therefore the posting itself is bound to be "SELECTIVE"(@wLoL

561 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:20:00 ID: woEeDO/5
No, I wolud like to know why you so KINDLY announce these posts?
And why do you like the Echelon system so much?

Hah-hah, I can feel your inside so HOT, Kitty-san, narii-
562 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:28:58 ID: fv9cScd5
Is there any tenable ground why I should desist from
a specific category of postings except unlawful ones(@wLoL

563 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:32:16 ID: ZcKTtHUv
半角にしろや 豚
564 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:34:38 ID: woEeDO/5
Sorry, I can't understand what you mean in your reply,
cause you use so much term like "any" or "specific".
Please explain with more logical words to misery and stupid me.
565 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:37:30 ID: c9i+BcmX
            / ,,-―‐、、、ヽヽヽヽ
            〔/     、))))ヾヽヽ
            / .,,,,、、 , ヽξ\Ξ/
           /  ==/  .,==-    レi!
          〔 、 ,(_,、ノ( "",,ノ:::::: 6)       
          λ:"::: ‐=‐^ン ...::::::::: |/  
          λ:::::. .:::::.. ::...::::::::::::::::/λ             
           λ::::::::::::::::::::::::...:::::::/  λ       
            \:::::::::::::::::::::::::// .  λ、
566 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:39:06 ID: fv9cScd5
I understand you have resort to translation sites(@wLoL
567 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:41:08 ID: woEeDO/5
Why do you understand that so rapidly, and why don't you have the pizza.
568 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:49:56 ID: 9ksXa8lQ

I saw this guy (>>565) in North Korea.
I guess he should be a spy !
Everybody be carefull !!
569 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:51:35 ID: woEeDO/5
では、kittyさんも相手してくれなくなったし、飽きてきたので寝ますね ノシ

570 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/08 (土) 23:52:55 ID: nx9pp825

Have you graduated really from the University of Tokyo?
571 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/09 (日) 01:04:58 ID: CXTFWmnO
572 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/09 (日) 01:24:01 ID: MYw+lNWh
573 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/09 (日) 03:44:49 ID: sNpodVl4

575 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/09 (日) 05:29:32 ID: b5x996J9
576 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/09 (日) 05:35:02 ID: G5GEumur
578 : ショップもとも ◆/lIg33Jv4I : 2006/01/09 (日) 05:35:25 ID: k5Hh1x92
579 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/09 (日) 06:49:30 ID: lFtvduG8

580 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/09 (日) 07:14:43 ID: YSXouogq
   i     _.,,,,.,..\  /    ,,----、,,,,,,,,,、、   |! ...人 从
  i |   .;';;;;゙;;゙;ミミ )ノ    / ,,-‐―、ヽヽヽヽゝ|! ...) あ (
 i| |i   i;;;;;;;;;;;;;rj      〔/  u  ))))ヾヽヽ|! ...) お (
 i| |.i    ':;;;;;;;;;;' j.     /.,,,,、、 , ヽξ\Ξ/;i......) お (
 i| i i ;'.⌒''~゙,.. `⌒'ヽ.i / ==/  .,==-u  レi! ...) / (
 l| | i ;::! ..;ノ ::;.... i ) i〔 ヾ(_,、ノ( "",,ノ u゚ );...) っ..(
  l | i./   ::: : .:::   、 | λ:: iにニ`i,:::::::::::::::::::...(@w荒(
   | i|   ::. .::    :、:l|λ::::ー‐'"ン ...::::u::::::つ
   ,-!  ::;:   ::     |i|、!:::::.u::.. ::...:::::::::::/ ミi|l
.  i, 〉 ....;:::::.. ..:::゙    |.|i  \::::::::::::::::::/,;;ミ ||ii|
   \.i'´゙゙"' ;:: '''゙゙"'; ,,l | _|彡"  ,' ; /'||
     ヾ_,;;;i!、._  _,;..-' .-'"  〈    ; /
581 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/10 (月) 16:00:46 ID: G1eRw7ME
582 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/13 (木) 10:58:56 ID: qVR0rEnn
583 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/19 (水) 23:46:20 ID: e517ucVN
584 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/27 (木) 23:32:03 ID: oeQrxQoO
585 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/01/28 (金) 05:46:47 ID: Qi+eRKN4
Did anyone mention that vaccum sucks?
586 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/28 (金) 05:59:01 ID: 6JpzSFfv
Unfortunately nobody wants your old rubbish. I would much prefer to buy a new one.
587 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/01/28 (金) 06:47:25 ID: Qi+eRKN4
I just bought a new one, because the old one sucks. hehehehe
get it sucks. Maybe you can think of something better to sell?
How about lingerie. I have in interest in selling lingerie. Panties new $5.00
used $20.00
588 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/28 (金) 09:41:44 ID: 6JpzSFfv
Something funny is good.
589 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/28 (金) 11:59:34 ID: 7WYGYIMF
Who was using the panties, that is the problem.
590 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/28 (金) 20:30:30 ID: nDdgR3vv 🧦
how about Jim-san?
591 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/01/28 (金) 20:32:09 ID: nDdgR3vv
I think I would need a special government license to sell my ばるま
593 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/28 (金) 21:43:11 ID: 2sOq7mfb
Is it used undergarment sales?
594 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/29 (土) 02:46:35 ID: KyyM6cXx
If you send from united states, high shipping fee would be a bottleneck.
Will you be selling Jim-san's used boxers as well? lol
595 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/01/29 (土) 03:26:40 ID: nDdgR3vv 🧦
>>are you sure?
596 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/29 (土) 03:57:23 ID: KyyM6cXx
Are you Jim-san?
597 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/01/30 (日) 12:54:31 ID: j0AsBUQu
humm I dont think so. I guess >>590 >>595 is Jim-san's new girlfriend or suchlike
and that they were at Jim-san's house and posted separately.
599 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/03 (木) 01:56:10 ID: +GDaCrDg
600 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/02/03 (木) 04:55:58 ID: Q+CO1IBp
Jim-san, how can we watch the naked of Bodyshots girls?
I really like them.
so, If you have some photos, show us please.
601 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/02/06 (日) 18:23:36 ID: GALdNDBw
Jim-san, Sakura03 is going to be stopped (probably)suddenly.
Sir. FOX is going to do something there to fix its troubles or failures
602 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/02/07 (月) 17:55:02 ID: KAQ8oc2K
now Sir.FOX and Sir.Mumumu are fixing sakura03 with many good people, Jim-san.
603 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/14 (月) 23:11:51 ID: eLfs6j36
604 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/02/24 (木) 08:10:04 ID: 8CYCMphF
Please teach me how to swear and say insulting bad things to people in Japanese.
Sometimes I feel the need to say things back to people that are totally deserving of a good
punch in the face.
I would really appreciate help with the correct phrases. My translation software doesn't work
well for this.
Domo wazawaza sumi-masen
605 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/02/24 (木) 08:42:13 ID: a0e6gp1g
Fuzakeruna, bakayaro!!!

The point is to say it LOUD. Never use that to women.
You can use Fuzakeruna / Bakayaro separetely.
606 : 外野ァァン [sage] : 2006/02/24 (木) 09:06:15 ID: VzhI25H9
Omae no To-chan Oshio-Manabu!
607 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/24 (木) 09:39:27 ID: aiQByv9s
608 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/24 (木) 09:39:57 ID: aiQByv9s
609 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/02/24 (木) 12:00:28 ID: a0e6gp1g
610 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/24 (木) 14:40:25 ID: PCXHtML6
Tofu no kado ni butukete shinjimae !
611 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/24 (木) 14:43:37 ID: gyhFEE2/
612 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/02/24 (木) 14:49:37 ID: cjvV8yOi
fuck you

go to hell
zigokuhe otiruwayo!

You filthy basterd


fuckin' dude

613 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/24 (木) 15:13:07 ID: Slgeimxy
You are already dead !

omaeha mou shindeiru
614 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/25 (金) 13:00:34 ID: gV3J1tCu
I don't wanna see your f*ckin' face!!!Get out of here!!

kiero gesu!!!

Piss off!!

oshikkosinaito boukouen ni natchauyo!
615 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/02/26 (土) 14:19:46 ID: CapdBFrF
や ら な い か
(suck my dick)
616 : Borracho ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2006/02/26 (土) 15:37:52 ID: pf7Fpfsc
Piss off!!


suck my dick

617 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/02/27 (日) 01:36:37 ID: pLcKtEQI
619 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/03/02 (水) 07:24:41 ID: 5IhHklnt
awesome = sugoi
620 : かすみ : 2006/03/06 (日) 13:52:37 ID: NAh7gEpW
Fuck me!!
621 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/03/06 (日) 23:10:17 ID: +tbMbwJu
623 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/03/09 (水) 23:27:24 ID: Lp5n7aeg

<!> W A R N I N G <!>



624 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/03/10 (木) 06:16:22 ID: n4mwQYHF
We are more like a sex defenders silly rabbit.
626 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/03/17 (木) 04:28:47 ID: mfteaqCn
Is it true that new text books in Japanese schools round pie off to 3?
627 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/03/17 (木) 06:12:10 ID: mfteaqCn
628 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/03/17 (木) 10:48:14 ID: WsFh2AbT
It's an exaggeration.
629 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/03/17 (木) 11:52:38 ID: eQUzwKAR
630 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/03/18 (金) 02:45:04 ID: 20lBQAcA
I can think of a lot of companies that sell products by volume that might be
happy to have pi be 3 they would be able to sell less product for the
same price. How about the new school text books with pi = 3
sponsored by coke.
631 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/03/19 (土) 14:44:46 ID: wmgs8vpu



632 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/03/19 (土) 14:57:16 ID: Ae5j9zcS
633 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/03/27 (日) 01:39:27 ID: cJakyCf+
634 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/03/29 (火) 07:36:53 ID: 6eJsJmOu
>>633 and Sandra Sandra Bullock is the goddess of the internet
635 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/04/01 (金) 11:18:17 ID: 2dtGQ9vl



636 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/04/09 (土) 07:39:17 ID: 1OMVlLhY
638 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/04/09 (土) 14:58:40 ID: aWl4f8kc

640 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/04/20 (水) 06:41:03 ID: Bvl2CdeJ
641 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/06/19 (日) 15:33:15 ID: TmhQUw53
642 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/06/26 (日) 09:32:01 ID: gc7RVNZf
Hello jim.

Do you see?
643 : Sonic Guide [sage] : 2006/06/30 (木) 15:50:27 ID: bXePAH3h
Oh! hot guy!!
645 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/06/30 (木) 16:18:07 ID: SVbV3Gs1
646 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/06/30 (木) 17:35:06 ID: eezBiRQg
Dear Jim-san,

This is Del( 'o')y-~ of 2ch's deletion volunteer.

2ch deletion policy changed.

[Old] PinkBBS is a relation of 2ch. PinkBBS administrator is Hiroyuki.

[New] PinkBBS is a relation of 2ch. But, PinkBBS administrator is not Hiroyuki.

We were able to delete each message of PinkBBS until yesterday.
Because We knew the following remarks of 2ch Policy.
"Hiroyuki has the All responsibility of the deletion judgment."
Hiroyuki is 2ch's administrator.

After today, we cannot delete each message.
We want to confirm Demacation and the risks.
Please confirm it, and Talk with Horiyuki.

647 : ◆IRAIaaV18I [sage] : 2006/07/01 (金) 06:06:54 ID: eH8Ta9kx
Hello jim.

I want to candidacy for deletion-person of BBSPINK for this problem.

Please to mail.


648 : ◆DQN/9/VVV. [sage] : 2006/07/01 (金) 22:59:36 ID: +CBmDink
Hello jim.

I want to candidacy for deletion-person of BBSPINK for this problem.

Please to mail.

But,,,,, I cannot English orz

650 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/11 (月) 02:10:36 ID: +PZtHO+Q
651 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 16:32:28 ID: Lc4eMGBX
Jim is going to come here.
652 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 16:44:20 ID: CjwwndAD
653 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 16:45:37 ID: Lc4eMGBX
let's talk, he's going to come here in a few minutes.
654 : 770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 16:52:01 ID: +ATHDFbR
655 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 16:52:49 ID: Lc4eMGBX
you guys can ask everything what you want to ask.
let's start posting.

not kidding,

He's looking for his icon now. he lost his password for ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
656 : ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 16:57:22 ID: OxdQrey0
OK,OK.Very very nice to meet you Mr.Jim.
I am KOTARO as one of 2ch's deleter.

The lesbian couple whose lawsuit led to legal same-sex marriage
in Massachusetts have announced they have separated.

Do you like lesbian?
657 : 770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 16:57:58 ID: +ATHDFbR
Is he?

So, I'm lookin'f'ward'a talkin'im.
658 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:00:14 ID: mRggU16k
Thank you to the volunteers.
I have been reading through 2ch deletion policies. They seem very cumbersome,
and actually offensive to the reader if read translated in english, probably that is just my translation though. I am sure
there is a reason for them to have such detail in them, please let me know the important points of them.
I would like to make my own deletion policy, since there are different rules for a website that is owned by a US entity
and not hosted in Japan.
659 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:00:34 ID: Kgr4BDVU
Read air.
660 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:02:15 ID: nOFcjxiK
Oh! I like lesbian,veryvery like.
661 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:03:42 ID: mRggU16k
>>659 I am so happy when someone can actually find love. I wish our lawmakers would
stop making such a discussion over who sleeps with who, and who
can marry who. I like lesbians
I have many friends that are, and I also like watching lesbian porn.
662 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:03:53 ID: Lc4eMGBX
Jim, could you please read here everyday, and answer if you can.
you are a real manager of bbspink now.

and I asked the translation of 2ch guideline to a proffesional.
so that is not the one I translated.

but yes, it is long and that is for volunteers.
and that kind of long long one is needed if you want keep the situation which you have here in bbspink.
663 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:05:11 ID: nOFcjxiK
664 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:07:27 ID: nOFcjxiK
665 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:09:00 ID: mRggU16k
I don`t mind having a long deletion guide. I would like to edit the 2ch
policy some and keep it mostly in tact. I have always been the owner
and responsible for bbspink, this is actually not such a bad thing. It is really
good that we can separate our rules from 2ch. 2ch rules are good for 2ch
we have some different concerns on bbspink. Many of the ideas that I have
wanted to implement to make things better have always been delayed or never
completed due to discussion of how they would affect 2ch rules.
666 : 770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:11:04 ID: +ATHDFbR
I'm 770.

You like watchin' squirt porn? (for instance, Cytheria's)
667 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:11:33 ID: Lc4eMGBX
You are going to make your own guideline,
because you are responsible for bbspink, is this correct?

and I would like to do your liaison, if you are ok.

we and I need your answer to make things go on.

and we are now discussing about bbspink guide line here.

BBS PINK削除ガイドライン検討スレッド2

all written in Japanese, so I am going to tell you what is going on here or emails which are going to be opend.
668 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:13:51 ID: mRggU16k
It depends on who is squirting who and with what....;)
669 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:13:57 ID: wcVs5e2h
Nice to talk to you, Jim.

PINK channelers are very confused, and their deleting system is stopping now. It is not good time to change many things.
Could you just focus to start the deleting system, first?
After that, you can change other things, too, step by step.
670 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2554447);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:13:58 ID: xSyq/e1Z

This is Mumumu.
Thank you for your writing. All BBSPINK users wait for you.

I am now making for wrting for your 'official' opinion.
This function is called 'cap', it means the own official standpoint.

After I complete to set this, you can use this on all BBSPINK servers.
I will teach how to use it on this thread and via my email later.
671 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [be(547632);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:14:46 ID: ???

Now I am using my volunteer cap on BBSPINK.
672 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:15:20 ID: xSyq/e1Z
And this is the 'normal' (personal) mode.
673 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:16:50 ID: mRggU16k
● ◆79EROOYuCc
I think it is a very good start to have you as my liaison. You can help me
with translations and let me know the actual mood of the conversations.
So I don`t spend years wondering why I own a fish company and not a server company.
674 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:17:40 ID: Lc4eMGBX
I am glad to do that.
thank you, Jim.
675 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:19:24 ID: mRggU16k
>> 672
Thank you for the work you have done. I am sure we will have smooth deletion
676 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:21:24 ID: Lc4eMGBX
I am going to help Mumum.
we, I mean , I and probably Mumumu want to keep bbspink.

so we are going to help it.

Mumumu is goig to do server management matters as he has been doing for 2ch.
Mumumu, is that ok with you, and is that ok with Jim?
677 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:24:16 ID: xSyq/e1Z
So, ★ (black star mark) means the official volunteer mark.

You are now seeing 桃色吐息 ★ on the name field on my writing.
This black star mark cannot be input directly, 2ch and BBSPINK's
BBS system changes the black star into the white star (☆) forcely.

And each 'official name' is bounded each secret password, so,
when I set this on all BBSPINK servers, you can use your 'cap'

But, be careful, you should not use it too much.
So, it is only use for the 'official opinion'.

I will email to you how to use the 'cap' mark on BBSPINK system later.

And your cap handle name is "Apparently admin ★".

Of couse it sounds very strange, but Hiroyuki uses the Japanese version
of this as "どうやら管理人 ★". So, of course, you can use the English version
of it on BBSPINK, because you are the administrator of BBPINK.

678 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:25:30 ID: Lc4eMGBX
>official volunteer mark.

AND management mark. right?
679 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:27:44 ID: nOFcjxiK
680 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:28:10 ID: mRggU16k
heheheheheeh Apparently admin hehehehe
681 : 770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:29:58 ID: +ATHDFbR
Mmm... I agree what 'you said.
Of co'rce, I hope a gal who can squirt is sweet'n'nice.

(I hadda study English hard when I was in high school...; _,,_) <my honest opinion

Sometimes 'cap'(★) is used for enjoying chat.
682 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:30:17 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Exactly, but management mark is Jim's one.
All other's are not management mark, of course (including you and me).

And I will make two volunteer handle name for your official work for
BBSPINK, one is for your personal official work and the other is
Sakura Plus's official work.

I think the cap handle of Sakura Plus's official work should be shared
Jim and you. So, I will email to you your personal cap handle,
and I will email to Jim and you Sakura Plus's official cap handle.

683 : ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:30:34 ID: OxdQrey0
Then, where are the points whitch we must Laugh?
684 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:32:58 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Is it good?

So, you know it means "The Hiroyuki's Mind".
Congratulatiuons! Only you can use this for BBSPINK admin.
I think you are very proud for it.

And I will work for this, so I am momentarily offline, please wait a moment.
685 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:35:01 ID: Lc4eMGBX

why don't you guys join us? ones who are just watching us.
686 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:37:04 ID: mRggU16k
>> 669
yes step by step. There is no hurry to change something that is working well.
The deletion process itself should not change much. I think the point is who
is responsible for deletions and what should be deleted. These are minor details
to most users.
>> 683 Please laugh at it all, I find it funny, and am happy at the same time
to hear others laugh
687 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:40:34 ID: Lc4eMGBX
>>686 Jim,

bbspink is going to be separated from 2ch system.
bbspink is still using 2ch system, but I guess we won't be able to anymore very soon.
so we'll have to find the way to make things work though.
688 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:41:38 ID: mRggU16k
I only have 20 more minutes I can do this until really early in your morning.
Please post quick and I will reply later.
689 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:42:51 ID: y1jICZ6W
not >> 669
ok >>669

I think it is easy to see this obviously for us.
690 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:43:43 ID: xSyq/e1Z
> I only have 20 more minutes I can do this until really early in your morning.
> Please post quick and I will reply later.

Oh, I put email in a hurry, so, I will do make "Apparently admin ★" sooner.
Other two caps will make later. Please wait a moment.
691 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:45:04 ID: fGCb8rsD
Oh! Jim-san came.
We are happy.
692 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:46:17 ID: wcVs5e2h
>what should be deleted.

We can still use 2channel Guideline for now.
Do we talk about new guideline later?
I want you to stop our confusion at first, please.
693 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:49:15 ID: mRggU16k
>>692 Yes of course, until we have discussed and people have brought up valid reasons
to me for changing the current 2ch guideline, then we wil use that
as our official guide. I am certain that Hiroyuki has a reason for it to read the
way it does, and he is probably the best man I know. I will follow his guide
and we will only edit it some in the future to fit in with the adult nature
of our boards.
694 : ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:49:19 ID: OxdQrey0
OK,OK! I'm happy! You're happy,too!
Let's run toward that setting sun!!
It's youthfulness!!
695 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:50:25 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Just I sent how to use cap handle and cap password for "Apparently admin ★".

Jim-san, please read email and you can test it in this thread.

696 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:53:17 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Izumi-san, do you receive Jim-san's reply?

Jim-san, I emailed your email address to Izumi-san.
He is the voluntary deleter on 2ch, and he wants to know some
deletion policies on BBSPINK.

I think that he is a person who can trust it for deletion.
If you can, please reply to him.
697 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:53:34 ID: mRggU16k
>>694 I like that. I will post it on my blog
and believe me I know how important deletion is. I have terrible problem with
spam on Electric buddha.
698 : ◆79EROOYuCc [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:53:37 ID: Lc4eMGBX
all right, I am so sleepy and hungry, I gattago
see you soon again.
699 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:54:11 ID: xSyq/e1Z

700 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:00:59 ID: fGCb8rsD
Sorry, Jim-san,
I have sent impolite mail to you.
I was in a hurry.
I make an effort to help you if you are active.
701 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:01:08 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Oh, I've got a miss.
I am not sure where 79-san is.
So, the time zone for her is not actual. Sorry. >>698
702 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:02:23 ID: fGCb8rsD
c u
703 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:03:59 ID: mRggU16k
>>700 だいじょぶ
704 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:04:55 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Jim-san is clever and gentle, so please don't hesitate for communicating him.

To: all users,
Of course, the above can be applied for all 2ch and BBSPINK users.

I will make "the gateway thread" for publishing your official opinion.
So, you can write this thread by using your cap handle for publishing
your thinking publicly.
705 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:06:31 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Oh, good Japanese.

To: All,
Jim has the simple English-Japanese translation library for putting
'copy-paste' operation. So, it is a pretty little joke of him. :-)
706 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:07:48 ID: 7SDDsM6u
707 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:08:53 ID: mRggU16k
>>705 Fox taught me proper romanj spelling. It helps a lot.
708 : 770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:09:04 ID: +ATHDFbR
My friend has come at >>706.
709 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:09:58 ID: xSyq/e1Z

I teach the magic word for administration.

Otsu-desu おつです

This is the magic word for administrating 2ch bbs.
He uses it for controlling over 100 volunteers without any money, including me.

So, as you already know, he is very bad guy. :-)
711 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:11:21 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Oh, all of your Japanese words are Fox's input?

I understand. Hehehe.
712 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:12:05 ID: xSyq/e1Z
It is good.
713 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:12:58 ID: 7SDDsM6u
714 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:13:38 ID: xSyq/e1Z

I already emailed how to use the "Apparently admin ★" cap.
Please try it.
715 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:13:51 ID: wcVs5e2h
one more thing.

>who is responsible for deletions

It is too hard to find somebody who has responsible without money,
but it is easy to find who is in charge for deletions.
2channel Guideline says deleters has no responsible, but Hiroyuki has all responsible.
That is why he has many volunteers.
716 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:13:57 ID: WKW6eazj
imakita industry
717 : 770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:15:30 ID: +ATHDFbR
Can he use some kanji(Chinese-Charactors)?
718 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:17:52 ID: nOFcjxiK
I think of you everyday,everynight.

It is a lie.
719 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:19:41 ID: mRggU16k
>>717 I can spell my name and read street signs.
720 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:20:32 ID: nOFcjxiK
cunnilings = くんに
721 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:21:32 ID: fGCb8rsD
If Meiryo Font is used, Japanese can be displayed.
I encourage Meiryo Font.
722 : 770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:23:01 ID: vOTl/pU+
Oops, ID has changed.

Oh, I see.
723 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:23:41 ID: ???
>>715 I am and always have been completely responsible for bbspink.
724 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:24:02 ID: nOFcjxiK
no no Jim is 侍夢.  It's Samurai's dream.
725 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:24:44 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Izumi-san, don't worry.
Jim-san can see all Japanese characters on BBSPINK.

But it is not sure that all of them can be read by him. :-)
726 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:25:22 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Oh, very good!!

This is very CLEAR. Thank you for writing.
727 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:25:23 ID: CjwwndAD

I'm coming.
Tell me the situation on 3 lines.
728 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:25:57 ID: mRggU16k
Thanks mumumu Apparently admin works.
729 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:30:02 ID: xSyq/e1Z
Dou itashi mashite.

I have to complete my work for making other two cap handle.

One is the cap handle for 79, it is "Nark ★".
It is derived from the pronounciation of the Japanese of "79".
I think is is suitable for her.

And another cap is "SakuraPlus ★".
This is for official announce SakuraPlus Inc. And I will email
the handle of it to you and 79.
730 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:33:10 ID: wcVs5e2h
Thank you, Jim.
You are such a nice guy.
I will help you as much as I can.
731 : 770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:34:06 ID: vOTl/pU+
79 doesn't like that handle 'Nark ★' , does he?
732 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:36:50 ID: fGCb8rsD
This is new one step of BBSPINK.
733 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [be(5746379);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:37:22 ID: ???
I completed my work for >>729 so my work for it is done.

Otsu-deshita > me
734 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [be(547632);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:39:22 ID: ???
Oh, no.

I've forgotten the important work for BBSPINK.

I have to make a thread for publishing the official opinion of Jim-san.
I will try it now.
735 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:39:37 ID: mRggU16k
Otsu deshita Mumumu
736 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:41:16 ID: dtZ8DG3D
737 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:42:28 ID: fGCb8rsD
738 : 某770 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:44:24 ID: vOTl/pU+
739 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:46:38 ID: mRggU16k
>>734 and don`t you think 2 boards for controlling deletion are necessary?
741 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:51:07 ID: pRrsvi9c
I'm coming here, I had hearing Jim-san in this thread :)
742 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:57:13 ID: fGCb8rsD
If you go by the way of 2chBBS, they might be necessary.
743 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [be(1368735);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 18:57:48 ID: ???
I don't think so now.

Currently, 2ch and BBSPINK's deleting board is the completely same (1 unit, 3 boards).

As long-time solution, for controlling deletion of 2ch and BBSPINK may separate.
But now there are no troubles the current deletion system, so, we don't need hurry
up for separating.

Hiroyuki wants to separate these boards for 2ch and BBSPINK certainly,
but I estimates this makes very serious impacts for 2ch and BBSPINK's
deletion system.

So, I think we must not hurry. This is very difficult and needs step-by-step
works, and I thinks it is the work after making deletion policies for BBSPINK own.

That's all my opinion.
Jim-san, how about this?
744 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:17:12 ID: fGCb8rsD
I agree with your opinion.
If Hiroyuki-san permits, I think that We should borrow the BBS to receive the request of deletion.
745 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:26:29 ID: fGCb8rsD
746 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:30:19 ID: xSyq/e1Z

He said that Sure and Sure(Su-Re) is the same spelling,
but no one points about it and he is disappointed.

Izumi-san, I am sorry about it.

And I feel a little bit speepy, so I think it is time for taking bath
and going to bed now.

I say Oyasumi-Nasai to users and thank you for discussing and wathing
our dances in this thread.

Good luck for 2ch and BBSPINK.
Good night.
747 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:30:42 ID: mRggU16k
It is fine with me, I have had a request to make a subdomain dear.bbspink.com
for this purpose. Let me know when and if it is necessary. Probably we have
a peach server we could put it on. It won`t be such a busy board I think.
Important, but not so busy.
748 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:31:03 ID: xSyq/e1Z
wathing → watching
749 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [be(547632);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:32:33 ID: ???
Ok, I withdraw the request for making virtual host for dear.bbspink.com.
Let's make the deletion policy first.
750 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:34:39 ID: fGCb8rsD
I'm very sleepy.
Good night and c u
752 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [be(1095034);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:45:07 ID: ???
It's done.
You can use your cap handle at all boards of BBSPINK.

Good night, friends.
753 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 19:55:17 ID: MEuPoeqV
Oh, Hot Guy!
My name is Delete technique, one of the deleter of channel 2.
At that BBS(channel 2), my name is 削除technique ★.
I have a very, very big cock(8 inches long!),
and love gachimuchi guys.
Why don't you join in my club, Onsoku-FinalRomance?
I'm very welcome.
754 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [be(4104959);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 20:45:37 ID: ???

Please be careful. >>753's name field is "名無し編集部員".
It means the anonymous coward at this bulletin board.
So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,
He uses the trip string on his real writing.

So, this BBS is anonymous based. As you know, with cap and/or trip-nized
writings are only trusted. All other writings may be forged the posting name.

So, my writings are always trip-nized and/or cap-nized.

◆MUMUMUhnYI is my trip string and 桃色吐息 ★ is my cap handle.
So, all other Mumumu's writings may be forged.

Again, please be careful.
755 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 21:13:10 ID: CjwwndAD
> So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,
> He uses the trip string on his real writing.

↓Because this is the message for Mumumu,I write in Japanese


“is not”ではなく、「ではないことが多い」ではないでしょうか?
756 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★ [be(3283766);] : 2006/07/21 (木) 21:45:46 ID: ???

He (or she) points my writing about quoting the above.

He wrote that my writing:
> So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,

should be:
> So, I think its writing may not be the real delete technique,

Certainly, he may not use his PC temporary at that time,
so, he doesn't input his own cap/trip password on his writing.
As you know, it is very dangerous that inputting cap/trip password
on other person's and/or Internet Cafe's PC. So, you must not do.

And I teach another very important issue about 2ch and BBSPINK.

All of 2ch and BBSPINK users have the same priority and hierarchy.
Of course, including cap-holder, trip-holder, and including me.

You must not discriminate by Name field. Name field is only decoration
for writing, the erotic person does not understand this. :-)


757 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 22:57:53 ID: gBcpUgoP
are you can read japanese ok ?
758 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/21 (木) 23:39:07 ID: bo+r+dp3
>>754 only 8 inches? I am sorry you are so small.
759 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 23:41:42 ID: xtV7jvHj
You may write in Japanese.
760 : Borracho ◆baila6uPTo [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 01:11:04 ID: fY/E6ZOB
hyper text transfer protocol.
file transfer protocol.
simple mail transfer protocol.
post office protocol.
KYOTO protocol.

Let's throw in the above-mentioned sentence to the text area that exists in the
EXCITE translation.

It's B!E!A!Utiful!! for exicite transration works!

Posdata: 'Done...' eq 'Mission complete.' eq 'むぎゅ'
761 : 外野ァァン [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 02:38:00 ID: 3SWp4RhR
after the carnival ... orz
762 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3192757);] : 2006/07/22 (金) 02:51:04 ID: xSyq/e1Z

Above AA is called "Pugyaa". It is frequently used for "You deserve it".

But he is one of my online friends in 2ch/BBSPINK.
(As you know, I have so many online friends in 2ch/BBSPINK, including you)
I am sorry he could not attend the festival in yesterday midnight.
763 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 04:26:51 ID: CjwwndAD
Thank you very much for translating my opinion.

764 : ξ=∂ヮ∂=ξやまオニイサマ☆ ◆7KBbCCGQs. [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 04:41:44 ID: HrligRbo
>>758 Jimおじちゃん☆
When beginning, dear Mr. Jim♪
I am famous GAYstar that kicks on the net in when old.

I read the heroic episode of Mr. Jim in various places on the net.
Is the loss in weight that drinks Diet Coke said well?

         ξ ´ー` ξ
        /⌒ - - ⌒\
      /⌒\ ・  ・ /⌒\
     /     \∩/     \
   /\/⊃   ∞'   ⊂\/\
  /  /   \_)*(_/   \  \
 |_/                 \_|

       Love Me Tender…(laughs)

Here because it is very busy today.
See you again somewhere on the net.
Mr. Jim .moreover♪
765 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(729942);] : 2006/07/22 (金) 04:47:34 ID: 9rZOhxvj
>>764 is one of the famous erotic user "Yama-Oniisama" in 2ch.

As you know, Hiroyuki prohibits excessive erotic/obscene in 2ch,
but we know BBSPINK is not.

So, I think >>764 can treat more realistic and natural personality.
And I think it is so good for both person, you and him.

766 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 05:31:21 ID: NEIwtSnl
Yama-oni has come and something hot has cum, too!(laughing)

And next, I expect 削リファイス ★(well-known for the SuperStar Kezuri-san at 2ch) will come here.
767 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/22 (金) 06:19:00 ID: bo+r+dp3
>>764 I have seen your 2d pic to many times....;)
Please have a good internet life.
769 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1095034);] : 2006/07/22 (金) 12:31:54 ID: 9rZOhxvj
I think Jim-san uses normal Web browser, probably.

So, "ttp://" style (preventing referer leaking) is NOT suitable for this thread,
at least. When using this, Jim-san must do painful "copy-and-paste" operation.

Then, I recommended normal "http://" style hyperlink for teaching and
displaying the hyper link information to Jim-san, in this thread.

To: Jim-san,

Many 2ch/BBSPINK users use custom-made browsers for using thair boards.
They are very useful and they read "*.dat" file directry instead of call
read.cgi program. So, custom-made browsers help reducing the servers' load.

I also use one of custom-make browsers, it is called "OpenJane".
And there are many kinds of custom-make browsers in Japan.

And it is very important point, their custom-made browsers support the function
of 2ch pastlog reading service. As you aleady know, it is one of the core system
of "The Oyster Project", called ●(Black circle).

So, we should say thank you for users and developers of each custom-made
browsers. Otsu-desu. > all related people

770 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4469377);] : 2006/07/22 (金) 12:41:54 ID: 9rZOhxvj
(in Japanese)

"ttp://" ではなく、普通に "http://" の形で、貼るようにしたほうがよさげです。
772 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(5746379);] : 2006/07/22 (金) 12:46:15 ID: 9rZOhxvj
Thank you for your cooperation.
773 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 13:18:42 ID: JpjI6wVA

Thank you too.
774 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4104959);] : 2006/07/22 (金) 13:29:01 ID: 9rZOhxvj

Just I explain the strange email address "sage".

In 2ch/BBSPINK, you see so many "sage" message in Email field.
For example, >>773.

This "sage" is one of the basic and important functions in 2ch/BBSPINK.
I will explain it later.
776 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 14:55:30 ID: y1jICZ6W
■ Jim's thinking (part 1)から質問を一部転載

777 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 14:56:24 ID: y1jICZ6W

>>776 is question. It translated from Japanese into English.

Please answer as much as possible.

Because BBSPINK is misappropriating the system of 2ch now,
the authority of the person nominated can be used also with BBSPINK as it is as a volunteer in 2ch.
Is there ideas such as "It is necessary to blot out the authority" and
"I want to appoint BBSPINK as it is" about those people?
778 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 15:02:56 ID: i94JvLAq
Dear Jim san,


It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us --
that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which
they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that
these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God,
shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people,
by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Best Regards,
779 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 15:34:00 ID: VjWpFazW
780 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/22 (金) 16:24:58 ID: 3kCuBlYB
>>778 Are you trying to motivate people? That is most famous speech of one of our dead presidents
in the US. Abraham Lincoln. I have been to that battlefield, you can almost feel the ghosts. Over 50,000
people died there. Brothers fighting brothers. Maybe you are trying to make a point that we are fighting
among ourselves for no apparent reason? Anyway please make your point more clearly.
781 : ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 16:34:31 ID: 1CIIX2KZ
Good morning Mister.
782 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 16:39:05 ID: z+Htz2+w

Is the announcement of ideas and principles?
783 : ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 16:51:34 ID: 3jQrmK7A
I felt that Mr.Jim got HOT.


And now,here we go! ONE,TWO,THREE...DAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
784 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/22 (金) 18:01:58 ID: ciEY/WMM
It's not cool to be serious to the copied material!
785 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/22 (金) 19:28:09 ID: 3kCuBlYB
>>782 >>783
Just a response and not an announcement of principles. Remember the Principal is your pal.
I think Mumumu has made a board for rants and raves and opinions.
Lets discuss things like the Gettysburgh address or other things that do not pertain to
our Ero life and building a better bbspink there.
786 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4925096);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 02:00:56 ID: I/JZY30u

> I think Mumumu has made a board for rants and raves and opinions.
> http://pie.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153507675/
> Lets discuss things like the Gettysburgh address or other things that do not pertain to
> our Ero life and building a better bbspink there.

Ok, thank you.
787 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1641492);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 02:29:51 ID: I/JZY30u
(in Japanese)

ということで Jim さんは、

■ Jim's thinking (part 1)



Let's talk with Jim-san



788 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 02:45:54 ID: BtBZKIyp

789 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1641863);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 02:57:49 ID: I/JZY30u
(in Japanese)

> 該当スレでJimさんの「思うところ」が語られ、それについての議論はこのスレッドで、と言う事ですね?


> それから、ここでの議論は英語で行われるのが基本でですか?


ここは「Let's talk with Jim-san = Jim さんと語ろう」なので、
日本語でだけやりとりするのは、Jim さんにとってはたぶんいまいちでしょう。

なので、最近の私のここへの書き込みで日本語で書く時はすべて、(in Japanese) と、


1) 気にせず片言英語でがんがる


2) どうしてもだめという向きには、日⇔英翻訳のための作業用スレッドを別途用意する

そっちで作業した結果をこっちにコピペし、Jim さんからの返事の日本語訳を


ただしこの場合、私が 2) のスレに直接出没することは、ありませんです。

790 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3284249);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:01:49 ID: I/JZY30u
(in Japanese)

Jim さんはそのコテハンを使って呼ぶことになると思うので。


To: Jim-san,

Just I explained some guidelines for using this "Let's talk" thread
for Japanese BBSPINK users in >>789.

So, this is the reason why >>789 and this are written in Japanese.

791 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1459182);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:05:43 ID: I/JZY30u
(in Japanese)

あと、Jim さんはここに書いてある日本語を、
AA を含めて画面上で「見る」ことや、コピペすることはできているはずなので、
コテハンに AA を含んでいるとか、説明に AA を使うとかいうのは、

ただ Jim さんが、フォントを「2ちゃんねる的に」正しく設定しているかは
確認していないので、Jim さんの画面に表示されている AA は、


To: Jim-san,

This is the addendum notice of >>790 for Japanese BBSPINK users.
792 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:08:44 ID: BtBZKIyp

793 : おふぃす [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:11:52 ID: /gloWjml
> Please have a good internet life.


794 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1641863);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:13:36 ID: I/JZY30u
Please use English.

Yes, we should use ONLY >>nnn and >>nnn-nnn style for reference.
795 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2736656);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:15:47 ID: I/JZY30u
>>794 following for myself:

> Please use English.
Including your own handle name, of course.
796 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2280555);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:18:37 ID: I/JZY30u
Followup is better than following. Sorry.
So, my English is still elementary level.

The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture makes sometimes us growing.

So, let's communicate!
797 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3284249);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:25:22 ID: I/JZY30u
The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture makes sometimes us growing.

should be:

The wall of language sometimes makes difficulties between us,
but the touch of the different culture sometimes makes us growing.

798 : Office [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:34:17 ID: /gloWjml
Oops, I am sorry.
I am weak in English.
I understood a matter of hyperlink.
You may have understood that Jim was a good guy first of all.

Do you know it in this?
799 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:34:24 ID: BtBZKIyp
>>794  OK

Can you confirm it?

What about Mr.Jim talked until this time.

1:I am a manager in both name and reality.

2:It discusses everything, and makes better pink board.

3:I also participate in the discussion. (I=Mr.Jim)
800 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2554447);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:36:40 ID: I/JZY30u
Otsudesu, otsudesu.

Jim-san knows some kinds of Japanese words and 2ch slungs.
For example, Otsudesu.

And you can teach other 2ch/BBSPINK slungs to Jim-san in this thread.
So, let's try it.
801 : Office [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:51:15 ID: /gloWjml
No, I must have Jim give it, and I am ignorant about a bbspink.
Please do not bring up Jim to a strange person, everyone :-)
802 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4378368);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 04:02:34 ID: I/JZY30u
Of course, Jim-san is very good, clever, gentle and erotic guy. :-)

( ̄ー ̄)Niyari
803 : Who [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 04:22:05 ID: BtBZKIyp
空気嫁→Kuukiyome(Pronunciation of Japanese)→AirBride(Literal translation.Language that doesn't exist)

→Meaning of language
Language that points out person who doesn't understand TPO (TPO:Flow of the place.It seems not to perceive the situation.)

It is not a correct explanation.・・・・・
804 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(7387799);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 04:30:23 ID: I/JZY30u
I think you need to explain to Jim-san why we use "嫁" as "yome", not "読め".
805 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4378368);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 04:33:11 ID: I/JZY30u
>>804 addendum:

"読め" means "read" and "嫁" means "bride" in Japanese.
806 : IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 05:15:01 ID: 1CIIX2KZ

What is deleter?

I want to confirm it.
We should be clarifying "What can Deleter do?" and "What cannot Deleter do?".
807 : IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 05:22:28 ID: 1CIIX2KZ
In other words; Guess mood.
808 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(6567089);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 05:41:50 ID: I/JZY30u
Certanly... "Guess mood." is one of most suitable translation.
809 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2462393);] : 2006/07/23 (土) 05:42:26 ID: I/JZY30u
Certanly => Certainly
810 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/07/23 (土) 09:24:14 ID: CW2khiJg
Jim san
I love bodyshots.co.ph
I want to watch naked dancing please.
or make new DVD.
I really love Trixie
811 : ◆CPUinDOop. [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 14:10:38 ID: bCL3M0Us
∩( ・ω・)∩banzai
812 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 14:22:59 ID: VLmoElbw
∩( ・ω・)∩ばんじゃーい
813 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 17:43:35 ID: hDmQ/KK5
For Japanese.

(in English)
It is a proposal to every Japanese.
Shall we write in both Japanese and English,when we write an important thing.

(in Japanese)
814 : nameless [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 18:01:27 ID: YR+yvjE/
     ( ノo o ) )  
      )ヽ ◎/( < わたしは空気よめーてる
    (/(・) (・)\
    (/| x |\)
.    (/   \)

815 : nameless [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 18:04:00 ID: YR+yvjE/
     ( ノo o ) )  
      )ヽ ◎/( < ジョジョビ ジョヴァ ジョビジョヴァ
    (/(・) (・)\
    (/| x |\)
.    (/   \)
816 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 18:32:21 ID: leL+U6iN
(in English)
I think it is a good idea.
Because by this system Better Translater can correct our mistakes for better English, we who are weak in English can write our opinion without being afraid of mistakes of translation.

(in Japanese)
うは おK
817 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/24 (日) 00:47:49 ID: qJ4+i4Mk
1: はい
2: はい
3: はい
818 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/24 (日) 01:19:33 ID: qJ4+i4Mk
>>806 If you are certain that it does not belong in the thread, then delete it without
any worry. If you are uncertain, then leave it. If it is really borderline, then ask me.
819 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/24 (日) 01:21:10 ID: qJ4+i4Mk
>>810 Trixie is really a sweet girl. There will be 5 DVDs soon. Very soon. Maybe tomorrow or the
next day.
820 : ありす ◆Alice7XIII [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 09:52:38 ID: 9yUyt/2K
Dear Jim-san,

Hello, I am "Alice", deletion person 2channels.
Because I do not understand it at all, I depend on a translation site,
and English writes a sentence.

I have some questions.
BBSPINK is a site of 21 years of age or older, but, as for Jim,
is there a feeling to demand age proof to appoint a deletion person in BBSPINK?
(there is custom that it is rude of to ask a woman age in Japan:) -) )

Do you demand that you prove it closely whether a deletion person applicant is 21 years of age or older?

(in Japanese)

(日本では女性に年齢を聞くのは失礼だという慣習があります:-) )

821 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 09:52:51 ID: fq2N6dfL
Mr Jim
By American law, How are illegal writing in and elimination of a link done by Japanese law?
It might be the contents someone is asking,but I thought I'd like to know a response by all means
822 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/24 (日) 10:18:54 ID: MlWNGG8A
Dear Jim and everybody,

I would like to do something about deleting matters.
it is emergency, because too many gatbege postings and criminal postings are neglected.

It is real emergency.

I am going to receve del@bbspink.com email adress, and going to give someones who want to
take care of that.

and if you guys are agree with that I am going to take care of that, I will do.

BUT I do not even know how to delete.
so I really need help who are deleters if I can do that.

Sakujo-pink-san has resigned.
Thank you for your help, Sakujo-pink-san.
823 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/24 (日) 10:19:56 ID: MlWNGG8A
and and going to give authorization of deleting to someones who want to
take care of that.
824 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 11:06:05 ID: aAAoCqtQ
I sent email at @del.
825 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/24 (日) 11:13:46 ID: MlWNGG8A
Please wait, I am asking Jim to give me that information again.
I am so sorry, that I really have lost lots of important information.

It's strongly recommended that you have back up data.

orz orz orz
826 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 11:56:39 ID: aAAoCqtQ
Oh, alright. Take it easy.
828 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 12:13:46 ID: 8dQTqb+Y
Nice to meet you Mr jim.
Is that illegal to paste the hundreds of ugly AA copy in one thread
to make people feel unconfortable in America?
829 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 12:25:56 ID: aAAoCqtQ
Those are too bad.
I think it is not enough to do only deleting for those postings.
We need to restrict the access from a spammer.
830 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/24 (日) 12:28:29 ID: MlWNGG8A

I understand.
and 2ch has its perfect program, I guess.

but what should we do? I do not even know where and who do I ask about that.
831 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 12:56:52 ID: aAAoCqtQ
I think you also need to make up a team of volunteers for restricting the access, not only a team of deleters.
Until our restricting system is made, they can use .htaccess to shut out the access.
832 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/24 (日) 14:33:29 ID: MlWNGG8A
all right, if Jim says yes about the following matters first,

◆79EROOYuCc is going to take care of the deleting team and
◆79EROOYuCc is going to delete some bad, wring posting on bbspink also.
◆79EROOYuCc is going to recruite someones who can take care of >>831
833 : IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 14:34:36 ID: xyVBbida
818 En to Jp
>>806 もし貴方がソレがスレッドに相応しく無いという確信があるなら心配せずに削除してください。
834 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2006/07/24 (日) 14:49:45 ID: MlWNGG8A
I'd like you to make a decision about following matters;

A)some special scripts with pass words, which are coming from 2ch system,

1/bbspink is going to share those scripts like it's always been.
2/bbspink is going to just change their names ( or their passwords )
3/bbspink is going to make new ones

B)working power and authority which comes from 2ch,

1/all of them should be erased
2/all of them can be continued after assignment by Jim.

C)the age of volunteers,

1/shoule be confirmed strictly.
2/self-return system is enough.
835 : IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 15:00:26 ID: md5umibV
Thank you for your res.

I think...

We must not delete each message. If they make a communications.
Our work is to defend communications.
Even if it is negative communications, we should defend.
So, we should delete SPAM.

At the same time, we should defend safety.
Therefore, we need the concept of "Important deletion".
So, we should delete private information and the attacked mail address.

It is very difficult to unite this two.
But, we should make an effort.
836 : Who [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 15:21:46 ID: WMDKHsDy
Presentation of grounds from which minimum requirement should be deleted.
It is necessary to present the grounds.
It is hurried up.

Do you differ?
837 : IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 15:34:59 ID: md5umibV
We know some scripts.
But, We have not been consigned by Jim-san about the deletion.
Please think that we don't have the license to use scripts.

You should consign some deleters or operators at BBSPINK.

I think that We need the following for the deletion and any other operations.
* Guideline
* Consignment or Permission
838 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 17:12:15 ID: IXg4Z5JE
◆sacrifyqG is a great voolunteer.
Many people who observe voolunteers call him “SuperStar”
Please, I ask you to give him a cap SuperStar★
Excuse for my rude request.
839 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 17:20:44 ID: U9nIFR8a
Thanks a lot, sir!
840 : IZUMI [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 17:22:34 ID: TN31bgTu
I'm writing with Nintendo DS Lite now.
This Browser is very cool!
841 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/24 (日) 20:34:44 ID: yCSw00Wc
To Jim-san

◆79EROOYuCc-san did not have consideration in Sakujo-pink-san.
◆79EROOYuCc-san made Sakujo-pink-san disposable.

It is opposite that ◆79EROOYuCc-san recruits deleters.
I want to partition PINKBBS though he is incompetent.
He has only the ability of English conversation.

Please ask MUMUMU-san and IZUMI-san for the nomination of the
supervisor of deleters.
As for deleters, IZUMI-san is detailed.
842 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/24 (日) 22:52:42 ID: f0kCO8hq
>>837 1. decide deletion rules. We have talked this, but I want to see more ideas first.
2. Nominate deleters from the volunteers.
>>841 If Sakujo-pink-san has a problem with this. Let her contact me directly.
I think 79-san is only volunteering because others have not, after the rules are made, lets get busy
deleting trash. I really hope our old deleters will stay with us.
After we have collected volunteers, then I will decide, and we can all discuss it.
843 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 04:29:09 ID: f0kCO8hq
>>830 hehehehehehehe
perfect program.
844 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/25 (月) 04:43:21 ID: 1rOnAZ+o
I made the deletion guideline and the script of 2channel.
I don't think that two are perfect.
845 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 04:48:48 ID: f0kCO8hq
>>844 Not perfect, but very very good. I would like to borrow from them and edit them slightly
to pertain to US law and the fact that we have a very adult and erotic bbs.
846 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:01:59 ID: 1rOnAZ+o
>Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys-san
I say honestly. I think it is impossible in you.
Because you doesn't know Japanese written and past problem.
But, it is your way, and if it is the best for this boards,
I don't say "STOP!"...
847 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:04:38 ID: Y3i3VNZR
I'm playing cunnilings now.
My girlfriend's delicious.
848 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:08:52 ID: f0kCO8hq

These are the deletion volunteers that I see have posted requesting. We need more I think.
If anyone has a problem with any of these people being deleters, Please post your VALID
reasons on this board.

Thank you Izumi-san for your constructive posts and I am sorry I have not returned your email yet.
79-san can translate for me and let e know the tone of the conversations.
I will take responsiblity for all deletions.
Please only delete spam for now. As izumi points out >>835
Even negative communications should be defended and preserved.
849 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:12:51 ID: euFOvr8y
Dear Jim-san
My name is koro-pink.

The role was being given by Sakujo-pink-san.

Please appoint the operator ahead of the deletion rule.
850 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:18:05 ID: f0kCO8hq
Hi koro-pink
are you volunteering?
851 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:19:20 ID: euFOvr8y
Moreover, not one person but operator's plural is preferable.

852 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:27:57 ID: f0kCO8hq
はい plural
lets update the list then.
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
853 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:37:35 ID: euFOvr8y
I recommend the following people.


It is necessary people for BBSPINK.
The other>>820 Many people are applying for cooperation.

The talk will advance early if plurals gather.
854 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:38:49 ID: 1rOnAZ+o
No, I am retired volunteer...
855 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:45:30 ID: euFOvr8y
Because I understand English only a little, it relies on the translation site.

> No, I am retired volunteer...

Let's revive.
Many people hope for it.
856 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:46:44 ID: +cdpMIVX
I would like to be a volunteer of BBSPINK. Let me help you, Jim.
857 : ◆yGAhoNiShI [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 07:58:56 ID: 6Dg1hxCd
I also!I also!
I want also to help jim!
Please! let me put it, too!
858 : ありす ◆Alice7XIII [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 08:31:27 ID: pPTuIwiT
>>852 Jim-san

Am I unnecessary? >>820
859 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 11:28:22 ID: euFOvr8y
Dear Jim-san

>Please only delete spam for now.

Is it processed by the judgments of the individual those who delete it?

>>835 "spam" = "Important deletion"?

When it answers an unanswered question, it is glad.
860 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 14:36:20 ID: f0kCO8hq
Update on volunteers.
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
>>859 Hi Alice it is ok to be rude here. All veils are lifted. >>834 age should be confirmed.
What is? 2/self-return system is enough.

If anyone knows reason they should not be volunteer. lets discuss it here.
Not liking someones personality is not good reason.
861 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 14:51:15 ID: euFOvr8y
What is the definition of SPAM that Mr. JIM thinks about?
863 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 14:54:42 ID: f0kCO8hq
Koro >>862 is not spam. It fits in with part of the conversation on this board.
If someone posts a link to buy viagra, and that board has nothing to do with medicine,
then that is probably spam. If someone posts same ascii art image over and over again.
that is probably spam too. it kills the conversation if whole board is same image.
Any other spam ideas?
864 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 15:04:41 ID: yfM2p8vS
Yes. >> 862 is not spam.

The advertisement and these in the telephone number and the mail address are SPAM?
865 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 15:10:32 ID: nJ81K93c
>>863 ->>
866 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 15:10:38 ID: 7DTX/rsa
>>864 ok now we should make a list:
* Telephone numbers of private #3 style people should be deleted.
* email address that is for spam or that is being attacked should be deleted.
* urls that do not have anything to do with the conversation should be deleted.
Please make additions to this list. When it is compiled, then lets subtract what is duplicate,
or not necessary. Then we will compare to the 2ch deletion policy, and edit and post our own policy.
867 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/07/25 (月) 15:25:14 ID: j9nLbT5s
Jim san
Thanks for your telling about new DVD of bodyshots.
I wanna buy soon but I worry about safe of buying.
I mean that can I buy them for only credit card?
Reccently there are many troubles of inter net shopping.
and does not have Japanese page.
868 : するめのスメル [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 15:26:13 ID: nJ81K93c
>>866 ->>

|・スパムのためのメールアドレス または 攻撃されているメールアドレスは、削除されるべきだ(should)

869 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 15:26:35 ID: yfM2p8vS
Thank you for Mr. JIM.
It understood.

BBSPINK deletion policy of Mr. JIM.
It becomes help of volunteers.
870 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 15:36:06 ID: 7DTX/rsa
>>867 It is safe with SSL encryption.
871 : ありす ◆Alice7XIII [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 16:14:02 ID: FK3xTDJN
Dear Jim-san
Thank you for giving you it as well as a member.
I appear as much as possible and do that I can do it, but try it hard.
872 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 17:24:36 ID: 7DTX/rsa
>>871 どういたしまして
873 : みかん( ☆ ´ ー ` ☆ ) ◆PpNattILVM [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 18:45:07 ID: 3lWyqgDT
By the way, how should we cope with crime warning and
crime-smelling contributions?
In 2ch, posters' IPs are made public.

Silly People Who Did Crime Warning
1 :2ちゃんねる ★ :03/02/18 00:31
If you find them, please report to Argument BBS about the
Regulation of Contributions(規制報告板) and alert to police.

Crime-smelling Contributions
All of posters hinted the buying and selling of illegal drugs.
874 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 19:19:12 ID: TSSyg7SN
Thank you for adding me as a volunteer, sir.
I am very interested in the development of BBSPINK system including writing script, networking servers, and blocking spammers, not only deletion.
I have some experience for those on my own sites.
I would like to try and learn from BBSPINK, because it is a very big site, and I like here as one of the user.

I think "self-return system" means that someone tells about himself/herself without showing any identification.
For example,
you believe me when I say "I am over 21 years old." without showing ID, it is self-return system.
875 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 19:35:34 ID: TSSyg7SN
I have another idea about spam.
Multiple same postings is spam, even if it is not on the same board.
I would say more than three same posting is spam.
876 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 20:54:46 ID: TSSyg7SN
I think it is a good idea to open the IP address to the public when a user writes about doing a crime, like
"I set a bomb at Shinjuku Station.", "I will kill (somebody) tonight."

If a user tells he/she is under 21 years old, all his/her posting should be deleted.
Moreover, blocking his/her IP address is kindness, I guess.
877 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 22:47:10 ID: 7DTX/rsa
>>876 Adult age in USA is 18 years old. I will allow any post from anyone over the age of 18.
Bomb threats should be reported to the police. IP address must be done by a sys admin.
Deleters could request that, but must be done by admin.
IP addresses will not be released to the public for any post, that is really against the meaning of this site.
878 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/25 (月) 22:48:34 ID: 7DTX/rsa
>>875 Similar to cross posting on USENET. Yes that is spam too.
879 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 23:18:20 ID: XhNeD03r

I leave by machine translation.
The use under 21 years old is prohibited in BBSPINK now, but may recognize that I intend to change it for the use prohibition that 18 is most under it in the future?

880 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 23:22:45 ID: XhNeD03r
I must be going by the machine translation.
May I recognize that there is will being to change to the use prohibition of less than 18 years old in the future though the use of less than 21 years old is being prohibited in BBSPINK now?
881 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 23:39:54 ID: TSSyg7SN
I am going to write using another word about >>879 and >>880, since I have a same question with him.
Currently, there is a caution not to enter under 21 years old on the top page of BBSPINK.
Are you going to change this caution, Jim?
882 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 23:46:30 ID: XhNeD03r
ありがとうございます〜m(_ _)m
Thank You m(_ _)m
883 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/26 (火) 00:21:38 ID: 7DTX/rsa
>>881 done
884 : ◆qQ8fvMdINQ [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 00:34:58 ID: TSSyg7SN
Oh, my goodness, you did it! LOL
I am sure many are worry about it, because we want to stay under the 2ch links.
Let's see others say some opinions.
885 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 00:57:50 ID: XhNeD03r
A thank you Mr JIM.
I laughed very much, too.
886 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 01:00:55 ID: TSSyg7SN
By the way, I change my trip from ◆qQ8fvMdINQ to ◆MARY/2Kkkc.
Call me Sexy Mary or Mary.
887 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2006/07/26 (火) 01:43:46 ID: jp/kEy5R

This ID strings is derived from source IP address, serial number
of mobile phone, or some other identities.

Anyway, you can guess whether writers are same or not by the ID string,
so, you can determine "Jisaku-Jien" (making and playing by the same person)
by the ID string.

And >>884 and >>885's IDs are same, ID:TSSyg7SN.
So, I think these reses are written by the same person.

888 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2006/07/26 (火) 01:45:36 ID: jp/kEy5R
> And >>884 and >>885's IDs are same, ID:TSSyg7SN.

Oh, sorry. I made a mistype of res number.
Following is the corrected one.

> And >>884 and >>886's IDs are same, ID:TSSyg7SN.
889 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 01:55:29 ID: TSSyg7SN
Thank you for proving that ◆qQ8fvMdINQ = ◆MARY/2Kkkc.
May I ask you to make Cap as "性母マリア" for me, Mumumu-san?
890 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2006/07/26 (火) 01:58:24 ID: jp/kEy5R
Jim-san, and I have a question.

I know that the limitation is 18 years old by US law,
but some states limits it at 21 years old.

So, I've concerned that CA state law limits 21 years, or not.
If it is not, my concern will solve.
891 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:06:11 ID: jp/kEy5R

Your handle name is listed by >>860, so, Jim-san apoints you for volunteers.
So, I can make your cap on behalf of Jim-san.

But, all of my requests should be posted to sollowing thread.

■ 桃色吐息 ★ の作業が必要になった場合にageるスレ

So, please repost your request. After that, I will make your cap at
all BBSPINK bbs servers.

Of course, you can post in Japanese at this 'work order request for Mumumu' thread.
Preferably, Japanese is welcome. :-)
892 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:07:28 ID: jp/kEy5R
And >>891 is applied to other >>860 listers.
So, if you need your own cap, please request to me and I will do.
893 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:12:28 ID: jp/kEy5R
apoints → appoints
sollowing → following

Today's my typing is very bad ><.
894 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:30:56 ID: k0fPAqpj
Good morning, Mr. JIM.


Please change the number of these sites.

刺激的な内容が含まれる可能性がありますので、 21歳未満のかたはご遠慮ください。

刺激的な内容が含まれる可能性がありますので、 18歳未満のかたはご遠慮ください。
895 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1460328);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:34:00 ID: jp/kEy5R
Hmm... Koro-san,

I've worried about one issue written by >>890
After solving this, I will second you.
896 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:34:01 ID: k0fPAqpj

ここは大人の時間です。21歳以上! 子供はだめ!

ここは大人の時間です。18歳以上! 子供はだめ!

Is it fit to ask Mr. JIM for these changes?
897 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:36:34 ID: k0fPAqpj
I'm sorry MUMUMU.

The answer to Mr. JIM to >>890 is waited for.
898 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:38:12 ID: imxgTvjz
>894+896 :koro ◆8j1enTAicYさん
899 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3831067);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:45:45 ID: jp/kEy5R

Thank you for your res. I feel your hor passion in your res.

As you see, I already posted my question in this thread.
Jim-san is clever. So, we don't need any worries, I think.
900 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:46:12 ID: k0fPAqpj
I'm sorry yes.

901 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4925096);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:46:59 ID: jp/kEy5R
hor → hot >>899

Hmm... This silly keyboard... shit.
Oh, sorry. I wrote an obscene word.
903 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:53:16 ID: 8PKkZb8g
There is such a day, too.
Do not mind it.
904 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4104195);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:53:54 ID: jp/kEy5R

So, I think you are very suitable for bbspink helpers.

As you wrote before, you are retired volunteer certainly.
But, you can perform as bbspink helpers as you do now.

So, I strongly hope that you continue this after making
deletion guidelines for bbspink.

905 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1459182);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:55:05 ID: jp/kEy5R
Jim-san, thank you for your clarification.
Now I solved my issue.
906 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:58:01 ID: imxgTvjz
Hi, Jim-san.
I'm sorry for delay of introduce myself.
My name is TO-RU. I am Hiroyuki's friend.

I'll advise to you I impudent.
If who runs for the volunteer, then you must not appoint easily.
2-channel did the method, and failed a few times in the past.
You are manager of this board. Your opinion is almost absolute.
I would like you to go carefully for you.
907 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/26 (火) 02:58:47 ID: 7DTX/rsa
So lets add to the volunteer list those that have volunteered since the last round-up.
Remember if anyone has a valid reason for these volunteers not to be accepted it must be discussed here.
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
If I have missed someone please post it. We still need more I think.
908 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1277827);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:01:32 ID: jp/kEy5R
And I know that Toru-san writes almost of all the current 2ch deletion guidelines.

And this is very important matter, Toru-san is the inventor of "Apprently admin ★"
handle name. So, Toru-san is yet another Hitoryuki and your mother. :-)
909 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2736465);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:05:36 ID: jp/kEy5R
Hmm... There are so many mistypings.
Certainly, >>903 is correct. :-|
910 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:07:39 ID: 7DTX/rsa
Lets update our rules of deletion with the suggestions that have come in so far.
After we are done with this. lets compare to 2ch rules. in most cases we will follow those.
They are pretty good, and very long. Making me very sleepy everytime I read the translation I have.
So we will have both words, from that and deeds from the list we make here. What we actually do.

* Telephone numbers of private #3 style people should be deleted.
* email address that is for spam or that is being attacked should be deleted.
* urls that do not have anything to do with the conversation should be deleted.
* Cross postings of same post to multiple boards.
* Postings from someone that is under the age of 18.
911 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:09:11 ID: imxgTvjz
MUMUMU-san, Your words are very glad of me.
But, I hold on for this place continues.
I'm happy it can be achieved...

912 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:10:23 ID: TSSyg7SN
Alright. Sexy Mary is with you, sir.
913 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2736656);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:13:40 ID: jp/kEy5R
> I hold on for this place continues.

You continue a member of BBSPINK helper/advisor
(be careful, it is not a volunteer and a worker).
Is it correct?

If so, I am very glad to read it, too.
914 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:14:28 ID: 7DTX/rsa
>>906 Thank you for your input, I am sorry to hear of your retirement.
If you can think of a better way, please let me know, unless the arthritis is to hard on your
fingers for typing.....;)
I have not seen any complaints on this board about any of the volunteers so far.
915 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:28:11 ID: imxgTvjz
It is necessary to do setting, explanation and communications
etc,,, in Japanese.
I have the knowhow of the volunteer operation and
management of deletion and details of script.
May I have those work?
916 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:49:46 ID: imxgTvjz
I'm sorry... My explanation did not enough a little.
if you say "Someone is made a volunteer",
but someone doesn't become a volunteer only by it.
When someone may become a volunteer,
having CAP and understanding rules are necessary.
AND, regist to script and to explain the script absolutely
are necessary and absolutely...
917 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3283294);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:50:33 ID: jp/kEy5R

I think Toru-san's proposal (>>915) is useful for BBSPINK.

He was a chief of 2ch deleters, and after retirement, many deleters still trust him.
And I think the current his writing is trustable, too.
918 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1641863);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:52:35 ID: jp/kEy5R

I already wrote in >>891-892
I will make CAPs for listed volunteers for their works.
919 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1095326);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:54:58 ID: jp/kEy5R
>>918 if needed.

So, CAP is the "Opt-in" feature, it is not mandatory for volunteer work.
920 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 03:58:10 ID: imxgTvjz
>>918 :Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI-san
Thank you very much for your help.

921 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2736465);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:04:43 ID: jp/kEy5R
(in Japanese)


Toru-san wrote in >>920 about the technical issue for CAP.
And I acknowledged this.
922 : ◆yzY8OufLJI [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:07:21 ID: DU6zfGx2
Hello Jim-san

My name is ◆yzY8OufLJI
I'm glad to see you

I have a question.

How should I think about the importance degree about a guideline that Mr. jim is making and a
local rule of each board?
923 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:14:37 ID: 7DTX/rsa
Your help is appreciated. I am happy to hear all the advice you have.
It is better to learn from mistakes, then make the same mistakes over again.
924 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:15:21 ID: TSSyg7SN
Toru-san, not to think difficult.
Let's have fun to build up the new BBSPINK ;-p
925 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:17:07 ID: 7DTX/rsa
hai lets have fun! かんぱい
926 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:18:44 ID: TSSyg7SN
927 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1641863);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:19:15 ID: jp/kEy5R
かんぱい です。
928 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:23:54 ID: imxgTvjz
You may drink sake.
But, you must not be drunk by sake.

SOBER is meaning half joke.
929 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:28:32 ID: TSSyg7SN
>>928 ;-p
930 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:30:23 ID: QsKdkDGY
Now drink up the filled cup.!!
931 : ◆yzY8OufLJI [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:36:49 ID: DU6zfGx2
932 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:38:02 ID: KVJQlVJG 🧦
Hei! JIM!
Why isn't there my name?!
Is it the outside of the Oratsu person mosquito net?
It is possible to join a group!
933 : ◆3X1b8VAs/E [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:39:48 ID: KVJQlVJG
It forgot to put the name.

It is me. I.
934 : ◆yGAhoNiShI [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:42:36 ID: KVJQlVJG
935 : ◆yzY8OufLJI [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:42:55 ID: DU6zfGx2

There is another one question.

Our bbspik user is discussing the guideline of bbspink referring to the guideline of 2Ch now.

It is this thread.

BBS PINK削除ガイドライン検討スレッド2

Is it possible to reflect the content discussed in this conduct oneself in the guideline of Mr. jim?
937 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1459182);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 04:45:35 ID: jp/kEy5R

>>934 is the "Open trip".
#kami is the original string.

So, this trip string is one of common resources of 2ch/bbspink. :-)
939 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 05:11:42 ID: imxgTvjz
I wrote invitation of volunteer at address in koro-san's res.
I need a mail address it is official of bbspink for this work.
And,I report on all of work to you. Please tell me your mail address.

My mail address is "shinobu @ 2ch.net". (Spaces are SPAM avoiding)
940 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 05:19:02 ID: imxgTvjz
Ah,,, I had forgotten...

May I use "del @ bbspink.com" by the official?
I'm Sakujo-Pink-san's friend.
942 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1459744);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 08:33:13 ID: jp/kEy5R

Is it a draft version? or release candidate version?
I think Jim-san wants to know about it.
Your clarification makes the discussion smoothly.
943 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 08:39:36 ID: 1U9qbBkA
>>941 url is English version of 2ch guideline, not bbspink guideline.
944 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(6566898);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 08:43:50 ID: jp/kEy5R
Oh, I was confused. Thank you for your pointing.

Then, I think Jim-san already read this.
Please see >>844-845
946 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1094843);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 11:05:17 ID: jp/kEy5R
Ok, thank you for your pointing.
I understand the current situation.

79-san, please clarify about it.
947 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 11:35:02 ID: k0fPAqpj

948 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3648858);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 11:47:18 ID: jp/kEy5R
Otsudesu, otsudesu.

Koro-san has concerned the issue of the next thread of itself.
The current all 2ch and BBSPINK threads limit the number of res-es
to 1000.

And the current res-number is 947, so, he has thought the lifetime of
thread is nearly end. So, he wrote now it is time to make the next thread.

And Koro-san asked the next thread should be the same style of the current one,
especially >>1. And I think it is one of the better selection.

Our original mission of this thread is talking frankly with Jim-san,
so, I will accept any styles as the next thread of >>1, but which is useful and
suitable for our original mission.

949 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2918584);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 11:48:06 ID: jp/kEy5R
(in Japanese)

950 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 14:25:15 ID: YG12AZc5

      \∧_ヘ     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ,,、,、,,, / \〇ノゝ∩ < fight!! number1000 gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!.   ,,、,、,,,
    /三√ ゚Д゚) /   \____________  ,,、,、,,,
     /三/| ゚U゚|\      ,,、,、,,,                       ,,、,、,,,
 ,,、,、,,, U (:::::::::::)  ,,、,、,,,         \OH―――――――!!/
      //三/|三|\     ∧_∧∧_∧ ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧
      ∪  ∪       (    )    (     )   (    )    )
 ,,、,、,,,       ,,、,、,,,  ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧ ∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧∧_∧
      ,,、,、,,,       (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
951 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/07/26 (火) 14:39:21 ID: 7DTX/rsa
volunteer update
koro ◆8j1enTAicY
ありす ◆Alice7XIII
Any complaints about the volunteers they must be made here, or on the next thread.
952 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 14:53:12 ID: k0fPAqpj
Good evening JIM-san.

Were you able to see >>941?

Please show the deletion rule that JIM-san thinks about again.

It becomes our help.
953 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2189546);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 14:58:01 ID: jp/kEy5R
> Good evening JIM-san.

should be corrected "Good morning",
because the current time in San Francisco is early morning.

But don't worry. Jim-san recognizes our current time is night.
954 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 14:59:54 ID: k0fPAqpj
There is no problem if it is OK by 941.

Please teach if there is a place that JIM-san changes.

Oh sorry.
There is a time difference....orz
955 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(7387799);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:08:14 ID: KDNsM1Br
> There is a time difference....orz

But we are now sharing the same time and the same thread.
I think it is dramatic.
956 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:16:12 ID: v48PPU07
>* Cross postings of same post to multiple boards.
* Cross postings of same post to multiple boards/threads. にした方が、より適切ではないでしょうか?
957 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:21:55 ID: 8barE22U
>JIM-san !

This expresion is better than >>910, isn't it?

"* Cross postings of same post to multiple boards or threads (should be deleted)."
959 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3648858);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:24:40 ID: KDNsM1Br
>>910 >>956


>* Cross postings of same post to multiple boards.

In the Internet (former Usenet news) world, the "Cross posting" and
"Multiple posting" is completely different.

"Cross posting" means posting to multiple BBS by one time posting.
But 2ch and BBSPINK's BBS system don't support Cross posting.

"Multiple posting" means posting to multiple BBS by multiple postings.
I think this is very noisy. Users must see the same article at multiple times.

So, I think you should fix "Cross posting" to "Multiple posting"

And in 2ch slung, "Multiple postings" is called "Marupo" or "Maruchi".
When we see the "Multiple poster", we say with sarcasm, "Maruchi Otsu".
960 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:28:04 ID: xvOcppW1
Please give permission to >>915 >>916 >>917. It becomes volunteers with strong help.

I make the next thread.
961 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:33:47 ID: xvOcppW1
前スレ=A previous thread OK?
962 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:33:54 ID: 8barE22U


963 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(821333);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:38:03 ID: KDNsM1Br
>>962 said that I can't understand that what knowhows does Toru-san give us.

Certainly, Toru-san does not clarify now.

But I think Toru-san can clarify the detail in this thread or the next thread.
Toru-san, please clarify them. I think it helps Jim-san and bbspink.
965 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:48:46 ID: v48PPU07
A thread to translate this thread by terrible force is necessary. :-) (A joke, half are a little earnest)
966 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:49:51 ID: v48PPU07
Thank You koro-san
Otsu-desu :-)
967 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4469377);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:52:20 ID: KDNsM1Br
968 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:56:48 ID: itnvkiUR


969 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:01:07 ID: itnvkiUR
970 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4104959);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:09:05 ID: KDNsM1Br


Toru-san said that in >>968, he wants to configure deleting scripts and
manage volunteers' accounts for deleting at BBSPINK servers until another
volunteer person for the same role appeared.

Jim-san, it is very important decision. I am not sure whether Toru-san
is suitable for this or not. So, all of the decision is your responsibility.

-- Mumumu
971 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1368353);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:13:14 ID: KDNsM1Br

If you can, please show your email address for receiving Jim-san's email.
If you do so, Jim-san may contact to this address.

But I'm not sure Jim-san sends email to you, of course.

But I think all of the summary of emails should be opened,
for clarifying the communications' result between Jim-san and you.
972 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:19:30 ID: itnvkiUR
>>970 >>971 :Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI-san
Thank you for your help.

> If you can, please show your email address for receiving Jim-san's email.
I wrote my mail address at >>939.

> But I think all of the summary of emails should be opened,
Yes, I think so too.
I want to discuss it with Jim-san on the thread.
973 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1824454);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:21:50 ID: KDNsM1Br
And Jim-san, I must write the past fact in 2ch.

Toru-san retired 2ch volunteer and a chief of deleting persons for some reason
at several years ago. I don't know the reason why certainly, so I don't write any
comments about this.

But then, I think this trial is the second time for him.
I appreciate the bravery, but I think that it became a big trauma for him.
I am worried that he has been completely revived. If so, I don't stop him anymore.

-- Mumumu
974 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1276872);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:24:55 ID: KDNsM1Br
Toru-san, thank you for your res.

I wrote severe things in >>973, so, please be not ill-humored.
I am worried about you simply.
975 : IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:26:08 ID: yFoRFMdz
Let's change Default Name of this board to "Volunteer ★"! (^_^;
976 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:26:26 ID: itnvkiUR

>>973 :Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI-san
977 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1095034);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:28:05 ID: KDNsM1Br
Of course, I think so.

Please explain in English in >>976 writing to Jim-san.
978 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:34:58 ID: itnvkiUR
I think that my past and return look like garbage.
It is only continuing bbspink that I hope.
979 : IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:41:12 ID: yFoRFMdz
If the message is out of communications. we should delete it.
But, If the message is making communications, we should not delete it.

I think that Cross Posting has the possibility of making communications.
If users accepts it and communications are kept, we should leave it?
980 : IZUMI ◆IZUMI162i6 [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 17:03:18 ID: yFoRFMdz
I think that guideline is able not to have 979.
It is possible by the judgment of deleter.
981 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 22:01:58 ID: JctHs/jL
To: Toru-san◆ZFz/q7JaS6

I was also not sure that you wanted to be a volunteer or not, since you denied to be a volunteer repeatedly.
I guess Jim-san is not sure, too, since your name is not on the list of >>951.
I think you need to say your mind shortly and clearly.
982 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 22:03:04 ID: JctHs/jL
To: Jim-san

1. ◆3X1b8VAs/E(on >>951) is known password as #kami, so it is not appropriate of an official volunteer.
Mumumu-san explained about it on >>937.

2. >>910 "Postings from someone that is under the age of 18."
Do you allow to post including a high school student of 18 years old?

3. Some volunteers (from 2ch?) made a new board for deletion and the access restriction, and started doing those from their kindness.

4. I see a request to delete a phone number from http://sakura02.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/housekeeping/1153915862/4.
May I start deleting? How should I find out an entrance of the deletion system?

5. How may I have your e-mail address?
983 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc @性母マリア ★ [sage] : 2006/07/26 (火) 22:04:15 ID: ???
I got a Cap pass. thanks!
984 : ◆yzY8OufLJI [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 01:16:19 ID: LK+CXI1M

It doesn't care at free time, and answer, please.
>>922 and >>935

How though I want also to participate in the volunteer?
985 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 02:58:39 ID: fRWEmqH8

Toru-san was a homosexual. Present he is a bisexual.
He is an assistant instructor of a martial art, and he loves a cat.
986 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 03:23:56 ID: exELk/q4
I think you should fill the name form as "TO-RU ◆ZFz/q7JaS6"
that we - including Jim-san - can easily memorize, because
you are a key person of our BBSPINK DELETE SYSTEM project.
Your TRIP NAME is おぼえにくい.

987 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/27 (水) 03:32:59 ID: itnvkiUR
Truth is only last column >>985 wrote.
I'm not homosexual or bisexual! UGA-!
988 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/27 (水) 03:43:52 ID: itnvkiUR
>>981 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc-san
I think that the nuance is difficult when writting in English.
I don't want to become volunteer.
All the people in bbs pink, if he or she is not a volunteer,
but it is important person I think.

Should I change the handle-name?
989 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/27 (水) 03:52:57 ID: itnvkiUR

I take care and think
that person alone who can read and write English
can take communications with the manager.
This fact will be an unexpected problem...
990 : ◆TECHCS.zfQ [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 04:01:08 ID: mx8Ds1ic
It increases making use of the translation software.
As for me as for the volunteer there is no experience.
It can participate in the volunteer me?

991 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 04:18:51 ID: rfptzBH9
what is dangerous?
992 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc @性母マリア ★ [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 04:44:27 ID: ???
I know, but it is more problem to discuss without a person who takes responsibility.
993 : ◆MARY/2Kkkc @性母マリア ★ [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 04:45:05 ID: ???
To: Jim-san

◆yzY8OufLJI(>>984) and ◆TECHCS.zfQ(>>990) are offering to become volunteers.
994 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/27 (水) 04:49:02 ID: itnvkiUR

Isn't it good that we move to the following thread?
996 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 @TORU ★ : 2006/07/27 (水) 05:06:07 ID: ???
I made the CAP for this thread.
997 : Treater [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 07:29:18 ID: eO8lUTOV
He became Toru to become Tofu.
Yeah, it's true.
Ha ha ha !
998 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4104195);] : 2006/07/27 (水) 10:00:47 ID: KDNsM1Br

Near of the thread's end, 2ch/bbspink users perform the "1000-Tori Gassen".
It means the battle for getting 1000.

During the battle, users put some typical AAs, like a >>950.

But on my side, this makes the server's load increasing, so,
sometimes I have to perform "the Cucumber Dance".

-- Mumumu
999 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2463539);] : 2006/07/27 (水) 10:35:01 ID: KDNsM1Br
I checked the day of this thread beginning.

1 名前:この英語も相当ひどいので気にしないでくれ![] 投稿日:04/05/02 11:52

And the current time is following.

998 名前:Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [] 投稿日:2006/07/27(木) 19:00:47 ID:KDNsM1Br ?PLT(10000)

So, there is over two years history in this thread.

And Jim-san, it is time to make an end of this thread,
I say thank you the maker of this thread (he/she is an anonymous user),
and all of the people in reading and posting.

Now bbspink gets the "Shiodoki" of making systems.
Of course, the "systems" don't mean only technical thing but also political
and strategic, and all other related things.

Jim-san, and all other related stakeholders,
let's make bbspink better.

-- Mumumu
1000 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/07/27 (水) 11:08:17 ID: OQ2RTr3u
I got 1000!!