
385 : 名無し編集部員 : 2004/09/30 (水) 16:43:49 ID: HYaOrL4D 🧦
read reed, red read. Same sounds different meanings. It must be hard
to learn english. Please read teh Pink Channel magazine. It will
make you hard and your english will improve....;)
387 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2004/10/01 (木) 08:35:34 ID: HYaOrL4D
It is set at a good price. The price it is set at gives you free shipping
from Amazon so if it was a little cheaper you would have to pay for
the shipping. Also the DVD is worth more than that price with all
the content on it. Please enjoy. It is the first of many.