656 : ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 16:57:22 ID: OxdQrey0
OK,OK.Very very nice to meet you Mr.Jim.
I am KOTARO as one of 2ch's deleter.

The lesbian couple whose lawsuit led to legal same-sex marriage
in Massachusetts have announced they have separated.

Do you like lesbian?
683 : ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:30:34 ID: OxdQrey0
Then, where are the points whitch we must Laugh?
694 : ◆uRW6KoTaRo [sage] : 2006/07/21 (木) 17:49:19 ID: OxdQrey0
OK,OK! I'm happy! You're happy,too!
Let's run toward that setting sun!!
It's youthfulness!!