524 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:11:28 ID: fv9cScd5
I am informed that you requested
the CEO of Zero.Inc to obtain the control of bbspink.cgi,
which caused a bustle in 2ch, because users were
obsessed by the apprehension that the solders
between you and 2ch were going to be threatened.
As a user of 2ch, I would know further information
about this matter, if you please(@wLoL
525 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:22:09 ID: fv9cScd5
According to the thread covering this news told us
that Nakao, the CEO of Zero refused to alienate
the helm of bbspink.cgi to you Jim, on the ground
that the script is not his but the kernel property
of 2ch. Jim, can you tell us why you need to get
the helm of bbspink.cgi, including its manipulation?
For your business use? Somebody suspect the confiscation
of SEAN's notebook PC at the airport might be closely
related to this matter, namely CIA or FBI tackles with
2ch and bbspink through NSA echelon, whose system
caught in the postings of 2ch the keywords for
information retrieval such as "daitoryo"(president)
"ansatstu"(assassination) or something(@wLoL
I know that once FBI took a search warrant on the
case about the posting of bbspink, so this thesis
leaves a considerably tenable ground, maybe(@wLoL
528 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:37:49 ID: fv9cScd5
Reposted with a slight castigation of phraseology.

I am informed that you requested
the CEO of Zero.Inc to obtain the control of bbspink.cgi,
which caused a bustle in 2ch, because users were
obsessed by the apprehension that the solders
between you and 2ch were going to be threatened.
As a user of 2ch, I would know further information
about this matter, if you please(@wLoL
529 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:40:48 ID: fv9cScd5
The thread covering this news told us
that Nakao, the CEO of Zero refused to alienate
the helm of bbspink.cgi to you Jim, on the ground
that the script is not his but the kernel property
of 2ch. Jim, can you tell us why you need to get
the helm of bbspink.cgi, including its manipulation?
For your business use? Someone suspects the confiscation
of SEAN's notebook PC at the airport might be closely
related to this matter, namely CIA or FBI tackles with
2ch and bbspink through NSA echelon, whose system
caught in the posting of 2ch the keywords for
information retrieval such as "daitoryo"(president)
"ansatstu"(assassination) or something(@wLoL
I know that once FBI took a search warrant on the
case about the posting to the bbspink, so this
hypothesis leaves considerably a tenable ground,
532 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 20:50:11 ID: fv9cScd5
536 : ◆SSu.zv/rvs :2006/01/09(月) 00:11:07


しなくても root 直轄サーバにすればいいのかもですが、

In this thread, Nakao and other staffs of 2ch argumented
about your request, especially
he intended and consulted other staffs to move all
bbspink threads to "snowman operation servers" from yours.
We were very surprised at the whirl of events,
and "insidious approach of something to 2ch"(@wLoL
535 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:06:03 ID: fv9cScd5

562 : ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2006/01/09(月) 00:56:16 ?
それを良く覚えておけ」 っていうかんじですかね。

In response to the Nakao's 557 posting, MUMUMUhnYI(Root, Toru?)
advised him to write to you "Shut up, the question is the trust
between you(PIE) and us. We will never entrust the untrustworthy
server housing company(you) with the largest bbs in the world,
537 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:13:39 ID: fv9cScd5
571 : ◆SSu.zv/rvs :2006/01/09(月) 01:02:56



Nakao's posting showed his dismay, saying "Ooops, what can I do?
Everybody goes mad. Everything goes screwed."
541 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:20:51 ID: fv9cScd5

590 : ◆Reffiz2Zh. :2006/01/09(月) 01:11:43

A 2ch staff "Reffi" supposed the response of Hiroyuki,
the supervisor of 2ch that he would cancel all servers
of NT Technology in case where the situation goes
544 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:30:06 ID: fv9cScd5
As shown above, at your request of alienating bbspink.cgi,
2ch staffs apparently exposed the feasibility to get rid
of NT Technology from 2ch business.
As an user wishing for a stable use of 2ch, I would like
to know the background of this showtime, and
your true intention about this matter(@wLoL
553 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 21:59:12 ID: fv9cScd5

Beholding other postings of Nakao,
I found
100 : ◆SSu.zv/rvs :2006/01/09(月) 06:09:29
まぁ そういうことだ、

Translated as
"well, things are like that, I gag myself, this case is sealed
and I am impressed by the huge power of Korean Men(shown verbatim
as "noodles" in Chinese character, but its pronunciation is "men")

Who are those "Korean Men"?(@wLoL
556 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:07:53 ID: fv9cScd5
You do not know the restriction of sending posts?(@wLoL

559 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:14:31 ID: fv9cScd5
The "restriction" is for the quantity of each posting,
therefore the posting itself is bound to be "SELECTIVE"(@wLoL

562 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:28:58 ID: fv9cScd5
Is there any tenable ground why I should desist from
a specific category of postings except unlawful ones(@wLoL

566 : 東京kitty ◆sf6hQG7mAo : 2006/01/08 (土) 22:39:06 ID: fv9cScd5
I understand you have resort to translation sites(@wLoL