I don't think that two are perfect.
- 844 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/25 (月) 04:43:21 ID: 1rOnAZ+o
- I made the deletion guideline and the script of 2channel.
I don't think that two are perfect. - 846 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:01:59 ID: 1rOnAZ+o
- >Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys-san
I say honestly. I think it is impossible in you.
Because you doesn't know Japanese written and past problem.
But, it is your way, and if it is the best for this boards,
I don't say "STOP!"... - 854 : ◆ZFz/q7JaS6 : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:38:49 ID: 1rOnAZ+o
- No, I am retired volunteer...