780 :
: 2006/07/22 (金) 16:24:58
>>778 Are you trying to motivate people? That is most famous speech of one of our dead presidents in the US. Abraham Lincoln. I have been to that battlefield, you can almost feel the ghosts. Over 50,000 people died there. Brothers fighting brothers. Maybe you are trying to make a point that we are fighting among ourselves for no apparent reason? Anyway please make your point more clearly.
785 :
: 2006/07/22 (金) 19:28:09
>>782>>783 Just a response and not an announcement of principles. Remember the Principal is your pal. I think Mumumu has made a board for rants and raves and opinions. http://pie.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1153507675/ Lets discuss things like the Gettysburgh address or other things that do not pertain to our Ero life and building a better bbspink there. our