955 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(7387799);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:08:14 ID: KDNsM1Br
> There is a time difference....orz

But we are now sharing the same time and the same thread.
I think it is dramatic.
959 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(3648858);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:24:40 ID: KDNsM1Br
>>910 >>956


>* Cross postings of same post to multiple boards.

In the Internet (former Usenet news) world, the "Cross posting" and
"Multiple posting" is completely different.

"Cross posting" means posting to multiple BBS by one time posting.
But 2ch and BBSPINK's BBS system don't support Cross posting.

"Multiple posting" means posting to multiple BBS by multiple postings.
I think this is very noisy. Users must see the same article at multiple times.

So, I think you should fix "Cross posting" to "Multiple posting"

And in 2ch slung, "Multiple postings" is called "Marupo" or "Maruchi".
When we see the "Multiple poster", we say with sarcasm, "Maruchi Otsu".
963 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(821333);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:38:03 ID: KDNsM1Br
>>962 said that I can't understand that what knowhows does Toru-san give us.

Certainly, Toru-san does not clarify now.

But I think Toru-san can clarify the detail in this thread or the next thread.
Toru-san, please clarify them. I think it helps Jim-san and bbspink.
967 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4469377);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 15:52:20 ID: KDNsM1Br
970 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4104959);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:09:05 ID: KDNsM1Br


Toru-san said that in >>968, he wants to configure deleting scripts and
manage volunteers' accounts for deleting at BBSPINK servers until another
volunteer person for the same role appeared.

Jim-san, it is very important decision. I am not sure whether Toru-san
is suitable for this or not. So, all of the decision is your responsibility.

-- Mumumu
971 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1368353);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:13:14 ID: KDNsM1Br

If you can, please show your email address for receiving Jim-san's email.
If you do so, Jim-san may contact to this address.

But I'm not sure Jim-san sends email to you, of course.

But I think all of the summary of emails should be opened,
for clarifying the communications' result between Jim-san and you.
973 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1824454);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:21:50 ID: KDNsM1Br
And Jim-san, I must write the past fact in 2ch.

Toru-san retired 2ch volunteer and a chief of deleting persons for some reason
at several years ago. I don't know the reason why certainly, so I don't write any
comments about this.

But then, I think this trial is the second time for him.
I appreciate the bravery, but I think that it became a big trauma for him.
I am worried that he has been completely revived. If so, I don't stop him anymore.

-- Mumumu
974 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1276872);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:24:55 ID: KDNsM1Br
Toru-san, thank you for your res.

I wrote severe things in >>973, so, please be not ill-humored.
I am worried about you simply.
977 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(1095034);] : 2006/07/26 (火) 16:28:05 ID: KDNsM1Br
Of course, I think so.

Please explain in English in >>976 writing to Jim-san.
998 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(4104195);] : 2006/07/27 (水) 10:00:47 ID: KDNsM1Br

Near of the thread's end, 2ch/bbspink users perform the "1000-Tori Gassen".
It means the battle for getting 1000.

During the battle, users put some typical AAs, like a >>950.

But on my side, this makes the server's load increasing, so,
sometimes I have to perform "the Cucumber Dance".

-- Mumumu
999 : Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [be(2463539);] : 2006/07/27 (水) 10:35:01 ID: KDNsM1Br
I checked the day of this thread beginning.

1 名前:この英語も相当ひどいので気にしないでくれ![] 投稿日:04/05/02 11:52

And the current time is following.

998 名前:Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI [] 投稿日:2006/07/27(木) 19:00:47 ID:KDNsM1Br ?PLT(10000)

So, there is over two years history in this thread.

And Jim-san, it is time to make an end of this thread,
I say thank you the maker of this thread (he/she is an anonymous user),
and all of the people in reading and posting.

Now bbspink gets the "Shiodoki" of making systems.
Of course, the "systems" don't mean only technical thing but also political
and strategic, and all other related things.

Jim-san, and all other related stakeholders,
let's make bbspink better.

-- Mumumu