849 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:12:51 ID: euFOvr8y
Dear Jim-san
My name is koro-pink.

The role was being given by Sakujo-pink-san.

Please appoint the operator ahead of the deletion rule.
851 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:19:20 ID: euFOvr8y
Moreover, not one person but operator's plural is preferable.

853 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:37:35 ID: euFOvr8y
I recommend the following people.


It is necessary people for BBSPINK.
The other>>820 Many people are applying for cooperation.

The talk will advance early if plurals gather.
855 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 05:45:30 ID: euFOvr8y
Because I understand English only a little, it relies on the translation site.

> No, I am retired volunteer...

Let's revive.
Many people hope for it.
859 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 11:28:22 ID: euFOvr8y
Dear Jim-san

>Please only delete spam for now.

Is it processed by the judgments of the individual those who delete it?

>>835 "spam" = "Important deletion"?

When it answers an unanswered question, it is glad.
861 : koro ◆8j1enTAicY [sage] : 2006/07/25 (月) 14:51:15 ID: euFOvr8y
What is the definition of SPAM that Mr. JIM thinks about?