422 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2004/10/28 (水) 05:43:07 ID: mZ7SpVox
* 2004 autumn (Number 001)
* The Erotic Ascii Art Championship Competition
* http://sakura02.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/eroaa/1098543545/

This first time competition theme is "Eros".

 We leave you about "Eros" and this competition theme's define or explanation.
 Please participate from beginner to veteran, we don't ask your age and sex.
 Besides, exhibition and voting is divided into each section.
 Also, you had making this competition for the first time works only.

 Exhibition; October 24, 00:00 - November 7, 21:00
 voting;   November 7, 21:00 - November 22, 24:00
 # Each periods don't extension.
  Could you please understand the situation beforehand.
  We can consider your lost time's factor. However, you don't expect.

If you have any other questions, please come in this thread here.