390 : One resident of bbs [sage] : 2006/08/13 (土) 15:10:34 ID: vykHbnX/
>>386 Dear Jim-san

Thank you for your answer and the word がんばる.o(^O^)o

> I am sure the volunteers come from all over the world, not just Japan, so lets think of it
> as a world board.
I understand your grand view.
If pink bbs will be more internationalized in the future, it might be very excited.

However, we should think, at least in the current state,
the majority of the contribution of pink bbs are being written in Japanese.
I saw your remark by another thread.
But according to my poor knowledge, there is a thing that user in living in Japan is used
the domain of the foreign country and accessed bbs.
Perhaps, his remark by the same thread might serve as a reference.

Anyway, I think that the following fact is important,
regardless of the nationality of the user himself,
the majority of the contribution with pink bbs are being written in Japanese.
A local rule of each bulletin board and the procedure of the deletion request
are being written in Japanese, too.

If the volunteer has the ability to delete improper contributions,
they should have the ability to judge whether the contribution is "improper" or not.
Enough number of talent who understands a slight Japanese nuance is necessary for us
by all means.
391 : One resident of bbs [sage] : 2006/08/13 (土) 15:12:04 ID: vykHbnX/

Therefore, to select and to generalize them, a Japanese (at least understands Japanese)
deputy is necessary, I think.
I think that it is IZUMI162i6 suitability for the role chosen by the election.

The deputy is , so to speak, your window in Japan.
You need not limit the deputy to him alone.
If it is necessary, you will only have to nominate the foreign deputy
for the foreign volunteers.
However, even if you make another the window for the foreign country,
there is no reason why the window for Japan is not made.
I think that it is the most suitable method for the current state.