26 name:Hiroyuki 投稿日:2006/08/18(金) 02:04:57 ID:???0 ?DIA(30607)
It is unreasonable that 2ch users become victim to the bbspink ISP regulation.
So you can unlock anytime you want.
If bbspink has its own system that can inform ISP and unlock,
I might have another idea.
but if it doesn't have, bbspink can not have any reason which it can regulate 2ch users.
19 名前: ◆Reffiz2Zh. [sage] 投稿日:2006/08/05(土) 20:51:57 ID:2iXVvbFE
There are some matters which should be regulated, but we can not inform ISP yet.
So could someone let Jim know;
on 2ch, volunteers are informing ISP
I have the leader of informers, and Hiroyuki gives me the permission of unlocking, and I unlock ISP locking.
Can volunteers do the same thing on bbspink?
Can I do the same thing on bbspink?
If Jim give us the permission, it's going to be normal.
Some ISP say that information should come from bbspink.
so please give us the answer ASAP.