
454 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/08/15 (月) 15:30:48 ID: f/kSm2A9
This whole problem is made by some who has cats whispering in their ear.
Deletion script is not the problem it is simple script
and same one or new one can be used. The problem is who are the current deleters.
I don't know the names or contact for these people. Only one person
knows, and they have not shared that informatioin.
Guidelines are simple and have been discussed enough.
I am very happy that we have many volunteers.
Only a few have been corresponding with me by email.
Please be patient. Gomenasai sumi-masen.
457 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys : 2006/08/15 (月) 16:09:08 ID: f/kSm2A9
I am sorry I do not have that email in my eudora.
I have done a complete search including my junk filter.

actually junk is first place I look most of my important mail goes directly to the junk filter.
714 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/08/22 (月) 21:20:35 ID: f+xqqpp0
You must not believe only ANALFUCK.
He is Darth Vader.

Conscience of a person is a chessman for him.
He takes a fictional enemy to you.
A lot of people were deceived by him.
By the same trick, a lot of people were deceived by him.

He uses a famous bulletin board like one's private properties
and wants to be proud to a friend and people.

He uses a system of a famous bulletin board like private properties.
He wants his friend and people to worship him. It is his true purpose.

A vicious fraud clown like him is very rare.
Your PINKBBS is his next game.
724 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/08/23 (火) 01:05:01 ID: f+xqqpp0