
748 : 単なる”削除”依頼人 ◆DeleterXCk [sage] : 2006/08/23 (火) 06:19:13 ID: qhTP3IXq


In 2ch, ◆ANALFUCKo6 was known to ◆POSEIDONgg, and was one of deleters.
He often got into trouble and had a quarrel with user, therefore he was not quite trusted.
Last year he got into a serious trouble (dispute on a deleting transaction with other volunteer),
as a result he was removed from the volunteer.

Did you know this fact, Jim ?
If you know, why did you appoint such a person as a volunteer ?
I cannot understand you.
751 : 単なる”削除”依頼人 ◆DeleterXCk [sage] : 2006/08/23 (火) 07:55:47 ID: qhTP3IXq
Reading Jim's remarks, it's doubtful that he can bear any burdan to keep this BBS.