885 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/12 (月) 15:47:34 ID: wstAp4gy
"Why you dismiss LOVE* from leader?"
Itadaki want to know this,
and SPOTTER explanations each.
887 : Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★ : 2006/09/12 (月) 15:56:30 ID: ???
>>885 Hiroyuki advised me that Love* did not have the experience to be leader.
Now we have an experienced Pink channeler as the leader 79-san
This strange conversation we had last night was just spilling our guts over the past.
This situation has already been resolved. I guess that some people did not have enough
of insulting and cat calls though.
Secret base is really a fun place for me.