825 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/12 (月) 09:05:23 ID: DE/yJJIy
  / ´_ゝ`)I'm sorry. I pass here...
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  // | |
 U  .U
828 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/12 (月) 09:27:36 ID: DE/yJJIy
840 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/12 (月) 11:11:13 ID: DE/yJJIy

Hiroyuki is a admin of 2ch.
Hiroyuki and TORU are friends.
"ぴんく丼" and "桃色吐息" are friends.
"ぴんく丼" and Itadaki and Tamon-kun are friends.
>>742 "◆garnetGnNk" is a subordinate of "ぴんく丼".
Tamon-kun and TORU are rivals.
The lip of Hiroyuki is thick. We call it "Tarako".
This is Tarako.
The mustache of Hiroyuki....It extends to very eerie shape.

Is your body safe?
I heard that you took a lot of vitamin preparations.