436 : 名無し編集部員 : 2006/09/07 (水) 16:00:15 ID: bDBZVk7m

We are troubled. :)
We want to translate Hiroyuki's wise remark into English about using bulletin board.
Which do you think to be good in the following sentence?:

It is difficult to use a bulletin board unless you can see through a lie.

It is difficult to use a bulletin board for a person who cannot see through a lie.

The person who cannot distinguish a lie when it is a lie, it is difficult for him/her to use BBS.

To distinguish truths from lies is important to use BBS. There are lots of lies and truths here.

To distinguish truths from lies is important to use BBS. Our world has lots of lies and truths.

It's very important that to distinguish truths from lies, when you use BBS.

Or is there better expression?