*「megami Thread」の多くの利用者の認識。
「self portrait」の「upload」と、「観客」との対話を楽しむ。
*被写体がuploaderでないならば、「upload Thread」と呼ばれる。
「megami 板」は「megami Thread」を集めた板であるという認識を持つ利用者が多い。
Greenday ★氏が「upload Thread」を「other board」から移動する事に疑問を感じる人達がいます。
私は「megami 板で話題にする Thread の範囲」を、「megami 板」の「自治 Thread」で議論して決められるか?
もしくは、「Greenday ★氏が移動したThread」を扱うようにルールを変更するべきか?
This is a machine translation.
*Recognition of a lot of users of "megami Thread".
It enjoys the conversation between "upload" of "self portrait" and "Spectator".
*If subject is not uploader, it is called "upload Thread".
There are a lot of users who have recognition that "Megami board" is a board that collects "megami Thread".
There are people who feel the doubt in the thing that Greenday ★ moves "upload Thread" from "other board".
Am I decided discussing "Range of Thread mentioned with the megami board" by "Autonomy Thread" of "Megami board"?
Or, to treat "Thread that Greenday ★ moved", should I change the rule?