Please do not order servers yet.
what you need to do, we are going to tell you from the actual scene.
Fiest of all, you are going to have to make a space for KAKO-logs,
which are going to be made plenty of them, when you updrade your servers.
which is the same one as oyster 910 ( suma ) on 2ch.
nasu banana has benn already prepared ( confirmation of system operation capabilities has been done already )
so you can use that one.
but I have forgotten things for RAID, so you gotta make sure if it is ( they are ) fine.
after that, you are going to start preparing servers which are for BBS.
however, we are not sure if banana290 is ok or not.
we need to do testings and confirmations more to figure out which type of HDD is the best,
which RAM memories are the best, and they might be going to be changed.
to get the best servers for the best system, woulkd you mind waiting for ordering servers?