Itadaki-san changed job. He's a leave until the next work starts.
Therefore, he is traveling in Hokkaido now.
(Sapporo is one of the cities in Hokkaido.)
Itadaki-san, Tamon-kun, ぴんく丼, and "マァヴ ◆jxAYUMI09s" did the feast on the 29th and September 30.
They ate a very delicious crab dish. And, they drank very large amount of hooch.
Itadaki-san got drunk and lost his memory.
Itadaki-san has the child. Nevertheless, Itadaki-san is a childish person.
Tamon-kun is an increased frequency of micturition.
Tamon-kun has the habit of taking off the undergarment while sleeping.
Therefore, he put out his penis in front of all members and was sleeping.