510 :
: 2007/11/21 (火) 16:24:07
last pid: 75787; load averages: 0.02, 0.07, 0.08 up 8+14:35:27 08:16:59 457 processes: 2 running, 454 sleeping, 1 zombie CPU states: 0.2% user, 0.0% nice, 1.0% system, 2.3% interrupt, 96.5% idle Mem: 210M Active, 2397M Inact, 269M Wired, 150M Cache, 112M Buf, 218M Free Swap: 4096M Total, 4096M Free My new xbanana, and this is already after peak time today!
511 :
: 2007/11/21 (火) 16:30:53
last pid: 13359; load averages: 0.41, 0.28, 0.24 up 70+09:16:16 08:27:55 126 processes: 1 running, 125 sleeping CPU states: 1.2% user, 0.0% nice, 2.7% system, 0.4% interrupt, 95.7% idle Mem: 211M Active, 86M Inact, 92M Wired, 13M Cache, 59M Buf, 84M Free Swap: 2048M Total, 1710M Used, 338M Free, 83% Inuse, 3412K In, 860K Out This is a cream server and apache is already maxed out on it. http://blog.bbspink.com current server.
513 :
: 2007/11/21 (火) 17:17:37
>>512 I think it is very interesting, and you will enjoy doing it. It benefits our community, and also gives you a bigger perspective on other peoples points of view and interests.