
493 : 男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(240725243);] : 2007/11/14 (火) 15:39:17 ID: olZY6ICj
Im waiting
494 : 男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(401208645);] : 2007/11/14 (火) 16:46:20 ID: olZY6ICj
Jim! Do you have a blog?
If you have it, I want to read it!
Much more know what do you think.
497 : 男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(802416858);] : 2007/11/14 (火) 18:10:24 ID: olZY6ICj
Oh nice! Linked with mine.
I'll read little by little.

Is it in china?
It's view is modern and outlandish.
Does the alga live?