
44 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/07/09 (日) 03:02:56 ID: KrLgJS2F
I have no idea if you have heard about present situation about BBSPINK,
so here is FYI.
BBSPINK has no way of ban a user right now since May 2007.(that means,
BBSPINK have nothing to do against troll or attacker who wants to ruin its
target threads or board, except deleting its postings. Since it takes time and
patience, even Greenday-san has given up doing so with some incidents.
As you know, the blocking(or banning) had been done by the 2ch side since
the BBSPINK servers are under their control. Currently, any innocent user can
report the troll or attacker in a specially setup board in 2ch, then if the 2ch blocker
team agreed it is indeed the annoying or disturbance behavior against 2ch BBS,
the troll's ISP domain will be banned. The ban may be on a board(s), or entire
2ch BBS(including BBSPINK's). It has a bad side effect - any users who
has same ISP domain as the troll are also bannd. I heard Hiroyuki's
preference is "no blocking is prefered unless the blocker can pinpoint block the troll
(it means if the troll's IP is static or from Cellphone access(serial number is
required for posting right now), go ahead and do it). Compromise between blocker team
and Hiroyuki is current blocking method - Pinpoint block is eternal. Domain blocking on
a board will be in effect for a month, or until the blocking team receive a mail from
the troll's ISP that they have traced the IP and warned the specified troll about its behavior.
(any innocent user who wants to unblock his domain can report the troll to his ISP)
The blocker team's role is banning the troll. The troll's IP and the logs are posted by
the team for anybody who wants to report the ISP. Deactivation for entire 2ch domain
banning is done by the mail from the ISP only.
Troll or attack on BBSPINK was handled about same way before. Any user report to
the specially setup board on 2ch and the blocker team pinpoint ban the troll or ban
his ISP. The difference was deactivation. Greenday-san used to mail the target ISP
instead of an innocent user who wants to unblock his ISP domain and ask the deactivator
of 2ch blocker team on a basis from the mail Greenday-san received from the ISP.
One day in May, 2ch blocking team found out the BBSPINKs blocking/unblocking
procedure and declared they don't block troll on BBSPINK any more.
Greenday-san and some BBSPINK volunteer discussed for improving(or adjusting)
their procedure to meet 2ch blocker team's wish. They tried to present
the procedure change to 2ch blocker team recently with no success.
Big problem here. Greeday-san does not understand or know exact intent
or thought of the 2ch blocking team. Of course, 2ch blocking team is not so
kind to tell or teach what they really want. I think that the team want Greenday-san
to realize what they want. Because of this, current no banning situation may last longer.
I wrote this not because I want you to do something about this, but let you
know what's happening and if you have any suggestions to Greenday-san or something.
47 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2007/07/09 (日) 03:42:52 ID: KrLgJS2F
??? I just wrote that for Jim-san and have no intention to insult
or complain about Greenday-san. I think you are doing your best.
I think the most fault or blame is on the blocking team's side for
not telling or teaching to less experienced Greenday-san about
what they really want.