
572 : 男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(1083262469);] : 2007/12/14 (木) 20:06:57 ID: wI9I9oo4
Oh I know it.
Taro Imo we call it.
Imo is potato in Japan.
I have never eaten it.

Umm,, the shop around my house is selling it...?
I'll check it.
576 : 男根様 ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(561692047);] : 2007/12/14 (木) 21:11:46 ID: wI9I9oo4
Certainly looks like a penis and I think looks like a shit.

Taro Imo is Satoimo?
I did'nt know that... checked out it Taroimo is one of imo kind.
And satoimo is category name maybe...