576 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/16 (火) 16:22:09 ID: n7cDaQmU
>>569Jim-san こんばんは (I'm >>556,>>565,>>567 です。)
I was watching "MythBusters".
I like this program because there are destructions, explosions and Kariのおっぱい.
Kariのおっぱい最高(さいこうsai kou)です(*´Д`)ハァハァ
And I like "Forensic Factor", "Most Evil" and "Future Weapons " too.

I think American programs are different from Japanese those.
(Japanese Discovery ch has aired the old programs probably.)
577 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/16 (火) 16:40:01 ID: acad35rp
koumonn is famous for Komon Mito.
However, you had better not use it because it is "Japanese koumonn = English ANAL".
578 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/16 (火) 16:40:26 ID: n7cDaQmU
つくよみ is God of moon in Japanese myth.

こうもん koumonn 黄門
This is very famous vice-president's name aka Mito-mitsukuni.
水戸 光国 みと みつくに
His adventure's drama named "Mito-Koumon" has aired long time in Japan.
水戸 黄門(みと こうもん)

かぐや kaguya
うらしま urashima
These are characters of Japanese(Chinese?) old story "Urashima-tarou".
浦島 太郎 うらしま たろう
579 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/16 (火) 16:43:37 ID: n7cDaQmU
まちがえました(;^ω^) i had mistake.
Kaguya is a character of "Kaguya-hime" aka "Take tori monogatari".
580 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/16 (火) 16:46:08 ID: n7cDaQmU
「くらま」って何だろうw 山でいいのかな?