- 761 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2008/01/21 (日) 15:38:16 ID: FxhFPj65
- Could you please just give us your ones which you have already changed?
- 764 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2008/01/21 (日) 15:54:35 ID: FxhFPj65
- Thank you :)
- 776 : ◆79EROOYuCc : 2008/01/22 (月) 05:54:49 ID: FxhFPj65
- http://deleter.bbspink.com/wiki/wiki.cgi?page=PINK%A4%C1%A4%E3%A4%F3%A4%CD%A4%EB%A1%A6%A5%B5%A5%A4%A5%C8%A5%DD%A5%EA%A5%B7%A1%BC%A4%F2%BA%EE%A4%EB%BE%EC%BD%EA
I have updated again.
If it is ok with you, I will print it, and you probably will sign it, and I will scan it, and will upload on bbspink top server.