661 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/19 (金) 14:46:55 ID: N2SGNcL/ >>648 Jim-san こんばんは That song is famous in Japan too. But I didn't know the lyric of that song. (ノ∀`)Sorry...
663 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/01/19 (金) 14:50:35 ID: N2SGNcL/ ・The apple challenge 2nd-round. I tried to peel it more slimly and awhirl. http://up2.viploader.net/upphp/src/vlphp125090.jpg But... I failed. It cut 2times. wwwっうぇwww http://up2.viploader.net/upphp/src/vlphp125091.jpg But my true challenge is to make an apple pie. (;^ω^) ・おまけ I made the "Jim-san".......?? http://up2.viploader.net/upphp/src/vlphp125093.jpg