7 : チェリー隊長 ◆YQDDE2COoU : 2008/02/13 (火) 16:50:36 ID: 2ZY2Q4yu
I don't have a car.
Please give me chocolate.
From Hiroshima with love.
Hiroshima is famous to Atomic Bomb Dome.
9 : チェリー隊長 ◆YQDDE2COoU : 2008/02/14 (水) 00:45:07 ID: 2ZY2Q4yu
My grandfather was Japanese army.
He went to any countries to kill such a many people.
His left sholder had been shoot by enemy.
He showed me the scar.
If we torelate war,our children will be next.

Peace and love.
12 : チェリー隊長 ◆YQDDE2COoU [7段闇3段] : 2008/02/14 (水) 09:59:34 ID: 2ZY2Q4yu
( ・∀・)ノおやすみなさいお