944 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/04/24 (水) 16:09:31 ID: VX0CoQFO
Oh my God! That killed my adult video!
HDD bastards!

I wrote English referring to South Park.
However, I don't know a former material of the topic,
it can't completely enjoy some South Park episodes.
It's very sad.
950 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/04/24 (水) 16:57:39 ID: VX0CoQFO
I think Jim-san wrote polite Japanese in this thread.
Woman say Japanese very native.
I laughed terribly.
テラ ワロス
Thank you to script.
I want to take care not to become like an uneducated child.
968 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/04/25 (木) 11:09:54 ID: VX0CoQFO
I am not very good at listening.
It laughed because of the last firing at random though it was unknown to have put out the gun suddenly.
Give me translated subscript.