913 : 名無し編集部員 : 2008/10/23 (水) 06:27:14 ID: 4IiI3V4Z
Hey Jim

You did a terrible thing.
You wrote e-mail address on the MEGAMI-board.

Do you know this rule?
All user must not write an e-mail address in this BBS.

You become the death penalty when you violated it.
914 : 名無し編集部員 : 2008/10/23 (水) 06:48:08 ID: 4IiI3V4Z
Your note was taken out for a deletion request.
However, DELETER called SELEN did not delete it.
Therefore SELEN_san is tormented now.

Only this is said here, and nobody goes to delete it.
You must not attribute this to only SELEN.
There is no help for it even if I think that some deleter having deletion authority consented tacitly to the state of things of JIM.