712 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/09/20 (金) 06:55:56 ID: bziT2ATa

I'm user in pink-thread.
The specific user was excluded without the user's understanding "One deleator".
"One deleator" isn't also listening to volunteer's other advice and is doing a one-
sided elimination act.

There are several questions.
Please tell me.

1.Do you think volunteer's have a legal responsibility stress of site maintenance?

2.>>670 They're confused by where to report it.
The location of the report, is it for Mr. Jim or, is it in a thread or or, is it FBI or
the Japanese police?

3.When volunteer's were arrested by a thing on the operation, is there preparation
which has a lawyer in Mr. Jim?

4.A Japanese male and the appearance which is a lady in particular look childish
for European and American people.
Even if the person herself who exhibited pictures declares"I'm an adult.", is the
act eliminated in beheading way proper by the appearance?

Sudden, I write, excuse me.
Please be careful of your health. Good-bye.

I am 23 in ■児童ポルノ芋掘り議論■ (jido-poruno imohori giron)
(Right or wrong of exhibiting connection information on the underage access person
who judged that a volunteer was vicious to an unspecified number is argued.)

These sentences were changed by an automatic translation site.
715 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/09/20 (金) 07:35:23 ID: bziT2ATa
Dear. Mr.Jim

Thank you very much for your quick answer.
A picture was also very helpful.

Be a good day.
718 : 23 [sage] : 2008/09/20 (金) 12:05:29 ID: bziT2ATa
Dear. Mr.Jim

I'm only user in pink. I'll want you to know, and I contact you ince again.
By a long article, excuse me.

Certain behavior of an operation volunteer brings confusion to the user of a bulletin board.
The beginning was the report which does the female picture contributor who has that as a
teenager.After having notice, an elimination volunteer warned to a lady concerned.
A volunteer requested to prove that he isn't underage. A contributor contributed by an account
with the authentication ID, and declared that he isn't underage.But he assumed then that it was
insufficient, and a volunteer requested to expose further personal information to an opening to
the public bulletin board.
 As a result, a lady is away from the site. Many users held distrust to this process.
It's because how much do you dry personal information and have the danger from which status
proof can be asked when being reported to a volunteer even if I say as an adult. Argument of
whether a volunteer exhibits contributor's reported connection information is being performed
A volunteer was explaining officially that elimination and report work were managed by the
dimension of the directions of Mr.Jim. Is that true?

When a teen and the contribution female of the doubtful picture are found, the part of the
volunteer asks proof of being more than 18 years old (By an opening to the public bulletin board,
how?)That this indication is received actually, even if an adult declaration is being done, how
much will it be a retirement order?

It's obvious that these have started from a report and a human mistake of an elimination system.
But I also lose sight of a retirement the part of the volunteer.
"It'll be also continued from now on!"
A declaration of the certain volunteer who has assisted a series of movement.

These a sequence of movements are being read as" witchhunt" by a bulletin board. Though 2
ladies complained that one was an adult until the end in September, I became a victim.

Please take care to tell a judgement to a flow to an operation volunteer immediately.
Please take care to declare application of site policy 1-b to an act beyond will of Mr. Jim above all.

Are the bulletin boards which request to dry personal information for self management excellent contents?
I should take great pains over how you don't make them access there.
719 : 712 [sage] : 2008/09/20 (金) 12:06:34 ID: bziT2ATa

* Case One

202 people before: Nameless, Mr.,@ pinky Contribution day : 2008/09/18 Thursday 02:00:58 ID:2X6zAwV3O

It's May. I disappear, and this problem wouldn't be a settled reason, but it's a big problem so much,
and that I have made everyone be confused doesn't have, and I think I have the cause, so I'll apologize deeply.
At the front, who, it isn't imposed, I'm not less than 18 years old as it was called and I declared.
But if it's a policy of Mr. operation, I'll think that it's said that you soon disappear from here in doubted time,
so even if I complain any more, it'll be wasteful and what intension that you'll dry personal information and
use here doesn't chintz have?
So I have decided not to use a pink bulletin board after this writing in.

But tell to do the declaration which isn't less than 18 years old while also not coming to an agreement,
and tell also to make gnarl Ana insufficient for the explanation, and tell the end to prove that I'm not underage
in MA, and please stop to behave, waste a board and cause trouble to Mr. resident without understanding.
Because they're I and the reason which used Mr. apricot in an experiment, I'd like to settle this problem by
how to finish saying now.

Then, thank you very much for everyone of a resident really so far, (´ ω `), ノシ.

Quotation End******************************************************************

(By Automatic translation)

I also remitted the management address as a complaint.

Thank you for your reeding. good-bye.
720 : 712 [sage] : 2008/09/20 (金) 12:07:42 ID: bziT2ATa
I'm sorry. 23→712
721 : 712 [sage] : 2008/09/20 (金) 12:13:24 ID: bziT2ATa
* Case Other

173 people before: Devised◆ 6 ApjIZaykA [sage] contribution day : 2008/09/17 Wednesday
00:44:55 ID:Vv5YAxkeO

  Writing in becomes slow and I apologize for that.
I'm not less than 18 years old and there is also no remembrance which set a doubted remark
to less than 18 years old.
But now when such misunderstanding has happened dries personal information from here,
even and I wouldn't like to do a goddess act.
When misunderstanding happened, myself disturbed the one on an operation relation and to
the resident and I myself didn't like that, either, so as well as writing this in goddess board
inclusion pink again as the last writing in, it itself didn't decide to do access.

I caused you trouble.

Quotation End******************************************************************

(By Automatic translation)