738 : ◆EROyVmNwwM [sage] : 2008/09/22 (日) 19:09:26 ID: cm0Pih3q
This is continuation of >>724.

I feel that his contribution looks like the fact.
However, there are a lot of subjectivities of him.
I think that the contribution is different from the fact.

One example
Excerpt of >>525
Moreover, The volunteer wrote. When the doubtful one is left, "Responsibility" occurs to us
I think that his insistence is from the following writing.
> 判断する人が、今は私しかいません。
> なぜなら、私が直接被害を被る可能性が高いからです。
She is writing.
"I receive the direct harm."
He interpreted, "Responsibility". However, I think that I differ.
I will be embarrassed, too. However, it is not responsible for the volunteer.

I apologize for being not able to write everything because English is poor.
739 : ◆EROyVmNwwM [sage] : 2008/09/22 (日) 20:27:32 ID: cm0Pih3q
Dear Jim-san

Incidently, how did the result of the conversation with Hiroyuki-san?(>>645)
I worry very much.
Are there any problems?

By the way,
In Japan, there is a custom of visiting a grave at autumnal equinox.
I went to the grave the other day.
The graveyard was greatly crowded.