785 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/09/30 (月) 13:43:50 ID: jp1EyFaR
I'm >>48

We have discussed a new board for six months.
And we voted on an issue.

1. Not needing any other 801 boards
272/438 62.1%
2. Needing 801 Composition(Eroparo) Board
131/438 29.9%
3. Needing 801 Refugees Board
18/438 4.1%
4. Needing 801 Salon Board
13/438 3.0%
5. Needing 801 Composition(original only) Board
4/438 0.9%

So we decided against the request as consensus of 801 Board.
Personally,I'm sorry that people objected.
But we must admit that the decision is severe and important.

Thank you for your sincere interest.