452 : ◆APFKcKFi7U [sage] : 2008/07/27 (土) 16:24:28 ID: v+zHbSm9
Hi, Jim-san.

It's 主催 ◆APFKcKFi7U from 全板 tournament.
Sorry, I couldn't keep in touch lately.

3rd 全板 tournament came to end on 7/26.
The champion was ネトゲ実況, while モ娘(狼)came in second place
followed by 自作PC in the third.

From BBSPINK, 半角文字列 and 半角二次元 came to block finals(best 24 boards).
Other BBSPINK boards showed it's pride and charm by many kind of ways too.
Funny, interesting, and えっち ways.

I'd like to thank you for approving 全板トーナメント,
As a member of 全板トーナメント and a user of BBSPINK.