
673 : ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(982960177);] : 2009/01/01 (水) 23:57:45 ID: NJt+1HZr
However, it becomes a story of joke(釣り).
Umm.. information is complicated.
724 : ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(541631939);] : 2009/01/02 (木) 01:49:34 ID: NJt+1HZr
Good news!
Have a nice onanie year!
I didn't notice it
Pull the wires? Mastermind? Power broker? lol
They say ignorance is bliss.
OK, let's do the masturbation.
729 : ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(200604252);] : 2009/01/02 (木) 01:52:03 ID: NJt+1HZr
yea, it's me
no, it's me
manko tinko
740 : ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(962899586);] : 2009/01/02 (木) 02:04:28 ID: NJt+1HZr
トバコ is Republic of Trinidad and Tobago?
In only 15min?
You are beyond time and space indeed.
786 : ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(180544133);] : 2009/01/02 (木) 02:34:37 ID: NJt+1HZr
846 : ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(561691474);] : 2009/01/02 (木) 03:37:54 ID: NJt+1HZr
You should perform to Hollywood film and you'll be a Movie Star soon!
861 : ◆CHINPOGEDU [be(902718959);] : 2009/01/02 (木) 03:52:30 ID: NJt+1HZr
Don't worry.
Your PINK teleportation skill makes you the perfect man as the Hero.
I want the SKILL of you...!