
395 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2008/12/01 (日) 15:19:09 ID: zBf1tLi4

Here is the translation of >>387, just in case there will be no misunderstanding for you.
(I think you may understand what kind of person is writing that already ;)
Although there is an uploaded report posted in the lesbian thread of ascii board,
a copyright advocator posted a deletion request. Please tell me the way to block
the access of the deletion requester.

We are annoyed with the deletion request of the post, which does
not even interfere with the deletion guideline, such as below.


572 名前:名無したん(;´Д`)ハァハァ[sage] 投稿日:2008/11/30(日) 01:01:09 ID:7larW5bm
I uploaded it(the Mist - Japanese lady's comic scan - 300MB total. [it is magazine
publicly sold in the bookstore and copyrighted, of course) with the split format as below.
Ichigo100M (Uploader name)
8800 part1 (Uploaded file number1)
8803 part2 (Uploaded file number2)
8806 part3 (Uploaded file number3)
8807 part4 (Uploaded file number4)
(the rest are omitted because of little importance)