> I am not the network engineer, so I can not personally renew the Bogon list.
> わたしゃネットワークエンジニアじゃないから自分でボゴンリストを更新はできまへん
> It is a list of IPs that are not visible.
> それは不可視にするIPのリストでおます
> There have been some network problems for some people. This could
> be the cause? Is that what you are saying Stinky-chan?
> 何人かがいくつかネットワークの問題があったけど、これが原因?
> Stinky-chan(ξ)が言うとるのはそのこと?
I do not understand which some problems show well,
but it will be the probably same problem
> I will make a ticket for the Network engineers at PIE to look into that.
> PIEのネットワークエンジニアが調査するためにチケットを手配するつもり
Is it a difficult problem? 難しいことだったの?
I want to help you, but I have neither the knowledge of the network nor the linguistic ability. zannen^^;
I hope that you and Network engineer solve the problem well, Jim-tan ^^b
Jimタソとネットワークエンジニアがうまいことやってくれるのを期待してまっせ ^^b