辛口ジンジャエール(ウィルキンソン風) by のぎへん [クックパッド] 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが40万品
生姜 小ぶりなミカン大1個 Sliced Ginger undersized tangerine large 1
唐辛子 1〜2本 Red pepper 1-2
砂糖 半カップ Sugar semi- cup (100cc)
はちみつ 半カップ Honey semi- cup(100cc)
クローブ(粉末) 少々 Clove(The powder) a little
シナモン(粉末) 少々 Cinnamon (the powder) a little
レモン 1個 1 lemons
Ginger and the red pepper are boiled by water cup 3-4 cup(600-800cc) and sugar and honey are taken.
Put a clove and cinnamon and, furthermore, boil it for approximately 15 minutes and cool it.
If there becomes little water, please add an appropriate amount.
*If it places overnight, an ingredient will come out more.
It filters, lemon juice is mixed and it is completion.
A proper quantity and ice is put into Grass and carbonated water is poured out.