
81 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/06 (月) 00:06:43 ID: LYvl4+Sq
Hello, I'm very busy...
83 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/06 (月) 00:23:00 ID: LYvl4+Sq
Cut it out regretting.
Face up, first of all. And talk how she was important in your life.
86 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/06 (月) 01:57:27 ID: LYvl4+Sq
Oh, that's good then.
I seriously worried if you missed the date with a girl important to you.
We're never satisfied at 100% and we wanna keep as high % as possible.
I never understand that though. This is just from one boy's voice. lol
88 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/06 (月) 02:19:45 ID: LYvl4+Sq
Yesterday, I did miss what date it was.
I even didn't realize what day it was. lol
90 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/01/06 (月) 03:15:16 ID: LYvl4+Sq
My Dutch friend said, "Why do you ask me the same thing so many times? Why don't you have a calendar?"
Although I have 3 calendars, I'm not willing to use them because their pics are beautiful
and once I decide on one of them, I have to use it, or I'm in trouble using all of them writing the same things.
I hope I'll see letters on my calendars on the end of this year.
BTW, do you think it makes any sense to check the calendar to know what date?
I guess once we lose interests in checking constantly, we'll be lost.