
592 : ξ ◆Or3.StInkY [sage] : 2009/02/25 (火) 04:21:35 ID: QxnBHx1L
どういたしまして Jim-chan ^^
I worry because he seems to hold work too much always.
595 : ξ ◆Or3.StInkY [sage] : 2009/02/25 (火) 06:13:57 ID: QxnBHx1L
Influence of ('A`)-san? > quit smokin

I am cutting down on my smoking.
However, I smoke in GARAM

いきが ものごっつい くさい です (´ー`)y─┛~~
597 : ξ ◆Or3.StInkY [sage] : 2009/02/25 (火) 07:01:29 ID: QxnBHx1L
"gram"。。。slang of pot?
I forgot old days へへ

If somewhere of the body is bad, I am irritated, too
I have heard that "the person who ate only meat became irritable".
Let's eat grain, the seafood, and the vegetable.
I love seafood.♥
599 : ξ ◆Or3.StInkY [sage] : 2009/02/25 (火) 08:19:47 ID: QxnBHx1L
I like ways of thinking of 「医食同源 (the medicine food same source)」 of the Chinese medicine.
The body of the person is made of food.
Please be careful your health.

Kampo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
医食同源 - Wikipedia
薬膳 - Wikipedia

Of course, the best one is a oppai pudding. へへ
600 : ξ ◆Or3.StInkY [sage] : 2009/02/25 (火) 10:53:15 ID: QxnBHx1L
The comics are the methods that are good to understand Japanese and Japanese culture

This is a wonderful lesbian love story, it was born from 2chVIP.
