
105 : ◆TWARamEjuA [sage] : 2009/01/07 (火) 16:28:04 ID: t+tqnruU
(´-`).。oO(Time after time...)
558 : 553 [sage] : 2009/02/19 (水) 17:26:47 ID: T/GPrgr/
Thanks for asking me.
Yes, some threads I meant are from those boards.
But I especially mean threads for male characters from comics/anime/video games.

For example:
"Male characters from Nintendo are sexy"
This is a thread definitely for male users, clearly mentioned that this is not
a 801 thread, but a thread where males love male characters.

"A thread of training a toilet and a sow"
Here, users regard male characters from ONE PIECE (comic/anime)
just as sexual objects.

There, the topics are the users' sexual dehavior on characters they like.
On the other hand, users who like Yaoi(801), mostly females,
talk about male characters' couples, Boy-1 and Boy-2 are making love.

And I must say that I mistook, I mean, I wanna new board, not a thread.

You are right, Shota(for little boys) and also Loli(for little girls) mean pedophilia.
My point is that I wanna these threads, where we talk about male characters
(whichever Shota or not) in sexual way, but not 801 like, to be gathered in one board.
564 : 558 [sage] : 2009/02/20 (木) 14:41:34 ID: T/GPrgr/
O.K. I'll discuss it there and try to be understood.
Thanks a lot for listening to me.

   ∧ ∧  
  ( ・ω・) Good Night!
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