
143 : ξ [sage] : 2009/01/09 (木) 02:09:54 ID: vO3pSlvn
Electric Buddha.....
It's fascinating, it's suspicious and the strange site.^^;
145 : ξ [sage] : 2009/01/09 (木) 02:41:39 ID: vO3pSlvn
Please peruse >>140 site.
"Welcome to Electric Buddha"

"ひろゆき is Electric Buddha" ? lol
That's very nice joke site^^;
154 : ξ [sage] : 2009/01/09 (木) 03:33:30 ID: vO3pSlvn
When it is a method of "snow hero", in case of me it is the "reed hero" or "good hero"^^;
(It's top secret, hehehe)

I'm "good hero". Yeaaaah :P
157 : ξ [sage] : 2009/01/09 (木) 03:54:55 ID: vO3pSlvn
158 : ξ [sage] : 2009/01/09 (木) 04:13:22 ID: vO3pSlvn
ほんと? うそ? わからない
I do not learn how to get to know truth.
But it is sure that it was reported by the mass communication

It is this to be anxious than it.
> Dailymotion - Ca fait mal au coeur gaza palastin 01/01/2009 choc, a video from sahsah83. falastin, libre, inchalah
> ttp://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/gaza/video/x7wcea_ca-fait-mal-au-coeur-gaza-palastin_news
> > http://wiredvision.jp/news/200901/2009010921.html
> > http://img1.wiredvision.jp/news/200901/2009010921-1.jpg

I cried knowing this news, TT
Probably neither is bad.
What each other is not going to understand is bad

I believe that the eroticism and music and other culture saves the world ^^b
159 : ξ [sage] : 2009/01/09 (木) 07:56:08 ID: vO3pSlvn
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163 : ξ [sage] : 2009/01/09 (木) 11:18:38 ID: vO3pSlvn
   _ノ⌒\_ノ     (;´・ω・)  >>162
 / ,__    ピシッガΣ(=====)
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