Hi JIM-san. We have argued about LocalRule-modification for solve a problem. And at last, we draw up the document for that after a month. If we reruest LolalRule-modification, should we introduct the document to this thread? or to under thread as in the past? ■PINK関連変更依頼総合スレ http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1218148723/
Okay i rewrote it in easy English... GO >>326 Hi JIM-san
We've discussed carefully how and whether to change the local rules to solve various problems. After a month of discussions, we've finally found common ground. Where should we post our request for changing the local rules? Should we post it on this thread, or on the following thread as in the past? ■PINK関連変更依頼総合スレ http://set.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1218148723/