
460 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/06/08 (日) 03:53:16 ID: QVIBmQ1M
"草生やす" = putting some "w" at the end of sentence. this "w" means "laugh."

But in Japan,
the more you use "w", the more you look unsmart.
461 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/06/08 (日) 03:55:53 ID: QVIBmQ1M

463 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2009/06/08 (日) 05:06:14 ID: QVIBmQ1M
> while ワロタw seems just more arkward in this community.
why do you think so?

I know what you mean, but "ワロスwwwwwwwwwwwwww",
seeing this makes me feel the same as when I see "it's so funny. lololololol. "
and I know many people who don't like those posts.
In my humble opinion, I think we shouldn't use too much "w" except in the "VIP Board".